NURS 3001 Week 3 Discussion – Professional Practice Models

NURS 3001 Week 3 Discussion – Professional Practice Models

NURS 3001 Week 3 Discussion – Professional Practice Models (Walden)

Discuss the relationship between diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. What dietary measures can be taken to decrease the risks associated with the two disease processes in a patient who has been diagnosed with both.

Sample Brief Intro: Diabetes is a health condition where the pancreas either makes little or no insulin. “Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is more common in clients with diabetes than in the nondiabetic population of the same age and gender. This is related in general to the fact that diabetes is a small-vessel disease and the critical end arteries in the heart muscle are small vessels” (Lutz, Mazur, Litch, 2019). Most health problems that an individual has, stems from one thing that leads to another. So, it is important to treat the first problem before it leads to something more. Exercise and a healthy diet is a major key in managing/ or even avoiding many diseases such as type 2 diabetes …


Professional Practice Models and their Impact on Nursing

Currently I am employed by two facilities. One is a major Magnet designated facility and …

The Research on Magnet Status

Since the inception of the idea of magnetism, organizations have worked to create the …

Nurse Retention and Magnet Status

There are positive and negative aspects of magnet status in certain facilities. What …

References.  NURS 3001 Week 3 Discussion – Professional Practice Models


The Changing Face of Nursing Practice

NURS 3001

The Changing Face of Nursing Practice

Nursing Education as it currently stands cannot support the demand for nurses needed …

ADN vs BSN: Changing Nursing Education

The two year-nursing degree typically takes more than two years. Having completed all my …

Why Go Back to School?

Recent focus has been on looking at the number of ADN and BSN prepared nurses and the …

My Motivation for Change

Previously, I have completed a bachelor’s degree in Forensic Anthropology and an …


NURS 3001 Week 4 Magnet Programs (Walden)


Magnet Nursing: An Overview

​Magnet programs were originally designed to foster and reward improvements in both …

How Does Magnet Status Drive Health Care Change in Institutions?

Since the inception of the idea of magnetism, organizations have worked to create the type …


NURS 3001 Week 5 Discussion (Walden)


American Nurses Association

The American Nursing Association (ANA) is the single largest nursing organization in the …

NA: Contribution and Impact on Nursing and Healthcare

​Perhaps the single most significant impact of the ANA has been the creation of the …

Nursing Practice: The influence of Collective Bargaining Units vs. Professional Organizations

Nursing has always been an ethically driven service industry. Most nurses have fairly …

NURS 3001 Week 6 Discussion 2 (Walden)


Week 6 Discussion 2

Genetics and Genomics

​Every day during the admission of a patient, we ask them numerous questions about …

Incorporating Genomics into Practice

​The sheer volumes of information clinical nurses require completing their daily job …

Genomics and Assessment

Nearly all nurses will agree a key component of patient assessment is patient and family …

NURS 3001 Week 6 The Scholar Practitioner and Social Change (Walden)


The Scholar Practitioner and Social Change

The nursing occupation consists of professional expert practice that requires the …

Social Responsibility: Expansion of Nursing and Healthcare

Changes in healthcare and the patient population have resulted in large numbers of patients …

NURS 3001 – Issues and Trends in Nursing Case Study Paper

In any healthcare profession, advances in technology, changes in patient population, and current events can have an impact on the job and on patient outcomes. Nurses are often on the front lines of these types of shifts, so it is always worth considering the pervasive healthcare trends that are both internal and external to patients and service providers. Take a look at these ten nursing trends to get a clear picture of where nursing is headed in 2015.

