NR 361 Week 5 Discussion: Writing Workshop: Introduction, One Body, Conclusion Paragraph

NR 361 Week 5 Discussion: Writing Workshop: Introduction, One Body, Conclusion Paragraph

NR 361 Week 5 Discussion: Writing Workshop: Introduction, One Body, Conclusion Paragraph

Introduction, One Body, Conclusion Paragraph

Writing Workshop

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Week 5 Explore Topics

Week 5 Introduction, One Body, and Conclusion Paragraphs

Week 5 Peer Review Worksheet

Links to an external site.

Initial Post Instructions

Part 1: By Tuesday Night, Share Your Writing as Your Initial Post

In writing workshops, you will be asked to share, as your first post, a specific piece of writing you are working on at the time, along with some comments or adjustments, depending on the assignment. This week, the piece of writing is your Week 4 Assignment: Introduction, One Body Paragraph, and Conclusion.


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Please post your writing from Week 4 Introduction, One Body, and Conclusion Paragraphs and use the sample completed items in that worksheet for guidance.

Make an initial post with your essay attached. In your initial post, please ask at least one question for your reviewer to answer. For example, are you unsure about the strength of your thesis statement? Or you might ask your peer for ideas for details within body paragraphs.

Keep in mind that next week, you will submit a full draft of your Argument Research Essay to your instructor for grading and feedback during Week 6.

*Copying from your classmates’ posts or replies in any way, on any item will be considered plagiarism and will be handled as such. Your instructor may, at any time, check anything you post in workshops for plagiarism by submitting it to Turnitin.

Peer Review Post Instructions

Part 2: By Saturday Night, Complete One Full Peer Review for a Classmate

Choose one classmate who has made their initial post and who does not already have a peer review. Read their question for you in the post, then open their attachment of their Introduction, One Body and Conclusion paragraphs.

Download and complete the Peer Review Worksheet. Complete all tasks with substance (more than just “yes” or “no”).

Reply to your classmate’s initial post and attach the Peer Review Worksheet you completed over their writing.

Your peer review is worth 50% of your grade for this writing workshop; please do your best!

Continue the Conversation Post Instructions

Part 3: By Sunday Night, Continue the Conversation

In addition to making your own initial post and finishing a peer review for one classmate, you must also continue the conversation by making at least 1 additional post of at least 3 full sentences in length. This post may do any of the following:

Respond (kindly) to one of the peer reviews classmates have given you.

Respond (kindly) to any questions your classmate may have for you about the peer review you completed.

Respond (kindly) to a classmate you did not previously review, with some brief comments about their writing.

Please see some sample Continue the Conversation posts

Links to an external site. here.

Writing Requirements

Minimum of 3 posts total:

1 Initial Post with Week 4 Introduction, One Body, and Conclusion Paragraphs (Due Tuesday)

1 Peer review post with completed Peer Review Worksheet (Due Saturday)

1 minimum Continue the Conversation post of at least 3 sentences (Due by Sunday)


Review the rubric in Canvas to make sure you are completing all required items.

Course Outcomes

1, 2, 3, 4


Writing Workshop Rubric

Writing Workshop Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Initial Post
15 ptsThe student makes an initial post that includes all or most items required in the writing workshop instructions but may be missing 1 or 2 items. (14-15 point range) 13 ptsThe student makes an initial post that includes many of the required items in the writing workshop instructions. Multiple required items (more than 2) may be missing in the main post. (12-13 point range) 11 ptsThe student makes an initial post that includes some of the items required in the writing workshop instructions. Most required items may be missing (4 or more) in the main post. (1-11 point range) 0 ptsSelect this category only if no initial post is present.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Peer Review Post
20 ptsThe student posts a peer review for a classmate by replying to the classmate’s initial post. The review is either nearly or fully completed according to instructions, missing no more than 2 required “tasks.” (19-20 point range) 18 ptsThe student posts a peer review for a classmate by replying to the classmate’s initial post. More than 2 required “tasks” may be missing in the peer review. (17-18 point range) 16 ptsThe student posts a peer review for a classmate by replying to the classmate’s initial post. Many to nearly all required items may be missing in the peer review (4 or more missing “tasks”). (1-16 point range) 0 ptsSelect this category only if no peer review is posted.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Continuing the Conversation Post(s)
5 ptsThe student completes at least 1 post that continues the conversation after peer reviews have been posted. The “continuing the conversation” post is completed according instructions and is at least 3 sentences in length. 4 ptsThe student completes at least 1 post that continues the conversation after peer reviews have been posted. The post may be noticeably lacking in length (only 2 sentences in length) and substance. 3 ptsThe student completes at least 1 post that continues the conversation after peer reviews have been posted. The post is very brief and lacking in substance (only 1 sentence or less). 0 ptsSelect this category only if no “continuing the conversation” posts were completed.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Late Deduction (Manually deduct from score)
0 pts0-1 day late: No point deduction 0 pts2 days late: 1 point deduction 0 pts3 days late: 2 point deduction 0 pts4 or more days late: 3 point deduction
0 pts
Total Points: 40

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