Patients and healthcare providers Discussion

Patients and healthcare providers Discussion

Patients and healthcare providers Discussion

Over time, the involvement of a patient regarding their own healthcare has increased significantly. Patient’s take on a bigger role in decision making for themselves and being responsible for their own health-related outcomes. By including the patient in their own healthcare, there tends to be a higher rate of adherence, and more optimal health outcomes.
Previous practices disregarded patient autonomy in some circumstances. Patients used to be viewed as passive recipients of healthcare (Stone, 1979). Patients were minimally involved in their own healthcare plans, and decision making was aimed more towards healthcare professionals.
Luckily now, patients are able to make decisions, ask questions, and request specific cares & treatment options. A patient-centered approach is used widely across the United States, resulting in increased patient autonomy. “In patient-centered care, an individual’s specific health needs and desired health outcomes are the driving force behind all health care decisions and quality measurements” (NEJM, 2017). Patients and healthcare professionals collaborate together to create optimal health related outcomes and/or what the patient feels is best for them.
Another benefit to patients having a bigger voice regarding their healthcare outcomes, is that care can also be focused on physical comfort as well as emotional well-being (NEJM, 2017). In today’s healthcare world, you are able to see some patients choosing comfort, rather than prolonging the inevitable. Patient’s values, culture, and socioeconomic conditions are respected and incorporated into their healthcare plan and treatment options.
Patients are not the only benefited party with this patient-centered care approach. Healthcare systems are also benefiting in a variety of ways including improved satisfaction scores among patients and their families, enhanced reputation of providers among health care consumers, better morale and productivity among clinicians and ancillary staff, improved resources allocation, and reduced expenses and increased financial margins throughout the continuum of care (NEJM, 2017).

NEJM. (2017, January 1). What Is Patient-Centered Care? NEJM Catalyst.
Stone, G. C. (1979). Patient Compliance and the Role of the Expert. Journal of Social Issues, 35(1)m 34-59.

Irina Mykhaylichenko
1 posts
Re: Topic 4 DQ 1

Vahdat et al (2014) say that in the past physicians and other doctors made all decisions for their patients regarding their treatment. They planed the care, prescribed medications and treatment, and “the patient would either comply or not.” The 21th century is the “enlightened era” of patients’ care, and many health providers find choices to involve patients in their treatment and accept patients’ decision about such treatment (Vahdat et al 2014). This is a collaborative process.
Vahdat et al (2014) write “Patient participation means involvement of the patient in decision making or expressing opinions about different treatment methods.” Here are included sharing of the information and patients’ choices and approval of these choices. In most cases such model is associated with the doctor-patients relationship, recognition and acceptance of patients’ knowledge, also such factors as the cognitive abilities of the patients to understand the physical and mental processes in their bodies, the explanation of their health condition etc. However, for implementation of everything written above it is needed to accept patients’ beliefs, values, customs and traditions. Here works such principle of bioethics as the rights for autonomy that is a control of own decisions making. It means that the patients have rights to ask for such kind of care from the healthcare provider that is comfortable for them in keeping their autonomy.
The best choice in the modern civilization consists of the involvement of all patients in their treatment. This is better to do in such way as to engage the patients in the evaluation of their health condition by giving them the explanation of the significance of their participation in the particular processes. Based on such facts it is required to pay attention to the patients’ individualization that is the level of education, emotional patterns, traits of the personality etc. The different patients have various qualities that separate them from each other. Such processes should be associated with patients’ independence (autonomy) that is their options to choose the healthcare providers which they consider are best for them, hospitals, the way of treatment etc. In implementation of such details it is possible to provide the opportunities to make an increasingly meaningful contribution in increasing patients’ knowledge about th eir health condition which will motivate them to the best change in their lifestyles, diet, physical activities and etc.
References Patients and healthcare providers Discussion
Vahdat, S., Hamzehgardeshi, L., Hessam, S., Hamzehgardeshi, Z. (2014). Patient Involvement
in Health Care Decision Making: A Review. Retrieved from

Donna Reamer
1 posts
Re: Topic 4 DQ 1

In the past, patients have looked to their primary care physician to direct their care. With the Affordable Care Act basing payment on patient outcomes and satisfaction, health providers are encouraging patients to become more involved in their own care (Sherman, 2014).
The internet has enticed patients to become more involved in their own health. A patient googling his diagnosis is a sign of patient engagement (Sherman, 2014).
In today’s economy, more and more families are sharing a residence, often several generations under one roof. Family interest can help the patient in managing his own health.

Getting patients involved in their own care will improve outcomes and reduce health care costs (Sherman, 2014).

Sherman, R. (2014). The patient engagement imperative. My American Nurse. Retrieved fro

Megan Ring
1 posts
Re: Topic 4 DQ 2

Negotiation is described as conferring with another in order to reach a compromise (Falvo, 2011). Negotiation seems somewhat odd when it comes to patient education. When a patient seeks health-related treatment, one would assume that they are willing to take the healthcare professionals advice and comply with all recommendations given. This, however, is not always the case. Some patients have been known to withhold necessary information about their inability or unwillingness to follow the recommendations or may never be given the opportunity to express their concerns (Falvo, 2011). Patients and healthcare providers Discussion
Negotiation becomes a slippery slope, as patients might choose what is best for their own optimal health-related outcomes. Some healthcare professionals believe that allowing negotiation can make patient education less effective (Falvo, 2011). Healthcare professionals may struggle with this, as they expect patients to follow their recommendations. Overall, negotiation needs to be viewed as collaborative work between the patient and healthcare professional, in order to problem solve and to come to a mutual agreement in order to promote patient adherence and optimal health outcomes.
In today’s healthcare setting, “physicians share decision-making with their patients, because patients must navigate careers, families, time constraints, and other realities” (Orchard, 2015). Healthcare professionals must work with their patients to create effective and individualized treatments, otherwise it will be likely that patients will become nonadherent.

Falvo, D. R. (2011). Effective Patient Education: A Guide to Increased Adherence. (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Retrieved from:
Orchard, C. (2017, February 2). Negotiating and Communicating With Patients. Executive and Continuing Professional Education.

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