DNP 825 Assignment: Population Health

DNP 825 Assignment: Population Health

DNP 825 Assignment: Population Health

Assessment Description
This assignment will be completed in two parts. The purpose of this two-part assignment is to identify an at-risk population, evaluate the disparities contributing to their health issue, and propose an intervention to improve health for that community.


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General Requirements

A minimum of three scholarly or peer-reviewed research articles are required. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.
Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate an at-risk population affected by a population-based health condition. You will use the topic you select here to complete Part II of this assignment.

Write a 750-1,000-word paper and include the following.

Refer to the topic Resource “Data and Statistics” for examples of population-based health conditions. Select a population-based health condition and a high-risk group affected by the population-based condition. An example of this would be looking at the prevalence rates of diseases (population-based health condition) in vaccinated children versus groups where parents may withhold vaccinations because of feared side effects (high-risk group).
Describe the high-risk group and population-based health condition you selected. Explain why this group is considered high-risk.
Compare the prevalence rate of the selected population-based health condition for this high-risk group between two similar areas (county to county, state to state, country to country). Refer to the topic Resources for assistance with your comparison.
Evaluate the social determinants that lead to disparities and health outcomes for your selected at-risk population and explain why they differ between your selected population and a population of comparison from a similar area.
Discuss what evidence-based interventions have been introduced to try and improve the health outcomes for this high-risk population and whether they have been effective.
Discuss current electronic or online consumer health information available for the population on the health issue (e.g., the topic Resource, “Find and Compare Nursing Homes, Hospitals and Other Providers Near You”).


DNP 825 Population Health Sample

            High-risk populations are increasingly predisposed to health problems that affect their health and wellbeing. Nurses and other healthcare providers play the crucial role of implementing population-based interventions that minimize the risk exposure of these populations to the health problems. An example of high-risk group in the society is females unvaccinated against human papilloma virus (HPV). HPV is a common virus causing cancers such as cervical cancers in the population (Kjaer et al., 2021). Therefore, this paper explores the issue of the increased risk of cervical cancer among unvaccinated females in America.

High-Risk Group and Population Health Problem

            The selected high-risk group is the unvaccinated populations against HPV virus in America. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the latest HPV vaccination data as per 2017 was that about 49% of the adolescents were up to date with their vaccine schedules. About 66% of the adolescents received their initial dose of the vaccine series in 2017. However, the CDC notes that 51% of the adolescents have incomplete HPV vaccine series and 56% of them have not received the required dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine. The statistics also shows that fewer adolescents residing in rural areas are getting HPV vaccine as compared to those residing in urban areas (CDC, 2022c). The population health problem of focus is cervical cancer. HPV vaccine has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of being affected by cervical cancer. For example, all the HPV vaccines have demonstrated a high efficacy rate (close to 100%) in preventing HPV-type related persistent infection, adenocarcinoma in situ, and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CDC, 2022b). The unvaccinated populations are highly predisposed to these conditions, hence, the high-risk group for this paper.

Comparing Prevalence Rate

            As noted above, the selected health problem is the unvaccinated status among adolescents in America. A comparison between the HPV vaccination status in New York and Texas states is made. According to statistics in each of these states, the HPV vaccination rate is higher in Texas state than it is in New York state. Accordingly, 54.9% of the children and adolescents in Texas have received HPV vaccine. This places Texas at number 31 out of 50 in the states with the highest rates of HPV vaccinations (, n.d.). The statistics of HPV vaccination status in New York state shows an increase by 70% over the last five years. However, its rates in the counties are below that of Texas. For example, the prevalence rate of HPV vaccination is 35% in Warren County, 29.4% in Albany, 27.1% in Greene, 16.5% in Schoharie, 21.7% in Columbia, and 22.3% in Saratoga (Darmanjian, 2022).

