Neuron Transmission Disease Paper

Neuron Transmission Disease Paper

Neuron Transmission Disease Paper

The topic for the written, thematic paper (500-1,000 words) is self-chosen and should involve the application of the physiological knowledge gained in BIO 336 to a pertinent current event. Specifically, in the 500 to 1,000 words you should summarize the chosen article and relate it to knowledge gained in class. Examples of the paper are available on the class Blackboard page.The thematic paper is due by July 6th

i will provide the key words to help you have an idea what we discussed in class in order to choose a topic related to it

i also provided an example below

look at the second example that start with

using artificial endocrine to see hoe the format should be

first you have to summurise and talk about the case and at the end relate it to the topics or knowledge disccused in class

Introduction-Membrane Potential Class 1 Cell Membrane Phosphate Lipid Phospholipid bilayer Integral protein Gate Pump Receptor Hydrophobic Hydrophilic Extracellular (ECF) Intracellular (ICF) Sodium (Na+) Natrium Kalium Hyperkalemia Agonist K+ leak channel mmol/L Polarized Dinitrophenol (DNP) Enzyme Na+/K+ ATPase antagonist hyponatremia potassium (K+) Ion Cation Anion Hodgkin-Huxley Resting membrane potential Diffusion Voltmeter millivolt Adenosine triphosphate Na+/K+ pump Giant axon of the squid Intracellular proteins Electro-chemical equilibrium Action Potential-Conduction Class 2 Action potential conotoxin Polarized Bufotoxin Depolarized Threshold upper motor neuron Overshoot lower motor neuron Millisecond homunculus Refractory period Voltage gated Na+ channel (VGNa+C) VGK+C Saltatory conduction Lidocaine longitudinal fissure Tetrodotoxin (TTX) right and left hemisphere Myelin Schwann cells Nodes of Ranvier oligodendrocytes Axon collaterals Dendrite Guillain-Barre Terminal button neocortex Conduction velocity dorsal horn Heavy metal poisoning ventral horn Diphtheria corticospinal tract Multiple sclerosis Cranial nerves Fugu brainstem Spinal nerves Cervical (C1-C8) Thoracic (T1-T12) Lumbar (L1-L5) Sacral (S1-S5) Phrenic nerve Biceps Coccygeal (L1-L5) midbrain pons medulla arm musculature leg musculature motor cortex central sulcus precental gyrus Homunculus neuron Latrotoxin Oculomotor nerve CN III Facial nerve CN VII Hypoglossal nerve CN XII upper and lower motor Synaptic Transmission Class 3 Cell body Axon Axon hillock Terminal button Neuron Synapse Vesicle Neurotransmitter Acetylcholine Neuromuscular junction Motor end plate Motor cortex Motor neuron Descending tract Docking Calcium (Ca++) Decussation Sarcolemma Curare Cholinesterase Spinal nerves Cervical (C1-C8) Thoracic (T1-T12) Lumbar (L1-L5) Sacral (S1-S5) Phrenic nerve Biceps Gastrocnemius Coccygeal (C0) White matter Cortico-spinal tract Afferent Ipsilateral Corona radiata Homunculus upper motor nerve lower motor nerve amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) polio paraplegia quadriplegia spinal cord injury (SCI) white matter gray matter exocytosis heavy metal poisoning Mad Hatter’s syndrome collaterals synaptotagmin V SNARES T SNARES clostridium botulinum Botox spasmodic paralysis flaccid paralysis black widow spider venon alpha bungarotoxin banded krait cauda equina basal lamina Schwann cell oligodendrocytes dorsal ventral gray matter Spino-thalamic tract contralateral medulla hemisphere internal capsule Central sulcus Cerebral peduncles Basal nuclei efferent pyramids Paraplegia Quadriplegia Monoplegia Ischemic stroke CAT scan tPA embolism polio thalamus hemiplegia corticospinal tract hemorrhagic stroke hyperdense thrombolytic aneurysm amyotrophic lateral sclerosis internal carotid artery middle cerebral artery anterior cerebral artery posterior cerebral artery occipital lobe vertebral arteries Wernicke’s aphasia basilar artery Contralateral hemianopia contralateral hemineglect Cerebral blood flow crossed deficits Thrombus face asymmetry Embolus tongue deviation Ischemic stroke CT scan Hemorrhagic stroke Broca’s aphasia tPA Hounsfield units monoplegia hyperdense Lambert Eaton hypodense Ptosis mydriasis


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