NUR 646E Nursing Education Seminar I Assignment

NUR 646E Nursing Education Seminar I Assignment

NUR 646E Nursing Education Seminar I Assignment

There has been a progressive increase in the prevalence of obesity cases (Ansari et al., 2020). This may be associated with increased health-seeking behavior of such patients for management of the condition and its associated complications. Bariatric patients often need medical, lifestyle modification and in some instances surgical interventions for the management of their condition (Andersen et al., 2019). Obesity has been associated with increased cardiovascular risks and many inpatient visits are a consequence of this (Jameson, 2018). Type 2 diabetes has been associated with obesity and the incidences are increasing. The management of obesity and its consequences require a multidisciplinary approach (Jameson, 2018). The increased risk of mortality in obese patients has been attributed to cardiovascular diseases and in some instances malignancies. There has been a steady rise in the incidences of childhood obesity and this has been attributed to sedentary lifestyles and diets (Kumar et al., 2018). Obesity needs to be managed to reduce health risks and improve health outcomes.


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Lesson Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

  1. Define obesity and its risk factors
  2. Define the complications and health risks of obesity
  3. Assess patients with obesity
  4. Understand the guidelines for the management of bariatric patients
  5. Identify the various interventions for the management of obesity
  6. Understand postoperative management after bariatric surgery
  7. Understand health promotion and education in bariatric patients

Time Frame and Target Environment

The target population for this lesson are the nurses in the medical-surgical department. The nurses are charged with the care of patients admitted for various conditions including surgery, general illnesses and also patients under observation. These nurses take care of acutely ill patients and patients suffering from various chronic illnesses within the medical-surgical unit. Additionally, their roles include but are not limited to; administering medications, educating patients and their relatives, acting as patient advocates, admitting patients, wound care, ordering patient investigations and imaging, documenting patient information and collaborating with other caregivers involved in patient care. 

The lesson will include one-hour sessions each day for one week. The time will be divided between theoretical aspects and practical sessions. This will take approximately 1 week to complete. 

Teaching Strategies and Activities

The teaching strategies are to be applied to the learning objectives. These strategies are evidence-based. These strategies meet the needs of the learners in the respective learning environment.

  1. Giving lectures

This includes teaching learners about the topics and material to be covered. The teacher presents himself/herself as having the required information that is needed by the learners. Here learners can take a passive role of listening to what is delivered by the teacher (Hartley et al., 2019). This may take the form of a closed-ended teaching approach as the participation of the learners may be minimal as this method is mostly teacher-centered. 

  1. Discussions

This method requires the active participation of learners. The teacher can present a given topic and the learners are given opportunities to contribute. This is a learner-centered approach and the teacher acts as a useful resource to the learners (Yun et al., 2020). The teacher can act as a moderator for these sessions and elaborate on areas where the learners encounter difficulties or have a difficult time understanding the various concepts. In this method, the teacher can be able to evaluate the understanding of the learners regarding the concepts to be covered. The teacher is also able to get the views of the students regarding the issues being discussed. 

  1. Demonstrations

The various forms of audiovisual presentations serve to break the monotony of lectures and passive learning making learning more practical. This can be in form of graphs, tables, pie charts, PowerPoint presentations and simulations. This method also acts to indulge learners in the presentation and improves their participation in the learning process (Horntvedt et al., 2018). The teacher can demonstrate various procedures and techniques that learners can adopt in their practice.

  1. Delegation

In this method, the learners may be given tasks to work on. They may have independent tasks or even take part in group work and group presentations (Yun et al., 2020). Learners can be given research projects to work on and then deliver the findings to the whole class. This also acts as a way to improve research and innovation skills.

Types of Assessments to be Used

  1. Asking the learners questions regarding the material discussed and taught

This can be applied to evaluate the understanding of the learners. Their performance in the questions can act as a gauge of what they understand and what might need further explanation to be understood (Yun et al., 2020). This is useful method to gauge learning outcomes and attainment of the stipulated objectives.