  1. A Shift in DemographicsIt should come as no surprise to any nurse that the U.S. population is aging. In fact, by 2020 more than 20% of the population in this country will be over the age of 65 and adults over the age of 85 are the fastest growing age group overall. As people age, they have a greater need for healthcare. For nurses, this means not only familiarizing themselves with the diagnoses and issues that affect older adults at a greater rate, but also learning how best to communicate with older adults and their families about care plans, preventative healthcare, and healthy aging.
  2. Preventative Care Speaking of preventative care, it is another focal point for the future of healthcare.
    Patients as well as health insurance providers and increasingly interested in engaging in preventative measures to live a sustainably healthy life and work to prevent future issues. For nurses, this means an increased demand for services in this area, as well as more interfacing with other healthcare professionals, such as nutritionists, physical therapists, and other professionals that work in careers ancillary to direct care but effective in preventative health.
  3. Consumer Education By now, most nurses have likely experienced the impact of increased consumer education. Now more than ever patients are going to their appointments armed with lots of information about the symptoms, conditions, and possible treatments. This information can come from a variety of sources, ranging from the internet to television commercials. While having educated healthcare consumers can certainly be helpful in many ways, the burden also falls to nurses to be able to sort that information into valuable and specious.
  4. Increased Insurance Access With the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”), millions more Americans have access to health insurance. For working nurses and those studying to enter the field, this means tremendous continuing opportunity. It also means addressing the healthcare challenges that may face individuals who have lived without health insurance for many years and are finally able to bring their concerns to healthcare professionals.
  5. Continued Growth in Technology Increased access to technology has been among the most important nursing trends for many years running, but it continues to be an important aspect of the job. In 2015, nurses can expect to see a continued reliance on portable and mobile technology as well as an emphasis on medicine, particularly in rural and under served areas. Nurses will need to be comfortable with constantly changing technologies so that they can choose the best care options for their patients, and also be able to intelligently interface with medical technologists.
  6. Health Information Privacy One of the ways in which technology affects patients and nurses alike is the advent of electronic health records. Those hospitals and physician’s offices that have not yet switched to this type of medical record are surely on their way to doing so. While electronic health records can make patient data easier to share and can improve outcomes, it also put private information at risk for theft. This means nurses will have to stay vigilant themselves and with staff training in 2015 to ensure that electronic patient data is safe and secure.
  7. Access to Nursing Education Online nursing education is certainly not new in 2015, but we can expect to see more programs offering increased flexibility in order to provide even better access to advanced nursing education. A continued nursing shortage, that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics will mean a need for more than a million new nurses by 2022, is fueling this interest in expanded educational offerings (BLS, 2012). Online nursing training programs will make it easier for working nurses to further their careers, taking RNs to Nurse Practitioners without having to sacrifice their current careers.
  8. Fluctuations in Retirement Age for Nurses In addition to new educational opportunities, the nursing shortage is likely to mean that more nurses continue to work past the retirement age in 2015. This could mean that older, more experienced nurses are able to take on managerial roles and also provide hands-on training to those new to the profession. However, it may also mean that new nurses have more trouble finding a career foothold at some institutions where nurses have been unable or unwilling to retire. N
  9. A Return to Community Nursing The nursing profession originated in the community. Nurses (and physicians as well) would visit patients in their homes and interact with the community at large. However, as healthcare become more facility-focused, more nurses became tied to a single institution and started to treat patients only in hospitals or offices. In 2015 and beyond, some believe that there will be a shift back towards more community-based nursing, with nurses returning to community clinics and even home-based services.
  10. Collaborative Nursing Though we have touched on this topic earlier on, it is worth reiterating. As more people in the U.S. have access to healthcare and advances mean more machinery, software, and other specialty technologies that require specific training to use effectively, nurses will increasingly collaborate with nursing colleagues as well as non-nurse specialists on a regular basis. Further, nurses should expect to provide more collaborative care with such specialists as dentists, social workers, mental health professionals, and pharmacists in 2015 and beyond.

The Latest Trends and Technology in Nursing 2018

Patient Engagement.  As with most industry trends, nurses are on the front lines of patient engagement efforts.  If you haven’t already been exposed to the concept, patient engagement is the practice of a patient taking more responsibility for their own health and well-being. When providers and patients work together, health outcomes are improved.  New technologies are being developed to support patient engagement, and nurses are finding themselves more involved in helping evolve engagement efforts for their patients.

Precision Medicine.  Another newer concept that will ultimately involve nurses providing direct care to patients, Precision Medicine, refers to the advancement of medical research that targets how certain diseases impact people differently based on their genetic makeup. It may include different treatments for certain types of cancers based on the genetics of the tumor. Precision medicine is an acknowledgment that healthcare is never one-size-fits-all and treatments are being adapted to the individual rather than the disease.

