Teaching the truth of God found in the Bible is essential. Of utmost importance is the central message of grace, forgiveness and salvation that Jesus’ death and resurrection brings. This message remains true regardless of denomination or church-culture context – faith in Jesus as Savior and Son of God is all that’s required to be saved. It’s this grace, given freely to all who accept it, which has founded healthy true Christian communities throughout history. The purpose of this paper is to analyze different aspects of Christian teachings.


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Part One: Teaching the Truth

What Should Be Taught

When it comes to teaching the truth of the Word of God, the gospel of Jesus Christ must be at the core. This message is one of grace, that provides salvation to all people who admit their need for a savior. However, simply proclaiming the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection on its own can be ineffective without having a proper Biblical understanding of God’s character, His love for his creation, and principles for living as a believer. Understanding these fundamentals can help support an authentic faith. As teachers we must remember to emphasize what scripture says, not our personal opinion or traditions when materializing our instruction — as true knowledge begins with understanding His will through His inspired word.
The church should strictly teach the Bible since it is the inerrant and inspired word of God. As such, it must be taken as absolute truth and should serve as the foundation from which we draw our teachings and values from. 2 Timothy 3:16 acknowledges this, underling how it provides us with everything we need for rebuking, correcting, teaching, and training in righteousness. While the church can teach the word of God and the truth from the Bible, it is possible to apply other sources to help illustrate or explain biblical concepts. However, the teachings or messages from other sources should be cautiously evaluated to ensure that it aligns with the biblical truth. Further, churches or teachers of the truth should not use sources that undermines the authority of the bible.
The church should use the Bible as the ultimate standard to determine what is acceptable and what is not acceptable material for teaching. Any other material or source of information that contradicts the bible should be rejected. Furthermore, the church or the preachers to evaluate any material based on the relevance, accuracy, and appropriateness for the intended audience.
Methods of Teaching
The Bible or any other material that relates to it ought to be taught in a manner that is informative, respectful, and engaging to the congregation or the audience. The teaching should be based on the needs of the audience. I would take tropical teaching approach; this approach is helpful for exploring specific themes or issues.

Part Two: Sharing and Receiving the Gospel


A person is said to be saved if they gain faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of the world. A person must also publicly confess their belief in Jesus as the risen Savior, repent their sins, accept Him as Lord and Savior, and commit to follow Him. Additionally, baptism in water is a central component to obtaining salvation. These elements must be followed to honor God’s will and achieve His grace towards humanity. According to the Bible, once these factors have been completed for an individual, salvation is regarded as a free gift from God that cannot be achieved or earned through any good works but rather is only obtainable through Jesus alone. The aid of the Holy Spirit is also essential for believers looking for assurance in their walk with God and evidence of His love and eternity towards them.

From my perspective, evangelism is a necessary task as it was an imperative given by Jesus Christ to His disciples. The Gospel that we share calls for repentance and faith in Christ to receive salvation. It has been given to us as a requirement, not a suggestion. There are several ways I can be involved in evangelism, one of which is preaching in the streets. This can allow me to reach out to many people who may never have heard the message of hope and joy that comes through faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Part Three: Membership and Church Discipline

I believe that church membership is necessary. As a person of faith, I strongly believe that church membership has an important role in the life and development of individuals. Whether it is for weekly or monthly gatherings, or for advice and guidance, a strong sense of community is necessary to provide answers in times of need. By being part of a religious group, a believer can be supported in their spiritual journey and encouraged to live their life according to the principles taught by their chosen faith. A church membership is a community of believers who provide spiritual support to each other. It represents an indispensable anchor for many believers and adds immense value not just for individuals but also for society as a whole.
Church Discipline
Church discipline is necessary, it is an important aspect of Christian fellowship as it is a reflection of the church’s commitment to loving one another. This type of discipline fosters an environment of mutual accountability and growth in which members can come together to address any issues that threaten their unity and faith. For this reason, church discipline is an essential part of creating a healthy spiritual community, nurturing relationships with one another, and promoting unity. Furthermore, it serves as a powerful agent for maintaining and strengthening Christian values within the body of Christ and helping members work through differences in opinion or personal issues. Church discipline involves fostering holiness among believers so that they may live out their faith in a manner that brings glory to God.