  1. Observing the learners perform taught skills and maneuvers.

This will enable the teacher to evaluate the skills of the learners and their performance level for taught maneuvers (Horntvedt et al., 2018). The teacher can then correct and offer further guidance on specific skills and maneuvers which may be vital in the assessment and management of patients. This is a practical method and is useful in reinforcing valuable skills.

  1. Giving assignments

The learners can be given various assignments regarding the material covered in class. This enables the teacher to evaluate the level of understanding and explore the areas which may need revisiting to ensure the concepts are understood (Yun et al., 2020). The assignments may be individual or group work. Group assignments may enable the teacher to identify how the learners can collaborate towards achieving common goals. It may also serve to help learners assist each other in understanding various concepts.

The Rationale for the Teaching Strategies and why they Differ

Teacher-centered teaching strategies such as giving lectures in classes are applied to provide information, skills and techniques to learners in areas where they have little to no knowledge (Hartley et al., 2019). Some skills and maneuvers require teaching and this is the approach that can equip students with them. Here the teacher takes an expert role and delivers specific knowledge to students (Yun et al., 2020). Interactive sessions are meant to involve students in the teaching process. These can be in the form of asking them questions and indulging them in group discussions. Here the teacher acts as a resource for information and fills in gaps to ensure the students have a better understanding. It may also act as a venue to teach skills and techniques which the students may not have grasped. Demonstrations act to better the understanding of students and offer additional explanations (Yun et al., 2020). Simulations may be used to teach certain maneuvers and techniques such as examination techniques and some procedures. visual presentations also make the teaching process interactive. Delegating tasks serves to empower learners and this promotes research skills (Horntvedt et al., 2018). It also acts to actively involve learners in the teaching process. It may be used by a teacher to assess the level of understanding of learners and inform the teacher of the gaps in the learning process. 

How the Teaching Strategies Meet the Needs of Diverse Learners in the Environment.

The learners can learn various skills and maneuvers through demonstrations and simulations. The teacher can act as a source of resourceful information and learners can seek clarification on areas in, which they have difficulties (Horntvedt et al., 2018). Some learners may require interactive sessions to get a better understanding of concepts and these learning strategies avails this. Moreover, group work can act as a useful resource for learners to discuss and this can improve their understanding (Yun et al., 2020). In-depth explanations by instructors may be valuable to learners who need elaboration to gain clarity of concepts. 


Andersen, D. K., Billiar, T. R., F Charles Brunicardi, Dunn, D. L., Hunter, J. G., Kao, L. S., Matthews, J. B., & Pollock, R. E. (2019). Schwartz’s principles of surgery. Mcgraw-Hill.

Ansari, S., Haboubi, H., & Haboubi, N. (2020). Adult obesity complications: challenges and clinical impact. Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 11, 204201882093495.

Hartley, L. M., Ferrara, M. J., Handelsman, M. M., Rutebemberwa, A., & Wefes, I. (2019). Principles and Strategies for Effective Teaching: A Workshop for Pre- and Postdoctoral Trainees in the Biomedical Sciences †. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 20(3).

Horntvedt, M.-E. T., Nordsteien, A., Fermann, T., & Severinsson, E. (2018). Strategies for teaching evidence-based practice in nursing education: A thematic literature review. BMC Medical Education, 18(1), 1–11.

Jameson, J. L. (2018). Harrison’s principles of internal medicine (20th ed.). New York Mcgraw-Hill Education.

Kumar, V., Abbas, A. K., Aster, J. C., & Perkins, J. A. (2018). Robbins Basic Pathology (10th ed.). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Elsevier.

Yun, B., Su, Q., Cai, Y.-T., Chen, L., Qu, C.-R., & Han, L. (2020). The effectiveness of different teaching methods on medical or nursing students. Medicine, 99(40), e21668.


As a nurse educator, you will be responsible for creating effective lessons for various settings. Choose a teaching and learning experience from your clinical setting.
Based on the experience you chose, use the engagement, student learning, and creating effective learning environment strategies that you have learned in this course to develop a lesson plan on similar content for two additional settings (such as an asynchronous online session and teaching a nursing student in the clinical setting, etc.

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