PH 4002 Assignment: Identifying Public Health Problems Within Your Community

PH 4002 Assignment: Identifying Public Health Problems Within Your Community

PH 4002 Assignment: Identifying Public Health Problems Within Your Community

For this Performance Task Assessment, you will examine the community in which you live to find out which health problems are most urgent and relevant to your practice. You will contact public health nurses and other officials regarding health problems relevant to your practice. You will also inquire about the current priorities for addressing health problems within the community. Based on these conversations, as well as a search of data, you will identify a public health issue that affects a specific population within your community. The public health problem that you identify in this Competency will serve as the subject for your practicum project, which continues throughout PH4003 and PH4004 and culminates with the completion of your final project in PH4005.


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Submission Length: 2- to 3-page paper

To complete this Assessment, do the following:

Be sure to adhere to the indicated assignment length.
Access the following to complete this Assessment: Assessment Interaction Template
Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the SME will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.

All submissions must follow the conventions of scholarly writing. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided where appropriate. Submissions that do not meet these expectations will be returned without scoring.

Your response to this Performance Task should reflect the criteria provided in the rubric and adhere to the required length. This Assessment requires submission of one file. Save your file as PH4002_firstinitial_lastname. Note: Your Interaction Templates should be scanned and included at the end of the paper.

You may submit a draft of your assignment to the Turnitin Draft Check area to check for authenticity. When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.

Important Note: As a student taking this Competency, you agree that you may be required to submit your Assessment for textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted Assessment materials will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such materials. Use of the service is subject to the Usage Policy posted on the site.

Identifying a Public Health Problem
As a healthcare professional, you are keenly aware of health issues in your community and are directly involved in the treatment of these issues on a daily basis. But how can healthcare professionals better understand the issues facing their communities so that they can do a better job of addressing them?

To prepare for this Assessment, complete the following steps:

Step 1: Collaborate With a Public Health Official
Consider the health problems that you see in the community in which you live. Choose one that is most critical and interesting to you. Then, collaborate with a local public health department or state public health department professional to determine what their priorities are. For example, if your health priority is related to teen obesity, contact a school nurse. Use the interaction template to guide your conversations.
The purpose of the collaboration is to determine what the priorities are with regard to health problems, the actions that the health professionals have already taken to mitigate these priorities in the past 5 to 10 years, and the role that social determinants play. If the officials you talk to have differing critical health issues from the one you identified, you may choose the problem you had previously identified or a health priority that was identified as a priority by your local public health official and state public health official during your conversations.
Use the Interaction Template to record the names of the people you collaborated with, their positions, responses to your questions, and a summary of what you learned. The Interaction Template will also help to guide your conversation.
Step 2: Locate Health Data
Using the sources of data listed in the resource grid or other reputable and applicable sources of health data, locate data from multiple sources to support your selected health priority. Be sure to locate data both locally (within the community, county, or state) and from the national perspective. If your selected health priority does not have ample data to support it, consider focusing on a different health priority.
Verifying a Health Problem Within the Community
In preparation for the intervention that you will design in PH4005, write a 2- or 3-page paper that includes the following:

The health problem being addressed by primary prevention that will be the focus of your practicum project (i.e.., an issue that is being actively prevented before it occurs)
The specific population within your community that is particularly affected by the problem and the multiple demographics that help to focus your population (e.g., vaccination compliance in 3-year-olds who attend preschool or obesity in middle-aged Hispanic men)
A description of the population’s social determinants and health behaviors that may be affecting health outcomes
How the collaboration informed your selection of the public health problem
A list of the sources of data that you consulted regarding your health priorities, along with a summary of each source and the data gleaned from it. Include a comparison between local and national data
Along with the paper identifying and verifying your health problem, you will also scan and submit your Interaction Templates.


Interaction Form

Health Worker

Name: Megan Ruttiger                                                                                  Date: 12/1/22

Health Professional Name: Samantha Garrison

Health Professional Position: UTMB Student Health Registered Nurse

Use the following topics to guide your discussion with a local or state public health official.

Topic 3:

Social determinants of health: How has the health department addressed social determinants?

For patients who do not Have insurance, UTMB student health offers low-cost medical treatment based on income. They also provide insurance for students. UTMB offers community outreach services for students who do not have transportation. UTMB provides education and resources for patients needing assistance understanding, preventing, managing, and treating diabetes.