Centralized Command Centers.  Inspired by NASA, many hospitals are implementing command centers that serve as a “mission control” for all of the services and functions related to patient care.  Today’s nurses are finding themselves able to interact with a second set of eyes and also have help in managing daily bottlenecks. These command centers are also being utilized for central monitoring of patients to overcome alarm fatigue from the 90% of hospital alarms that aren’t actionable.  The centers utilize complex algorithms and analytics to assist nurses in making real-time decisions to improve quality of care and reduce costs.

Smarter Smartphones?  All of us are already using our smartphones for just about everything we track, post, and read lately, so nurses using them for their work is not surprising.  One example of ways that nurses are able to use their smartphone is called Steth IO, which turns your phone into a modernized stethoscope. A special case is attached to your iPhone (not yet available for Android) and channels the sounds of a patient’s heart and breathing into the microphone.  The Steth IO app then digitizes the heartbeat into a graph on the phone screen to record and enable easier detection of abnormal heart sounds.

Overcoming Language Barriers.  As our nation’s population becomes more diverse, nurses are finding themselves in more frequent situations where patients speak a language other than English.  This often leads to another nurse who speaks the language being brought in to translate.  By September of this year, a hand-held, two-way voice translator, The Pocket, will be available to translate up to 63 languages in real time. Working via Wi-Fi, mobile data, or a personal hotpot, the translator transfers speech to text on the screen and relays responses verbally.  Nurses will also be able to save up to 20 exchanges to assist with post-visit notes and charting.

Nursing Trends to Watch

Nursing is always changing—sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. It’s helpful to step back once in a while and look at of some of the biggest developments in the field to know what’s ahead so you can be prepared to face new challenges and continue to thrive in your nursing career.

More Outpatient Care

Outpatient care is in demand due to a number of factors, including pressure to keep down costs and more effective technologies and treatments that have eliminated the need for overnight hospital stays. Financial constraints, such as high insurance deductibles, have also caused many patients to put off elective procedures. However, these patients often still require extensive medical attention, hence the need for more outpatient facilities and care. Nurses will also find opportunities in outpatient settings such as ambulatory care clinics, rehabilitation centers, and clinics attached to assisted-living facilities, and even health providers.

The Importance of Cultural Competency

At its core, health care is about people, and different people have different needs. That has never been more true in the U.S. health care system than today, when nurses are helping individuals, families, and groups from ever more diverse backgrounds. Nurses who are who are sensitive to the cultural habits, traditions, and beliefs of their patients will be able to provide care that takes these into account. For example, some patients may speak English as a second language, affecting their understanding of directions or medical terminology; patients from certain religions may have dietary restrictions; and some individuals come from cultures where they fare best when they are surrounded by family rather than isolated in a hospital room.

Preventive Health

Wellness continues to be a growing issue in health care, especially as organizations move to keep costs down as they improve outcomes. Patients are becoming savvier about maintaining their own wellness, from modifying their diets to wearing trackers that measure their activity levels. Nurses can help by focusing on measures to prevent chronic illnesses such as diabetes, slow down or mitigate the effects of aging on the body via exercise, and improve overall wellness—as well as by educating patients about what further steps they can take on their own to improve their health.

Increasing Consumer Sophistication

Patients are also extremely knowledgeable about where to turn for health information, often doing their own research on the Internet. Consequently, patients may come to appointments with their own possible diagnoses and suggested treatments and medications. Such awareness can be as potentially harmful as it is helpful, forcing nurses to sort through possibly flawed information and incorrect assumptions as they perform health assessments.

The Rise of Nurse Informatics

As technology produces more data, supports better record keeping, and allows for detailed analysis, health informatics has become increasingly important in health care. Similarly, nurse informatics can support evidence-based nursing practice and improved patient care through better data collection, information analysis, easier and faster collaboration between health care professionals, and identification of both large- and small-scale health and patient trends. As they are situated on the front lines of patient care, nurse informatics are especially suited for playing a greater role in health care planning and decision-making.

