Assignment: Sociologic Sciences Interactive Case Study

Assignment: Sociologic Sciences Interactive Case Study

Assignment: Sociologic Sciences Interactive Case Study

Sociologic Sciences Interactive Case Study

Each time you have completed a case study, submit your reflection. Each reflection should include the following:
• A comparison of what you have learned from the case study to related theories you have studied. Make sure to cite these theories in APA format.
• A comparison of the case study to your nursing practice, giving one or two examples from your nursing experience in which you might have applied a particular theory covered.
– Your reflection should be a minimum of five to six paragraphs.


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– THEORIES TO DISCUSS: Conflict Theory, and Role Theory: Role Behavior

Case Study:
Natalie Kazakova is a Russian immigrant that has recently graduated with a master’s degree in nursing and holds a bachelor’s degree in engineering back home in Russia. She has recently started working at a local community hospital in the ICU. A few weeks after the end of her training at the new job she finds herself questioning if she made the right decision in becoming a nurse. She finds it hard to go in to work as she is feeling insecure and unsure of her abilities. She meets two other nurses both is about 10 years of experience. The two nurses are negative and rude to her asking her questions like “what did you learn at that university anyway? I thought you had a master’s degree?”. Natalie is experiencing Conflict Theory. As noted in the text, conflict is often grounded in issues of power/ authority and domination/subjugation (P.289). The two nurse colleagues are struggling to hold on to their positions of power related to their experience because they are probably threatened by Natalie’s advanced degree.
Natalie discusses the issue with one of her professors. Her professor offers the following recommendations:
• Don’t do anything at this point. This is normal behavior for other nurses dealing with a novice. Time will prove your readiness.
• Review the conflict theory and try to think of the other experienced nurses’ perspective. Again, time will prove your readiness.
• Speak up and now remind the other nurses that you are a brand new RN and will have a learning period.
Natalie recognizes the issues of role behavior and role incongruity (p.287) and seeks out one of her professors to discuss these. The professor reminds her that this is a normal process and that she needs to give herself some time to learn her position (the professor might refer her to Benner’s Novice to Expert, discussed in a later chapter). She tells her that as she becomes more comfortable with the technical requirements of her position, she will find she is able to again put the caring aspect of nursing in the forefront.
As Natalie reviewed her information on conflict (p.289) and individualistic social exchange network (p.280), as well as recognizing that the other nurses were struggling to maintain their own power (and self-concept), she was able to change her approach. She praised the other nurses for their knowledge and experience. She quietly reminded them that, despite her degree, she was still a new RN and so she appreciated having knowledgeable nurses like them around. She hoped that this would make them feel less threatened.


Natalie Kazakova’s Case Study Reflection

The case study presents Natalie Kazakova, a nurse at the local community hospital who is a Russian Immigrant. Back in Russia, Natalie had her Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering, but after immigrating, she settled for a Nursing Degree at the Master’s level and has graduated recently. After training for her new job, Natalie has started questioning if she deserved to be a nurse since she feels unsure and insecure about her abilities. Her situation worsens after she meets two experienced nurses who have been in nursing practice for approximately ten years and tend to be rude and negative towards her.

The theories in Natalie’s situation include the conflict theory, social exchange Theory, and Role Theory: Role Behavior. Conflict theories help evaluate different events using structural power divisions like education levels and social class. Hence, the conflict theory in the case study is expressed by Natalie and the two experienced nurses as these nurses try to reclaim their power in the field of nursing after learning that Natalie has an engineering and nursing degree. Such conflict occurs because these nurses feel like Natalie may overpower them since she has an advanced degree compared to them. Social exchange theory is a fundamental theory that helps in forming relationships for exchange purposes. The main issue facing Natalie and her colleagues is a lack of reciprocity in Natalie’s case. That is seen by the two nurses failing to assist Natalie whenever she asks any question but instead replying rudely to her, thus failing to exchange any important information that may improve the ICU patient’s conditions. On the other hand, the role theory: role behavior is essential since it enables individuals to acknowledge how they need to behave once they become conscious of their role expectations. In that case, after Natalie consults with the professor, she realizes that her main role as a nurse involves a process that gives her hope of improving her performance, especially in handling the technical requirements.

The Conflict theory will be essential to Natalie since she will acknowledge ways to handle the nurse’s perceptions to improve how they relate despite their education level differences. Such an approach will prevent these nurses from feeling inferior, thus improving their relationship. The most recommended approach is to explain to these nurses that she is a novice and is still learning about nursing, and she requires their help since they are experienced. Such assertions will help these nurses to acknowledge that Natalie is not in the hospital to take up their position. The social exchange theory will help Natalie change her perspective by understanding other nurses’ perspectives and acknowledging that the situation she is undergoing is temporary. For the role theory: role behavior Natalie will acknowledge that her current insecurity about whether she needs to be a nurse will fade away after she learns that learning about the nursing practice will take time, and with time, she will catch up with the experienced nurses

I have also experienced a similar case to Natalie after enrolling for my Master’s in Nursing degree. That is after I got a chance to work for some days in a health facility near my home. However, after the nurses realized I was a Master’s student, they alienated themselves from me, citing that the hospital management would favor me. As a result, I felt alienated, which impacted my productivity. The main theory that was in play for such treatment by these nurses was the conflict theory. That is because these nurses felt I had more power since most had a Bachelor’s degree. Hence, to prevent such a situation in the future, the healthcare management put up a three-day workshop that aimed at helping these nurses in improving their perspectives on education level differences. As a result, the healthcare facility improved the cohesiveness of its nurses and nurse students towards better nursing practice.

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