NUR-550 Topic 3 Discussion Question 1: Discuss the ethical guidelines that would need to be implemented when conducting translational research

NUR-550 Topic 3 Discussion Question 1: Discuss the ethical guidelines that would need to be implemented when conducting translational research

NUR-550 Topic 3 Discussion Question 1: Discuss the ethical guidelines that would need to be implemented when conducting translational research

Topic 3 DQ 1

Assessment Description

Discuss the ethical guidelines that would need to be implemented when conducting translational research. What are the ethical and legal considerations related to translating research into practice? Discuss what steps you would take as a member of a translational research team in order to establish ethical guidelines for conducting translational research.


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NUR-550 Topic 3 Discussion Question 1: Discuss the ethical guidelines that would need to be implemented when conducting translational research Sample

Topic 3 DQ 1

Scientists engage continuously in studies related to human health. However, these scientific discovery are only beneficial to patients and other stakeholders in in healthcare when they are adopted into practice. For instance, they may be implemented in the clinical setting, development of policies, and public health among other areas. The process of translating these research into the more meaningful form is known as translational research. It involves the development of a new intervention, evaluating the effectiveness of the interventions, and implementing the needed system-wide changes (Naito & Kawaguchi, 2022). According to De Maria Marchiano et al. (2021), translational research has been used in biomedicine since the 1990s. This discussion looks into the ethical and legal issues in translational research.

Some of the ethical guidelines for translational research include the principle of informed consent, risk minimization, and social injustice (Naito & Kawaguchi, 2022). Informed consent implies that the participants in the study must be provided with all available information before they give their permission to participate before being enrolled for the research. Risk minimization, on the other hand, implies that the researchers would ensure that the risks are minimized to reduce any undesirable outcomes to the participants. Lastly, social justice is the principle that requires researchers to provide equal opportunities and rights to all members of the society (Kimberly, 2019). Researchers must also consider the legal issues such as the intellectual properties of the original researchers and legal guidelines for the protection of privacy of participants.

There are various steps that members of a translational research team could in order to establish ethical guidelines for conducting translational research. The first step that I would follow would be to identify all the stakeholders in the study. The process would allow the team to identify the ethical and legal considerations that would affect each stakeholders. Next, I would list all the issues under each class of stakeholder. Then, I would use a checklist to ensure that all issues are considered during the translational research. Finally, I would ensure that the research is reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) before commencing to ensure that it meets all the ethical and legal requirements.



De Maria Marchiano, R., Di Sante, G., Piro, G., Carbone, C., Tortora, G., Boldrini, L., Pietragalla, A., Daniele, G., Tredicine, M., Cesario, A., Valentini, V., Gallo, D., Babini, G., D’Oria, M., & Scambia, G. (2021). Translational research in the era of precision medicine: Where we are and where we will go. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 11(3), 216.

Kimberly, R. P. (2019). Translational Research—For the Individual and the Community. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved, 30(4 Suppl), 79.

Naito, Y., & Kawaguchi, M. (2022). Basic principles of translational research. Perioperative Neuroscience, 7–23.

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