NR505 Week 7 Assignment: Evidence-based Practice Project Proposal Outline

NR505 Week 7 Assignment: Evidence-based Practice Project Proposal Outline

NR505 Week 7 Assignment: Evidence-based Practice Project Proposal Outline

WEEK7 PAINNR505 Week 7 Assignment: Evidence-based Practice Project Proposal Outline
Student Name: __________________________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________________________________

Overview and Significance of the Practice Issue
The selected practice issue for focus in the project is infection control and prevention. Hospital-acquired infections are among the crucial public health concerns in healthcare. The infections affect the overall health and wellbeing of the patients. Hospital-acquired infections such as catheter-associated urinary tract infections increase the risk of complications such as septicemia and bladder infections. Patients also suffer from increased healthcare costs because of the additional care needs by them and prolonged hospitalization. Health organizations suffer from inefficiency issues and decline in the quality of safety and quality of care. Infections are preventable. The use of best practices such as frequent hand-washing, isolation of patients, and creation of safety culture in healthcare can prevent and minimize hospital-acquired infections. Nurses and other healthcare providers are the key determinants of safety and quality in issues related to infection control and prevention. However, their ability to achieve the desired outcomes in the provision of patient care services depends on their competencies on infection control and prevention (Asfaw, 2021). Therefore, the project proposed training and education for nurses to promote infection control and prevention.


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PICOT Statement
Will the provision of structured education and training on infection control and prevention (I) among nurses on the reduction of hospital-acquired infection (P) reduce hospital-acquired infection by 50% (O) as compared to nurses who follow usual care with no structured education and training on infection control (C) within 6 to 8 weeks’ timeframe?

Proposed Intervention and Expected Outcome
The proposed intervention entails providing structured education and training on infection control and prevention to nurses. The structured education and training will focus on imparting nurses with knowledge about best practices to prevent and minimize hospital-acquired infections in their practice. The practices will align with their needs as identified from a needs analysis that will be performed. One of the expected outcomes with the project is the reduction in hospital-acquired infections in the practice site by 50%. Nurses in their care processes will attribute the reduction to the consistent use of best practices. The other expected outcome is the improvement in nurses’ knowledge, skills, and practices related to infection control and prevention. It is also expected that nurses will be ready to implement the change initiative to address the problem of hospital-acquired infections. The last expectation is that the project will result in a change in the existing organizational culture. It is anticipated that the project will strengthen a culture of patient safety and use of best practices in the provision of patient care services.

Synthesis of Evidence to Support the Proposed Intervention
Infection prevention and control are essential components in healthcare systems because of their influence on health and safety of patients and healthcare providers. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), healthcare providers and patients should utilize scientific approaches to prevent and minimize the risk of healthcare associated infections. Healthcare providers, including nurses play a crucial role in measuring as well as controlling hospital-acquired infections by using best practice standards for infection control and prevention. However, a lack of knowledge, skills, and competencies in the implementation of the best practice standards result in an increase in the rates of hospital-acquired infections and risk of harm to the patients.
Education and training programs are effective tools that health organizations utilize to empower their staff on effective infection prevention and control in their practice. Accordingly, training and education increase the knowledge, skills, and practices of the healthcare providers on issues related to infection prevention and control. They also transform the providers’ perception towards infection prevention and control practices and use of best interventions to address the issue (Asfaw, 2021; Kakkar et al., 2021). Scholars agree that education and training programs should be standardized with emphasis being on adherence to best practices to prevent and control infections.
Studies have shown that training and education programs on infection prevention and control enhance patient safety, prevention of risk situations, and adherence to safe practices by healthcare providers. According to Alqahtani et al. (2020), education and training programs reduce hospital-acquired infections rate by at least 30%, which translate into significant improvements in clinical outcomes. The authors also identify that effectively implemented education and training programs reduce healthcare related costs for the healthcare institutions and patients. The reduction in cost is attributed to the minimum resource utilization in health organizations, reduced need for complex care and prolonged hospitalization.
Education and training programs have also been shown to help increase knowledge retention about best practices on infection prevention and control among healthcare providers. A study conducted by Singh et al. (2023) found that there were statistically significant differences in the knowledge and knowledge retention rates among nursing students in the pre-test and post-test groups. The increased retention translated into their sustained use of best practices for the prevention of hospital-acquired infections. Most of the studies examining the knowledge and practices of nurses regarding infection prevention and control have shown the existence of inadequacies among these professionals. However, the implementation of education and training programs has been effective in addressing this problem. For example, Asfaw (2021) found a positive association between the provision of training and educational opportunities on infection prevention and control and sustained use of best practices for infection prevention and control.
A randomized controlled trial conducted by Alrubaiee et al. (2021) also supports the proposed project intervention. The researchers evaluated the implementation of an educational program on measures associated with nosocomial infections. Nurses were the main study population in the research. The study results showed the existence of statistically significant difference in the mean knowledge for the participants in the intervention group all through the stages that include pre-intervention, intervention, three months, and at the end of the project. The data showed statistically significant improvements in knowledge among participants in the intervention group when compared to those in the waitlist. The study also showed that the educational intervention led to statistically significant difference in the mean practice scores between the two groups. Therefore, the authors supported the need for project implementation to improve outcomes related to hospital-acquired infections in healthcare.

