Discussion 1: Topic 6 Role Of Research And Research Process For Advanced Registered Nurse/NUR-513
Discussion 1: Topic 6 Role Of Research And Research Process For Advanced Registered Nurse/NUR-513
Topic 6 DQ 1
Assessment Description
Review the evidence-based practice project ideas you described in Topic 5 DQ 1. Based on your initial ideas, what types of scholarly nursing research (such as quantitative or qualitative research, peer-reviewed resources, etc.) would be required to further investigate the issue? Select an article related to your topic. Identify the criteria you would use based on the CRAAP test to evaluate the appropriateness of the research. Why is it important to select research that meets these criteria? Evaluate the “CRAAP Test” article from the New Jersey Institute of Technology Library, located in the topic Resources. Explain the five criteria as they relate to your selected article.
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Topic 6 DQ 1
Nursing leadership is crucial in informing patient healthcare decisions during medication administration. The decision-making approach needs to be anchored on evidence-based studies on medical errors in clinical practice. Evidence-based practice (EBP) has been established to be extremely effective in managing vital domains of healthcare. As such, EBP is likely to assist in restructuring the medication administration, thus, ensuring a more sound process of providing medication and minimizing the risk of medication errors. Nurses are required to apply appropriate procedures for the administration of medications to protect patients against medication errors. Currently, there is a need to include nurses in leadership and policy development due to their immense positive influence on quality indicators in healthcare (Nurmeksela et al., 2022).
The type of scholarly nursing research that would be required to further investigate the issue of medication errors is qualitative research. Qualitative research connotes research that can be correctly and accurately quantified. A quantitative method of addressing this issue would be an assessment of statistical data concerning the involvement of nurses in the reduction of medication errors (Cho & Trent, 2020). A thorough analysis of articles about the mitigation of medication errors can help in narrowing down appropriate data on the best nursing leadership approach to implement to reduce medication errors in clinical practice. The selected article relating to the topic is by Savva et al., (2022).
The CRAAP test is a contraction for Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose (Lowe et al., 2021). The CRAAP test applies to the selected article. Concerning currency, the article was published in 2022 and the contents are up to date. Regarding relevance, the purpose of the study is relevant to my topic on medication errors and also provides answers to my investigation. The authority entails the authors of the article. Regarding accuracy, the article is accurate because it is anchored on research and other studies. It is also supported by proof. The purpose of the article is to inform and teach the readers.
Cho, J., & Trent, A. (2020). Evaluating qualitative research 2.0. In The Oxford handbook of qualitative research (pp. 1094-1122). Oxford University Press.
Lowe, M. S., Macy, K. V., Murphy, E., & Kani, J. (2021). Questioning CRAAP: A comparison of source evaluation methods with first-year undergraduate students. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 21(3). https://doi.org/10.14434/josotl.v21i3.30744
Nurmeksela, A., Mikkonen, S., Kinnunen, J., & Kvist, T. (2021). Relationships between nurse managers’ work activities, nurses’ job satisfaction, patient satisfaction, and medication errors at the unit level: A correlational study. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-021-06288-5
Savva, G., Papastavrou, E., Charalambous, A., Vryonides, S., & Merkouris, A. (2022). Exploring Nurses’ Perceptions of Medication Error Risk Factors: Findings From a Sequential Qualitative Study. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 9, 23333936221094857. Doi: 10.1177/2333393622109485