Healthcare Trends and Changes in 2017

With already a month of 2017 behind us, it is clear that this year is going to be full of monumental changes in every American business sector. Healthcare is no exception, and between a new policy landscape and further technological innovations, there is much uncertainty as well as the promise of new opportunities. In December, the consulting firm PwC outlined its predictions for the top health industry issues of 2017, and through adaption, innovation, and building new programs, health organizations will have to learn how to address the shifts that are coming.[1] The following summarizes the top ten changes predicted by PwC predicts and reviewed by Healthcare IT News in an article linked to in the citations of this post:[2]

  1. The Uncertainty of the Affordable Care Act’s Fate: President Trump has made it clear that one of his priorities is repealing and replacing the ACA, but that would add 20 million to the ranks of the uninsured. Hospitals could therefore experience a dramatic increase in uncompensated care and insurers would lose $1.9 trillion in federal subsidies. Healthcare organizations will need to map out gains and losses around multiple scenarios to account for whatever challenges a change to the ACA may bring.
  2. Pharmaceuticals Strategically Partnering with Patients: Pharma needs to engage with patients to justify prices and satisfy regulators that they are providing the best value. Pharmaceutical companies offering services to providers that help patients collect, analyze, and understand their own health data and conditions may have more success with regulators who are increasingly focusing on patient engagement.
  3. Greater Emphasis on Value-Based Payment: Beginning in 2017, the training wheels for risk-based arrangements are easing off; providing higher quality, lower cost care is the future, and it will require an analytics-driven approach to deliver customized care management solutions for individual patients. This will necessitate strong technology infrastructure, clinical skills, and time to build such programs.
  4. Modernizing Payment: By 2020, it is predicted that the amount of credit card transactions that fund healthcare providers will double, meaning health systems will need to modernize payment options. Additionally, hackers are targeting health systems more than ever, so healthcare providers need to create secure payments to keep up with modernity while building consumer trust.
  5. Updating Healthcare Relationship to Technology: The healthcare industry lags behind other industries when it comes to utilizing emerging technologies. Employing more engineers and designers, investing in cybersecurity, and considering how to incorporate artificial intelligence, drones, and virtual reality could help the industry to compete with financial services and retail companies for workers.
  6. Invention Sparked by the Battle Against Infectious Diseases: Close collaboration between healthcare providers and public agencies to overcome market barriers are key to the funding, expedited process, and ultimate success of pharmaceutical and device makers in their attempts to fight infectious diseases like the Zika virus. Millions of dollars will be utilized for projects aimed at combating the spread of these diseases, such as mobile technology that can locate and diagnose patients.
  7. Nutrition Takes Center Stage: Health organizations are starting to focus more on nutrition to prevent costly medical problems and improve the overall health of the populations they serve. Recognizing retailers, tech companies, and even entertainment companies that can address consumers’ diet-related issues is key to promoting healthy lifestyles.
  8. Drug Companies will Ease off Prices: After years of pressure, the bio pharmaceutical industry’s drug pricing practices will likely be restricted in 2017. Companies will need to commit to transparency and refrain from frequent price increases in order to help rebuild trust with consumers, health care professionals, and insurers.
  9. New Partnerships and Collaborations: Between a shift to pay for value over volume and a growing interest in wellness, organizations are being driven to build new capabilities quickly to stay competitive. This means more joint ventures, partnerships, and strategic alliances.
  10. Preparing Medical Students to Enter a Value-Based World: Switching focus to value-based care will impact how medicine is practiced. The newest experts in medicine will be trained in quality and safety improvement and the importance of working with cross-discipline teams, offering a broader perspective of value-based care.
Emerging trends in nursing

Nursing professionals across the nation have experienced a bevy of changes in the healthcare industry and have equipped themselves with the latest technology and medical trends as they navigate through the front lines of patient care.

On the account of International Nurses Day, let’s talk about the emerging trends in nursing that are revolutionizing the health care industry:

Latest nursing specialties to foray into

Nurses are versatile, it’s one of their many qualities that they possesses that help them jump start their career. However, there are two specialties that are leading the future of nursing globally:

Genetics Nurse – Due to continuing advancements in the study of genetics, nurses with specialized training in genetics will be in great demand as sequencing technology becomes more prevalent. We are learning more about rare diseases and debilitating conditions through genome sequencing than any other current area of research. This transformational research will need support from a growing number of clinicians with a specialty in genetics.

Stem Cell Technology Nurse – An increasing amount of research is being conducted into the beneficial aspects of stem cell technology in the treatment of multiple diseases, including many cancers. Soon, nurses with specialized training in stem cell technology will be in great demand in care facilities as opposed to their current limitation to research facilities.