PH4002: Identifying Public Health Problems Within Your Community: Justify a public health problem within your community using multiple sources of data.

Assessment Rubric

Rubric Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Module 1: Determining Problems Within a Community
Justify a health problem in Response does not adequately justify a health problem in the community that is being addressed by primary prevention. Response adequately justifies a health problem in the community that is being addressed by primary prevention. Response clearly and completely justifies a health problem in the community that is being addressed by primary prevention.
your community that is
being addressed by
primary prevention.
Learning Objective 1.1: Justify public health problems
Identify a specific population within your community that is particularly affected by the health problem. Response does not adequately identify a specific population within the community that is particularly affected by the health problem. Response adequately identifies a specific population within the community that is particularly affected by the health problem. Response clearly and thoughtfully identifies a specific population within the community that is particularly affected by the health problem.
Learning Objective 1.2: Identify populations affected by a health


Describe the social Response does not Response adequately Response clearly,
determinants and health adequately describe the describes the social accurately, and completely
behaviors of the population social determinants and determinants and health describes the social
that may be affecting health health behaviors of the behaviors of the population determinants and health
outcomes. population that may be that may be affecting behaviors of the population
affecting health outcomes. health outcomes.


Rubric Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Learning Objective 1.3: Describe population vulnerabilities that affect health outcomes that may be affecting health outcomes.
Module 2: Verification of Health Problems Within the Community
Collaborate with health officials and public health workers to justify a health problem.

Learning Objective 2.1: Justify a public health problem

Response does not adequately collaborate with health officials and public health workers to justify the health problem. Response adequately collaborates with health officials and public health workers to justify a health problem. Response clearly and thoroughly collaborates with health officials and public health workers to justify a health problem.
Analyze health data from multiple sources that support the public health problem that you have identified.

Learning Objective 2.2: Analyze reputable sources of data to verify public health problems

Response does not adequately analyze health data from multiples sources that support the identified public health problem. Response adequately analyzes health data from multiple sources that support the identified public health problem. Response clearly and completely analyzes health data from multiple sources that support the identified public health problem.
Complete and submit Interaction Templates.

Learning Objective 2.3: Prepare Interaction Template

Response does not adequately complete or submit the Interaction Template. Response adequately completes and submits the Interaction Template. Response clearly and completely completes and submits the Interaction Template.


Professional Skills Assessment

Professional Writing
Professional Writing: Clarity, Flow, and Organization Content contains significant spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar/syntax errors.

Writing does not demonstrate adequate sentence and paragraph structure and requires additional editing/proofreading. Key sections of presented content lack clarity, logical flow, and/or organization.

Content contains few spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar/syntax errors. Writing demonstrates adequate sentence and paragraph structure and may require some editing. Content presented is satisfactorily clear, logical, and/or organized, but could benefit from additional


Content is free from spelling, punctuation, and grammar/syntax errors.

Writing demonstrates appropriate sentence and paragraph structure.

Content presented is clear, logical, and well organized.

Professional Writing: Context, Audience, Purpose, and Tone Content minimally or does not demonstrate awareness of context, audience, and/or purpose. Writing is not reflective of professional/scholarly tone and/or is not free from bias. Style is inconsistent with the professional setting/workplace context and reflects the need for

additional editing.

Content demonstrates satisfactory awareness of context, audience, and purpose. Tone is adequately professional, scholarly, and/or free from bias, and style is mostly consistent with the professional setting/workplace context. Content clearly demonstrates awareness of context, audience, and purpose. Tone is highly professional, scholarly, and free from bias, and style is appropriate for the professional setting/workplace context.
Professional Writing: Originality, Source Credibility, and Attribution of Ideas Content does not adequately reflect original writing and/or paraphrasing. Writing demonstrates inconsistent adherence to

reference requirements, including the use of credible

Content adequately reflects original writing and paraphrasing. Writing demonstrates adequate adherence to reference

requirements, including the use of credible evidence to

Content reflects original thought and writing and proper paraphrasing.

Writing demonstrates full adherence to reference requirements, including the use of credible evidence to


evidence to support a claim, with appropriate source attribution (when applicable) and reference. There are numerous and/or significant errors. support a claim, with appropriate source attribution (when applicable) and references. There are one or two minor errors. support a claim, with appropriate source attribution (when applicable) and references.


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