Social Determinants that Lead to Disparities

            There exist social determinants that contribute to disparities in the uptake of HPV vaccines. One of them is education. Low educational level is associated with poor uptake of HPV vaccines in a population. The educational level also affects the awareness level on the importance of the vaccine in preventing different cancers. The other social determinant is culture (Maness & Thompson, 2019). Culture affects the utilization of the existing services, including HPV vaccines. Culture may contribute to stereotypes and negative perceptions towards the need for HPV vaccines. The other determinant is access to and availability of HPV vaccines. Experiences such as unavailability of HPV vaccines in local healthcare organizations hinder the uptake due to the challenges such as costs incurred in accessing them in distant facilities. Socioeconomic factors also act as determinants of HPV vaccine uptake. There is low uptake of HPV vaccines among individuals from low socioeconomic backgrounds (de Munter et al., 2021). Factors such as barriers to access to primary care experienced by these individuals affect their utilization of health promotion services such as HPV vaccinations (Doornekamp et al., 2020).

Evidence-Based Interventions

            Evidence-based interventions can be adopted to increase the uptake of HPV vaccinations by the populations at risk. Several strategies have been explored to achieve this outcome. Gilkey et al., (2019) demonstrated the effectiveness of local adaptation using healthcare providers to reach and increase the uptake of HPV vaccines by the population. The results of their study showed that using physicians and nurses in increasing the access and uptake of HPV vaccine increased the coverage and perception of the population towards immunization. The use of education, information, and communication activities, multicomponent strategies, and reminder-based innovations have shown to be effective in increasing the uptake and utilization of HPV vaccinations (Acampora et al., 2020; Gilkey et al., 2019). Other effective interventions include narrative education, community outreach programs, financial incentives, and motivational behavioral interventions (Mavundza et al., 2021).

Electronic or Online Consumer Health Information

            An example of an online consumer health information that can be used by the population is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website. The website has comprehensive information about the importance of getting the HPV vaccine. It provides factual statistics about the effectiveness of the vaccine in preventing different types of infections, including cancers (CDC, 2022a).


            Unvaccinated individuals are high-risk group for infections, including cervical cancer. HPV vaccine is an effective treatment that offers protection against cervical cancer and other types of HPV-associated infections. Evidence-based interventions for increasing the uptake of HPV vaccine exist. Therefore, healthcare providers should advocate the adoption of evidence-based interventions to enhance vaccination uptake by the population.


Acampora, A., Grossi, A., Barbara, A., Colamesta, V., Causio, F. A., Calabrò, G. E., Boccia, S., & de Waure, C. (2020). Increasing HPV Vaccination Uptake among Adolescents: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21), Article 21. (n.d.). HPV Vaccine and Cancer Prevention in Texas. Retrieved November 13, 2022, from

CDC. (2022a, March 18). Why Get the HPV Vaccine. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

CDC. (2022b, May 6). HPV Vaccine | CDC.

CDC. (2022c, October 7). HPV Vaccination: Understanding HPV Coverage | CDC.

Darmanjian, S. (2022, March 17). HPV vaccination rates up among New York adolescents. WWTI – InformNNY.Com.

de Munter, A. C., Klooster, T. M. S. t., van Lier, A., Akkermans, R., de Melker, H. E., & Ruijs, W. L. M. (2021). Determinants of HPV-vaccination uptake and subgroups with a lower uptake in the Netherlands. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1848.

Doornekamp, L., van Leeuwen, L., van Gorp, E., Voeten, H., & Goeijenbier, M. (2020). Determinants of Vaccination Uptake in Risk Populations: A Comprehensive Literature Review. Vaccines, 8(3), 480.

Gilkey, M. B., Parks, M. J., Margolis, M. A., McRee, A.-L., & Terk, J. V. (2019). Implementing Evidence-Based Strategies to Improve HPV Vaccine Delivery. Pediatrics, 144(1), e20182500.

Kjaer, S. K., Dehlendorff, C., Belmonte, F., & Baandrup, L. (2021). Real-World Effectiveness of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Against Cervical Cancer. JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 113(10), 1329–1335.

Maness, S. B., & Thompson, E. L. (2019). Social Determinants of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Uptake: An Assessment of Publicly Available Data. Public Health Reports (Washington, D.C.: 1974), 134(3), 264–273.

Mavundza, E. J., Iwu-Jaja, C. J., Wiyeh, A. B., Gausi, B., Abdullahi, L. H., Halle-Ekane, G., & Wiysonge, C. S. (2021). A Systematic Review of Interventions to Improve HPV Vaccination Coverage. Vaccines, 9(7), Article 7.

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