Holistic Nursing – In January 2017, The National Institute of Health (New York) published a study on holistic care, which primarily spoke about nurses educated in traditional allopathic approach being unfamiliar with the concepts of holistic care. Holistic nursing embraces the total mind, body and spirit approach to patient care and is one of the main drivers of alternative care revolution. There is a growing focus on mental wellness activities apart from mere physical care. Today, holistic nurses are integrating their approach with modern methodologies to enhance their overall level of patient care. They are also specializing in offbeat approaches such as the use of natural products (Herbs, vitamins, minerals, and probiotics) and mind/body practices including Yoga to combat stress, Core Strengthening Tai Chi, Osteopathic Manipulation, Meditation and Deep Breathing to ensure all facets of their patients’ wellness are taken care of.

Technology is changing the way nursing operates

There have been several talks on how Artificial Intelligence is going to make us redundant and advances in technology are going to replace human interaction, however, in the near term they will be used to supplement the nursing workforce, not replace them. Research projects globally are integrating an array of applications with robotic interfaces into the healthcare setting. Japan, Belgium and Singapore are some of the countries that have hopped onto the robotic automation bandwagon.

GPS Tracking in elderly care situations, Wireless Patient Monitoring in retrieval of necessary data and Intelligent Alarms ability to discern which patients need immediate intervention are now an imperative part of the day-to-day functionality in patient care. Today’s nursing professionals are enhancing their skill set by evolving technologically every year.

Home Healthcare – Healthcare at your doorstep

Several Indian nurses are expected to join forces with home healthcare services providers due to the flexibility and comfort offered to them on the job over global hospital conglomerates. This trend will see the rise of home healthcare nursing in the future as fast paced lifestyles leave little or no room for regular hospital visits. Nurses are predicted to shift away from institutional care to home healthcare as better salaries, positions and roles await them.

The shift from hospital-based to home healthcare demands will have a major impact in the future of nursing. Majority of nurses are used to hospital-based practice, shifting to home-based nursing practice will need adjustments in enhancing skills on independent nursing actions, decision-making and in-depth head-to-toe assessment.

