NURS540 Week 6 Research Proposal Project Data Analysis Plan

NURS540 Week 6 Research Proposal Project Data Analysis Plan

NURS540 Week 6 Research Proposal Project Data Analysis Plan

Data Analysis Plan

For this section of your research proposal assignment, you will carefully design a plan for analyzing your quantitative data. Explain in detail how you will go about analyzing your data. Be sure to:

Include definitions of all variables

Identify your null hypothesis and research hypothesis

Include the type of analysis to be conducted (correlation, t-test, confidence interval, regression, ANOVA, ANCOVA, etc.)

Explain why this type of analysis is most appropriate for your research

Identify the significance level (typically set to .05, but may be set to .01 or .10)

Explain what results you are looking for in your quantitative study (how will you know if you will accept or reject your null and research hypothesis?)

, references, and citations are required.

Your research project data analysis plan should be included as part of your final submission for your research proposal project in week 7 and your research proposal presentation in week 8. Use the feedback you receive from your instructor on your data analysis plan to modify and improve before submission of your final project in weeks 7 and 8.

NURS540 Week 7 Research Proposal Project Final

All components of this project have been completed in previous weeks, so your final research proposal project paper should be cohesive, polished, and incorporate feedback from your instructor from the previous weeks. Your research proposal should be between 10 and 15 pages. Follow proper APA format and style and include a cover page, reference page, and any applicable tables or appendices. Your research proposal should have a nursing theoretical foundation.

Your research proposal must include the following sections:

Background and rationale for the study

Review of the relevant literature

Design and methodology

You must include the following components:

Section One: Introduction

The research proposal should:

Start with a statement of the problem and objective for the study, which articulates the main objectives that the study desires to achieve.

Include a description of the theoretical framework to be utilized and a rationale for choosing a framework.

Describe the significance and relevance of the problem. Why is this particular study needed? How will findings contribute to the field of advanced practice nursing? Why is this research needed?

Section Two: Literature Review

The literature review should:

Be a synthesis of the major concepts from recently published research findings.

Be organized by themes and not just a report about what each author discovered in his or her research findings.

Identify no fewer than six relevant research articles.

Synthesize the literature in relation to where the study fits within the context of the proposed study.

Section Three: Design and Methodology

In this section, what is to be done, and who, what, how, and where are all to be included in your proposal. The methods should be relevant to the question that is to be answered as a result of the research study. There should be information included about the study design, the setting and sample, data collection methods, and data collection analysis procedures. Ethical considerations should also be addressed in this area. Limitations and a plan for communicating the research findings should also be included in this section.

All critical elements of design and methods should be detailed, including:

Definitions of the variables

Identification of the population and sample

Procedures for sampling

Processes for obtaining consent to do the study

Informed consent form to be given to research participants

Data collection procedures

A clearly stated method of data analysis

An explanation on why your data analysis method is appropriate for your research

Issues related to validity and reliability

Ethical considerations (including plans for the protection of human subjects as appropriate)

NURS540 Case Study Part II It has been two hours since the onset of Ms. Larsen’s symptoms when you receive a report from the ER on a CVA victim who will be arriving shortly to your eight-bed step-down unit for further management and monitoring. Ms. Larsen and her daughter arrived to your unit, and you now assume care of Ms. Larsen

NUR 540 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric

In this milestone, you will continue to evaluate Ms. Larsen to make appropriate clinical decisions. You will also make assessments on patient-care technologies and diagnostic testing and describe treatment options for this case.

Case Study Part II

It has been two hours since the onset of Ms. Larsen’s symptoms when you receive a report from the ER on a CVA victim who will be arriving shortly to your eight-bed step-down unit for further management and monitoring. Ms. Larsen and her daughter arrived to your unit, and you now assume care of Ms. Larsen.

Vital signs upon arrival: BP: 148/88 L arm, Pulse: 118 irregular, RR: 18, Temp: 38.0°C oral.
Ms. Larsen is placed on the telemetry monitor in the step-down unit, and the monitor shows this reading:

Atrial Fibrillation (Burns, 2011)

You further receive the following diagnostic results:

Relevant lab values (assume all other lab values are normal): Na+ = 132 mEq/L, K+ = 6.4 mEq/L, Glucose = 158 (fasting), BUN = 32 mg/dL, Cr = 2.8, Hgb =
11.5 g/dL, HCT = 32.8%, Total Cholesterol = 248 mg/dL, LDL = 160 mg/dL, HDL= 25 mg/dL, Triglycerides = 186 mg/dL.
Other relevant diagnostic tests: Chest x-ray: lungs clear, tortuous aorta, cardiomegaly.
Non-contrast head CAT: No abnormalities, no mass, no bleed, no shift present.