Part Four: Spiritual Leadership

Requirements for Spiritual Leadership

An ordained spiritual leader is charged with the important duty of guiding and overseeing a particular group of believers and leading them towards the love of Jesus. In order to do so, certain desirable traits have traditionally been associated with those in a leadership position, such as deep commitment to God, humility, integrity and that all-important willingness to serve others wholeheartedly. Furthermore, it is expected that spiritual leaders should have an understanding of theology and doctrine and be able to effectively educate and disciple those around them. To maintain trust within the congregation and demonstrate accountability as leaders, these individuals must also be willing to submit to authority from above. In this way godly men and women can fulfill their unique role of helping shape the souls of believers.
Activities of Spiritual Leadership

I believe that spiritual leaders play a pivotal role in the church, as they serve to unite and build up God’s people. They offer worship, prayer, and teaching of God’s Word, as well as lead pastoral care for those in need. Additionally, spiritual leaders take part in financial management tasks and equip other leaders with the tools necessary for success. Furthermore, these leaders are responsible for creating and implementing the vision and mission of the church, engaging in evangelism through sharing faith stories with others and helping believers become disciples through mentoring relationships. Finally, spiritual leaders strive toward great service to the community and participation in fasting or other acts of self-denial to become closer to God.
An ordained spiritual leader is charged with the important duty of guiding and overseeing a particular group of believers and leading them towards the love of Jesus. Church membership is necessary. As a person of faith, I strongly believe that church membership has an important role in the life and development of individuals. Church discipline is necessary, it is an important aspect of Christian fellowship as it is a reflection of the church’s commitment to loving one another.

Herrington, Jim, Mike Bonem, and James H. Furr. Leading congregational change: A practical guide for the transformational journey. Fortress Press, 2020.
Migliazzo, Arlin C. Teaching as an Act of Faith: Theory and Practice in Church Related Higher Education. Fordham University Press, 2020.
Pio, Riane Johnly, and Florence Daisy Jetty Lengkong. “The relationship between spiritual leadership to quality of work life and ethical behavior and its implication to increasing the organizational citizenship behavior.” Journal of Management Development (2020).


Philosophy of Ministry: First Draft Assignment Instructions
Throughout this course, you will be learning what other pastors and ministry leaders consider to be characteristics and activities of a healthy local church. The goal is to learn from God’s Word along with their wisdom and experience so that you can establish your own philosophy of church ministry. This philosophy will help you identify healthy churches in which you can serve and lead.
Later in the course, you will be asked to revisit this idea based on what you learn in this class. After writing this paper it is recommended that you make notes on it throughout the term to help you on your final paper. You will receive feedback and questions to help guide you as you grow in understanding over the next several weeks to develop your philosophy.
It is highly recommended that you review the rubric for this assignment so that you will be aware of how the evaluation will be made.
You will submit a paper meeting the following criteria.
The body of your paper must be a minimum of 675-750 words. [The title, contents, and bibliography pages are not included in this word count.]
Turabian format is required for all papers in this course. Refer to the Turabian resources found in the Syllabus if needed.
You must use at least two sources for this paper. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source. The Bible can be used as one of your sources.

Your paper should include the following sections, and each section should be identified with the given section titles (both first and second level) listed below. This paper is meant to be written in first person.

For each section, do not simply answer the questions. Explain why you have come to your conclusions. You are not limited to the questions that are provided. They are only discussion prompts.

Part One: Teaching the Truth (first level heading)
What Should Be Taught (second level heading) – In this section discuss what should be taught. Do you believe that the church should strictly teach the Bible? Can the church teach from other sources? How do you determine what is and is not acceptable material?
Methods of Teaching (second level heading) – In this section discuss how material should be taught. Do you teach topically? Exegetically? Corporately? Individually? Any combination of these? Or is there another approach you would take to teaching?

Part Two: Sharing and Receiving the Gospel (first level heading)
Conversion (second level heading) – In this section discuss what is necessary for a person to be saved.
Evangelism (second level heading) – In this section discuss your perspective on evangelism. Is evangelism necessary? Is evangelism required? How do you go about evangelizing?

Part Three: Membership and Church Discipline (first level heading)
Membership (second level heading) – In this section discuss your views on membership. Is church membership necessary? Why or why not? What does church membership look like?
Church Discipline (second level heading) – In this section discuss your view on church discipline. Is church discipline necessary? Why or why not? What does church discipline look like?

Part Four: Spiritual Leadership (first level heading)
Requirements for Spiritual Leadership (second level heading) – In this section discuss what characteristics or actions are required of spiritual leaders.
Activities of Spiritual Leadership (second level heading) – In this section discuss what you believe spiritual leaders do in the church.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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