Topic 8 Discussion 1& 2: Managing Labor

Topic 8 Discussion 1& 2: Managing Labor

Topic 8 Discussion 1& 2: Managing Labor

Managing Labor
DQ 1
Staffing models are effective in ensuring efficiency in nursing care in an institution. Nurse leaders and managers should ensure the awareness of their staffs to the staffing models being utilized in determining the resource needs in their organizations. One of the ways in which I will educate the staffs about the budgeted staffing model for their unit is collaborating with them. Collaboration is an important tool that enhances the transparency and visibility of institutional activities. It promotes improved outcomes in the implementation of change initiatives, as well as the understanding of the team about the vision, mission, and objectives of the adopted models of care (Atiku & Fapohunda, 2020). Through collaboration, I will focus on increasing their understanding of the budgeted model and its effectiveness in delivering the expected outcomes in the organization. The other strategy that I will adopt is having a consultative discussion with the staff members. The discussion increases their understanding of the need and use of the staffing model in achieving institutional outcomes.


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One of the most important factors to address in creating awareness among the staffs is the development of the model. The staffs should be informed about the indicators that informed the selection of the model and its effectiveness in addressing the needs of the organization. The other factor is the effect of the model on the staffs, safety, and quality of patient care. Accordingly, the model should underpin the realization of care outcomes that include increased provider and patient satisfaction, engagement, and cost efficiency in healthcare (Buckley et al., 2021). The consideration of the above factors is important in optimizing the effectiveness of the adopted staffing model.

Atiku, S. O., & Fapohunda, T. (2020). Human Resource Management Practices for Promoting Sustainability. IGI Global Publisher of Timely Knowledge.
Buckley, M. R., Wheeler, A. R., Baur, J. E., & Halbesleben, J. R. B. (2021). Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Achieving efficiency by using the allocated resources is important in achieving performance and enhanced productivity in an organization. However, nurse managers end up using more than the budgeted resources in some situations to ensure the realization of the care needs of the patients. In such situations, one of the strategies that I will implement to decrease the agency usage is matching the care needs of the patients with the abilities of the nurses. Matching the care needs of the patients with the abilities of the nurses will ensure efficient use of resources to optimize the outcomes of patient care (Werner, 2021). For example, I will assign the sickest patients to nurses with adept experience and knowledge in acute patient care to optimize resource utilization.
The second strategy would be adjusting the number of staffs needed in a shift based on the acuity needs of the patients. High acuity needs of the patients will result in the need to have more staffs and vice versa (McConnell, 2019). I will collaborate with departments that often experience an acute shortage of staffs. An example is the emergency department. The emergency department often experiences high influx of patients, which can be overwhelming for the existing staffs. Collaborating with such a department will ensure that the excessive staffs have the opportunity to provide their services there should there be low patient acuity in my department. The other department is the units designed for caring covid19 patients. Nurses involved in the care of covid19 patients often experience high workload that can lead to burnout among them. Therefore, collaborating with such a department will provide the staffs in my unit the opportunity to extend their services there in case of high acuity needs by covid19 patients.

McConnell, C. R. (2019). Human Resource Management in Health Care. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Werner, J. M. (2021). Human Resource Development: Talent Development. Cengage Learning.


This is for discussion question. Each discussion question must have at least 250 words and two references. Thank you.

Topic 8: Managing Labor


1. Analyze the importance of a staffing matrix.
2. Examine how nurse leaders can manage staffing matrix and labor hours in order to comply with guidelines.

Topic 8 DQ 1
You find that your staff is not aware of the budgeted staffing model for their nursing unit. How would you go about educating/informing your staff? What would the most important factors to address?

Topic 8 DQ 2
Your supervisor met with you and let you know you are over the budgeted dollars for agency nurses for your unit. What are some tactics you could implement to decrease agency usage? What departments in your health care facility could you partner with?

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