EKG is as follows:

F with Rapid Ventricular Response (Burns, 2012)
EKG read by cardiology as: Atrial fibrillation (AF) with rapid ventricular response at a rate ~135 beats per minute (bpm). Coarse fibrillatory waves in V1.
Additional diagnostic tests must be performed using the appropriate patient-care technologies. You now take on the role of the graduate nurse to make appropriate clinical decisions. You will also make assessments on patient-care technologies and diagnostic testing, and describe treatment options for this case.


Burns, E. (2011). Atrial fibrillation. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Retrieved from

Burns, E. (2012). AF with rapid ventricular response. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Retrieved from

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

III. Clinical Decision Making

A. Explain the rationale for the patient’s physical symptoms and what you would expect to assess in clients with a similar past medical history who experience a cerebrovascular accident.

B. Describe the etiology and risk factors associated with this case that are relevant to your treatment decisions in promoting patient outcomes.

Provide rationale for your decisions.

IV. Technology and Treatment

A. Based on your clinical decision making, assess patient-care technologies that are appropriate for diagnostic testing and assessments for this case. Provide justification for your recommendations.
B. Explain the pathophysiological basis and clinical manifestations associated with this case, and how they may be explained by changes in the diagnostic tests. Support your claims with specific evidence.

C. Based on your rationale for the patient’s physical symptoms, assess the extent to which clinical manifestations of your selected case affect multiple body systems. Support your answer with specific evidence.

D. Describe the usual treatment(s) and expected effects of such treatment(s) for cases of this nature. Include the initial treatment(s) for health promotion, and the role of technology once the patient is stabilized to prepare for discharge.


Guidelines for Submission: This milestone must be 2–3 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references should be cited in APA format.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Clinical Decision

Making: Rationale

Explains the rationale for the patient’s physical symptoms and what one would expect to assess in clients with a similar past medical history who experience a cerebrovascular accident

Explains the rationale for the patient’s physical symptoms and what one would expect to assess in clients with a similar past medical history who experience a cerebrovascular accident, but explanation is cursory or illogical or contains inaccuracies

Does not explain the rationale for the patient’s physical symptoms or what one would expect to assess in clients with a similar past medical history


Clinical Decision

Making: Etiology and Risk Factors

Describes the etiology and risk factors associated with this case that are relevant to the treatment decisions in promoting patient outcomes, including rationale for the decisions

Describes the etiology and risk factors associated with this case that are relevant to the treatment decisions in promoting patient outcomes, but description is cursory, contains inaccuracies, or does not
include rationale for the decisions

Does not describe the etiology and risk factors associated with this case that are relevant to the treatment decisions

Technology and Treatment: Diagnostic

Testing and Assessments

Assesses patient-care technologies that are appropriate for diagnostic testing and assessments, including justification for the recommendations

Assesses patient-care technologies that are appropriate for diagnostic testing and assessments, but assessment is cursory, contains inaccuracies, or does not include justification for the recommendations

Does not assess patient-care technologies that are appropriate for diagnostic testing and assessments

Technology and Treatment:

Pathophysiological Basis

Explains the pathophysiological basis and clinical manifestations associated with this case, and how they may be explained by changes in the diagnostic tests, including specific evidence to support the claims
Explains the pathophysiological basis and clinical manifestations associated with this case, and how they may be explained by changes in the diagnostic tests, but explanation is cursory or illogical or contains inaccuracies

Does not explain the pathophysiological basis or clinical manifestations associated with this case

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Technology and Treatment: Clinical Manifestations

Assesses the extent to which clinical manifestations of the selected case affect multiple body systems, including specific evidence to support the claims

Assesses the extent to which clinical manifestations of the selected case affect multiple body systems, but assessment is cursory, contains inaccuracies, or does not include evidence supporting claims

Does not assess the extent to which clinical manifestations of the selected case affect multiple body systems

Technology and Treatment:


Describes the usual treatment(s) and expected effects of such treatment(s) for cases of this nature, including the initial treatment(s) for health promotion, and the role of technology once the patient is
stabilized to prepare for discharge

Describes the usual treatment(s) and expected effects of such treatment(s) for cases of this nature, including the initial treatment(s) for health promotion, and the role of technology once the patient is
stabilized to prepare for discharge, but description is cursory or contains inaccuracies

Does not describe the usual treatment(s) and expected effects of such treatment(s) for cases of this nature, the initial treatment(s) for health promotion, or the role of technology once the patient is
stabilized to prepare for discharge

Articulation of Response

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas

Total 100%

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