trends and issues in nursing

  1. 1. TRENDS AND ISSUES IN NURSING Ram Sharan Mehta, Associate Professor B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences Email: ramsharanmehta@hotmail.comNursing has been called the oldest of the art, and the youngest of the profession. As such, it has gone through many stages and has been an integral part of social movements. Nursing has been involved in the existing culture, shaped by it and yet being to develop it. The trend analysis and future scenarios provide a basis for sound decision making through mapping of possible futures and aiming to create preferred futures.The future will see great advantages in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness and diseases with increasing demand for heath care and health information. As large hospital are replaced by high tech and small hospitals, health care will be provided in homes and out reach facilities and the focus will be on provider skill, out comes and user preference and satisfaction.Nurses will be the preferred care providers and entry points for diverse services.On the other hand there will be challenges related to ethics, rising costs, access to care and quality of care. Nurses will have an essential public health role and patients will become more demanding.  Healthier life styles, continuum of care, health environments and evidence based practice will be emphasized and in the forefront of nursing agenda. Globalization will enhance free movement, standardization, and wider opportunities and challenges. The changing work environment will be driven by cost effectiveness and quality of care for which nursing is well positioned.The multifaceted components in this unfolding will be; the revolutionary advances that we continue to witness in modern medical practice as a result of technological advances from the fields of physics, electronics, instrumentation, chemical and material sciences. The advent of molecular medicine, with work at the frontiers of modern biology particularly on the human genome, and its relevance to the generic basis of disease; the importance of recent advances relating to the human brain the wide range of opportunities becoming available through advances in information technology; the great importance of community and social medicine, of hygiene and epidemiological studies in understanding and preventing disease.Philosophy of life, elements of human nature, Religious factors, political ideologies,socioeconomic factors, cultural factors and expiration of knowledge are the factors determining educational aims. Vocation, knowledge, complete living, Harmonious development, mental and emotional development, physical development, moral development, character development, self –realization, cultural development, ideal citizenship and education for leisure are the general aims of education. 1
  2. 2. Progress in transportation, communication and other technological areas: e.g. automobile like aids e. g. telephone, motion pictures, radio, television, computer email and internet services, use of ultrasound, CT Scan, MRI imaging machines, electronic microscope radio active isotopes for medical research, artificial respirator ventilator, discovery of third generation antibiotics,findings of new drugs e.g.; vitamins, penicillin, insulin, chemotherapy and invention of other medical supplies like cool air machine, refrigeration, air and water mattress, electric beds etc.Nursing has a tremendous capacity to change people. The demands associated with nursing practice require a broad knowledge base and critical thinking abilities along with competent skills. The focus of nursing is shifting towards viewing patients as collaborative beneficiaries rather than passive recipients of care. Nursing requires psychological, social and physical skills and certain attitudes, which are rooted in knowledge. The demands associated with nursing practice require a broad knowledge base for decision-making. Critical thinking abilities and skills in the technological aspects of care.The function of the professional nurse in the hospital is more comprehensive. She will be actively involved in direct nursing care, health teaching, planning for care in home, rehabilitation and service to the outpatients. She may have to teach the students also.The world health organization (WHO) has been considering the future and predicts that by 2000the world experiences: Major growth in the elderly population, Decline in birthrate, especially in western countries, Increases in chronic illness, Continuing social unrest, AIDS a major problem,Many infectious diseases under control, Mental health a key issue and Poverty continuing to plague mach of the world.Exposure to human ill, sick child and baby, dying patients, cancer patients, renal failure patients,still birth etc., closer nurse patient relationship, Helplessness, Felling of incompetence in emergency situation, Lack of support system, Lack of resources, Often high unrealistic expectations, High technology equipment’s, Communication breakdown, and Heavy workload are the causes of stress among nurses.Nurses are responsible for public anger because: Nurses stay 24 hours with client, Nurses have to give answers fault made by professionals of other discipline, Work load very high, Less time for counseling and guidance to patients, Unable to explain their own role in clients care and Poor orientation to clients and relatives Professional judgment, Defining “Care”, Information system or effective communication,Electronic network or computer link, Problem based learning, Marketing or privatization,Nursing standard, Nursing audit, Nursing research, Multidisciplinary health team, Independent area of practice, Community based nursing, Holistic care approach, Specialized services(dialysis, Psychiatric etc.), Problem based learning, Distance learning (open university system),Self – directed learning, Continuing education, Use of advanced technology, Consumer protection act on action, Change in uniform and dress code, Utilization of married nurses,Specialization, Leadership of nursing in 21st century, Human relation in nursing , Disaster management, Marketing strategies for nursing, Computer application in nursing, Space nursing , 2
  3. 3. Nurse patient relationship and Provision for nursing consultant or specialist are the emerging trends in Nursing.Transitions taking place in health care are: Curative to Preventive approaches, Specialized care to Primary health care, Medical diagnosis to Patient emphasis, Discipline stovepipes to Program me stovepipes, Professional identity to Team identity, Trial and error to Evidence based practice, Self – regulation to Questioning of professions, and Focus on quality to Focus on costs.In the workplace the transitions taking place are: High tech to Humanistic, Competition to Cooperation, Need to supervise to Coaching, mentoring, and Hierarchies to Decentralized approach.Transitions taking place in nursing are: Continued competencies to Competencies a condition,Hospital environment to Community environment, Quality as excellence to Quality as safe, and Clear role to blurring roles The Major issues in nursing education are: Selection of students: Lack of valid tool to select proper students, Gap between theory and practice: There is vast gap between actual theory taught in classroom and the actual practice in clinical setting, Student status: In most of institutions students are vitalized for patient services, Nursing Competencies: To develop nursing competencies knowledge, under standing skill and attitudes are essential factors, Under utilization of clinical facilities in government colleges / schools, In adequate library facilities,Poor transport facilities, Less stipend for nursing students, Poor supply of AV aids, Less Promotional opportunities for teachers of both schools and colleges, Very few M. Sc. courses is available, Few Ph. D. Courses in Nursing colleges, and In private Institutions: there is Lack of qualified teachers, Hired building, Most institutes has not own hospital for clinical practice, Very expensive, In adequate hostel facilities for students and Poor provision of library. NURS 3001 – Issues and Trends in Nursing Case Study Paper The Issues in nursing service are: Poor working condition, Staffing level not based on standard norms, Inadequate quality In-service education program me, Less wages, Lacking in for malpractice guidelines, Work activities roles not well defined, Deficiencies in Team work, Lacking advanced extended nursing practice, Professional relationship with doctors decreasing day by day, Inadequate use of modern technologies, Inadequate availability of equipment and supplies,Poor team spirit among colleague, Very few professional representations in higher authorities,Poor exposure of nurses in National conferences workshop and forums, Inadequate availability of scientific research findings, As the education raises the gap between nurses and patients also raises, Nurses are more busy in administrative and paper works in compression to bed side care,Nurses are not research oriented, Use of non professional manpower to deliver nursing service,Monitoring, supervision, recording, deporting and evaluation system are poor in nursing service,Expert senior nurses are usually not involved in planning nursing manpower in an institution,There is not a system for scheduling planned annual leave for nurses, Lack of autonomy and empowerment for nursing leaders, Lack of understanding of nursing professional roles and responsibilities in general, and Gap in the latest managerial knowledge and skills among senior nursing leaders Common problems of nursing administration are: Poor involvement of nursing administrators in planning and decision making in the government hospital administration, No 3
  4. 4. specific power has been assigned to nursing In charges but she has been made In charges of all inventories and linen of hospital, In many institutions nursing superintendent will have no authority to sanction leave to their subordinates, Lack of knowledge of management of nursing administration among nursing administrators, Administrators most of the time depends on the advice of clerical staff in all matters including technical aspects, Prevalence of role ambiguity among administration administrators, Unnecessary interference’s of non nursing personnel in nursing administration, No clear cut written nursing policies and manuals, Poor job description for various nursing cadres, Poor organized staff development program me, which includes orientation, in-service education, continuing education etc,. Poor provision of incentives like:awards, visits, praise, conferences etc. Inefficiency of nursing councils to maintain standards,and inadequate efforts at higher level for implementation of separate directorate of nursing.Less educational preparation, Refuse to accept new role, Adhere to tradition, Failure to unity among nurses, Failure to work with consumers or public, and Failure to delivery nursing care to meet (satisfy) public needs are the common professional limitations in Nursing Profession.Conclusion: Transition generally occurs or takes place in each and every individual of this world. Nurses as an individual, involved in caring profession, also faces this transition are nothing but the passages or changes from one situation or state to another that occurs over time.There are often wide ranges of emotions experienced during the transition process that can affect the emotional and physical well being.Some ways to Prepare for transition process are: Positing thinking, flexible to adjust in various situations, organized personal life, practice healthy life style, find an ideal mentor, have some fun and able to know what is expected to learn to rules of road early …