Stakeholder Implications
The proposed project has considerable stakeholder implications. First, it increases the need for a change in the existing systems and processes utilized to promote safety and quality in care provides. The organization should develop practice guidelines and standards that must be followed to prevent and minimize the risk of nosocomial infections (Kakkar et al., 2021). The other implication of the proposed project is the improved safety and quality of care in the organization. Patients and healthcare providers will benefit from their reduced predisposition to hospital-acquired infections. The prevention and control of infections will also reduce the healthcare costs incurred by patients and the hospital. The management and leadership should also support interventions that minimize and prevent infections(Singh et al., 2023). This includes providing the needed supervision and resource advocacy for the provision of additional programs that promote safety and quality in the organization.

Alqahtani, A. N., Almaghrabi, R. H., Albaadani, M. M., &Almossa, K. (2020).Impact of Infection Control Training Program in Improving the Quality of Healthcare.European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 2(5).
Alrubaiee, G. G., Baharom, A., Faisal, I., Shahar, H. K., Daud, S. M., &Basaleem, H. O. (2021). Implementation of an educational module on nosocomial infection control measures: A randomised hospital-based trial. BMC Nursing, 20(1), 33.
Asfaw, N. (2021). Knowledge and practice of nurses towards prevention of hospital acquired infections and its associated factors. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 15, 100333.
Kakkar, S., Bala, M., & Arora, V. (2021).Educating nursing staff regarding infection control practices and assessing its impact on the incidence of hospital.acquired infections.Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 10, 40.
Singh, S., Kaur, K., Saini, R. S., Singh, S., Aggarwal, H. K., & Chandra, H. (2023). Impact of structured training program about Hospital Infection Control practices on Knowledge and Perception of nursing students at public and private nursing teaching institute of Northern India- An interventional study. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 12(1), 168.


My PICOT : Will the provision of structured education and training on infection control and prevention (I) among nurses on the reduction of hospital-acquired infection (P) reduce hospital-acquired infection by 50% (O) as compared to nurses who follow usual care with no structured education and training on infection control (C) within 6 to 8 weeks’ timeframe (T)?

MY INTERVENTION is education on : The provision of structured education and training to nurses on infection control and prevention. educate and train nurses on the importance of complying to infection prevention and control guidelines, by following the standard precaution which includes but not limited to proper hand washing techniques and hand sanitizers, and appropriate donning of personal protective equipment’s.


Complete the Week 7 E

O- Outcome: The expected outcome entails a reduction in the rates of hospital-acquired infections among hospitalized patients by 50% after structured education and training of nursing staff on infection control and prevention. Education on the prevention of hospital-acquired infection encouraged nurses to adhere to standard precaution when caring for patients, resulting in a reduction in the cases of hospital-acquired infection.

evidence-based Practice Change Proposal OutlineLinks to an external site. template using complete sentences.

Include a minimum of 5 original nursing research studies to support your work.

Sources should be from peer-reviewed, scholarly journals.

Sources should be current within 5 years.

Credit sources with citations and a reference list using current APA format guidelines.

Use correct grammar, sentence structure, spelling, word usage, and punctuation congruent with scholarly writing.

No direct quotes may be used in this assignment.

Directions and Assignment Criteria

Assignment Criteria Points % Description
Overview and Significance of the Practice Issue 15  10%
  • Identify and describe the practice issue
  • Explain the significance of the issue and its impact on health outcomes, nursing practice, and/or healthcare delivery
  • Include sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support information presented
PICOT Statement 5 3%
  • Include the PICOT statement
  • Include each of the required elements in the PICOT statement (P- population and problem, I-intervention, C- comparison, O- outcome, T- timeframe for outcome achievement)
Proposed Intervention and Expected Outcome 25 17%
  • Describe the proposed evidence-based intervention
  • Discuss the expected outcome that will result from the proposed intervention
  • Include sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support information presented
Synthesis of Evidence to Support the Proposed Intervention 60 40%
  • Synthesize key ideas, facts, and themes from the review of scholarly literature sources
  • Explain how the findings support the proposed evidence-based intervention
  • Integrate a minimum of 5 original nursing research studies, current within 5 years, to support the information presented.

Important reminder: This section should not be presented as an annotated bibliography; instead, a synthesis of findings should be presented that demonstrate evidence to support the proposed intervention.

Stakeholder Implications 30 20%
  • Describe the stakeholders who are impacted by the practice issue
  • Explain how each stakeholder is impacted by issue
  • Discuss the implications of the proposed evidence-based intervention for each stakeholder
Graduate-level Writing Style 15 10%
  • For full credit in this rubric category, all of the following criteria must be met:
    • Correct spelling and word usage
    • Correct use of grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure
    • Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing
    • Scholarly, professional writing tone with no use of first person
    • Synthesis of information is present with no direct quotes
    • Correct APA format for the following:
      • Citing sources
      • Referencing sources

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