Week 7 Discussion: Global and Environmental Health 

 Week 7 Discussion: Global and Environmental Health

Week 7 Discussion: Global and Environmental Health

Activity Learning Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Inspect the relationship between environment and global health (CO7).
2. Appraise global health problems considering WHO SDG’s as well as related epidemiological data (CO7).
Assignment Requirements
1. Locate a lay press article from a national newspaper, for example, from The New York Times, The Washington Post, or other national publication. The article should be no more than three (3) years old.
Locate an article on one of the following topics:
A. Sex trafficking
B. Environmental global health issue: For example, but not limited to: Safe water, sanitation, disasters, or oral health.


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2. Read over your chosen article and respond to the following:
o Provide a summary of your article. Include the name of the newspaper and author, as well as date of publication.
o Include data that supports the significance of the topic. For example, related deaths, health care costs, demographic information.
o During NR503, we have discussed the determinants of health, at-risk groups, social justice theory, outcomes, inter-professional collaboration, advocacy, and other concepts related to epidemiology and population health. How do the concepts addressed in NR503 relate to your article\’s topic? Provide definitions and examples in your writing.
o Integrate information from the World Health Organization and the SDG\’s.
3. A scholarly tone should be maintained throughout all posts. For reply posts, this includes the name of the person to whom you are responding as well as closure with your name.
4. A link to the article should be included as well as a reference list using current APA.
Resources: (If links do not work, please search using related terms/names below).
U.S. Office on Trafficking in Persons: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/otip Links to an external site.
Partners for Vulnerable Youth: Founded by National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners: https://www.napnappartners.org/content/provider-education Links to an external site.
WHO and SDG: https://www.who.int/health-topics/sustainable-development-goals#tab=tab_1 Links to an external site.
Kaiser Global Health Policy: https://www.kff.org/global-health-policy/ Links to an external site.
CDC and Global Health: https://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/index.html Links to an external site.
List of Newspapers in the US: https://www.infoplease.com/culture-entertainment/journalism-literature/top-100-newspapers-united-states


Week 7: Discussion-Global and Environmental Health Sample

The topic of interest in disasters, focusing on disasters. The article is in the New York Times, the title of the article is “Billion-dollar disasters.” The article’s author is Somini Sengupta and it was published on September 30th 2022. The article explores the damages caused by various disasters. The article explores the costliest disasters and they include were 11 storms, a drought 4 cyclones, and wildfire which all reached the billion-dollar threshold. All these can be attributed to climate changes. The costs of the disasters are rough estimates from property damage, hospital bills, and life lost. Other costs such as productivity loss which are long-term are also high despite being unaccounted for. The recent disaster, Hurricane Ian, almost reaches the threshold and researchers claim that human interference with the environment made of at least 10 times wetter and worse. In the past five years, there has been many disasters with magnitude such as Hurricanes Harvey, Maria, Florence, Irma and Michael.

Individuals nearing oceans, in lowlands, and near forests are more prone to these disasters. Income level and education are important factors in these disasters caused by climate change, and they have extensive effects on the health and quality of life for individuals (Azam & Awan, 2022) The article notes only 20% of the homeowners had not insured their homes, a percentage much lower fir those in rentals, making recovery very difficult (Sengupta, 2022). The SDG 13 calls for nations to take action to curb climate change through implementing statutes that regulate climate alterations and the acceptable air quality. Disasters cause deaths, maim individuals’ hence poor-quality life, lead to health problems (water borne diseases in floods). Weather-related disasters have cost the US over 1.79T since 1979, and cost the nation about $280 billion in 2021, killing 668 people and maiming others (Walsh, 2022). Some disasters such as drought have a bigger toll on human life and quality than property damage. Morganstein and Ursano (2020) note that people who lose property or loved ones are also at risk for developing mental health issues. Climate and health have a complex interplay, and climate changes should be curbed at the national level to prevent human life loss and other losses.


Azam, M., & Awan, A. M. (2022). Health is Wealth: A Dynamic SUR Approach of Examining a Link Between Climate Changes and Human Health Expenditures. Social Indicators Research, 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-022-02904-x

Morganstein, J. C., & Ursano, R. J. (2020). Ecological disasters and mental health: causes, consequences, and interventions. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 1.

Sengpta., S. (2022). Billion Dollar Disasters. New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/30/climate/hurricane-ian-damage-cost.html?searchResultPosition=1

Walsh, J., (2022). U.S. Natural Disasters Cost $145 Billion In 2021 — 3rd-Costliest Year On Record. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2022/01/10/us-natural-disasters-cost-145-billion-in-2021—3rd-costliest-year-on-record/?sh=2eeb13034606

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