Current Trends in Nursing

The field of nursing is rarely static. Being aware of the driving forces in any field helps individuals find a competitive edge in research, academics and their careers. Three current trends in nursing relate to technology, preventive care, and nursing education, all of which are interconnected and interdependent.


To improve patient outcomes, many hospitals have launched their own clinical decision support systems (CDSS) to provide appropriate, relevant, person-specific data. The CDSS is a tracker that improves the administration of pharmaceuticals, allows faster reactions time to adverse effects, and keeps better track of outcomes to inform future decisions. Such gains in technology affect many aspects of nursing, including the methods healthcare professionals use to prevent the spread of disease, keep data secure and protect patient privacy.


Prevention has been especially popular for U.S. policymakers for its ability to cut costs. With a relatively low upfront cost and a long-term ability to reduce chronic illness, preventive healthcare is one of the biggest trends in nursing. Today, technology has become one of the leading factors for disease prevention. Wearable technology and CDSS come together to give healthcare professionals the information they need to prevent an acute problem from becoming chronic. Nurses will need to understand the value of this technology, how to use it, and how to protect patient privacy.


The introduction of the Affordable Care Act brought additional patients into the healthcare system; patients who may have once relied on the emergency room for help can now schedule regular visits with a primary care provider. These changes are placing greater demands on the healthcare system, which will therefore require a larger labor force, making nursing education more important than ever.

The current trends in nursing are interconnected; to be a truly successful nurse, one must understand each trend and the underlying dynamics. The changing demographics of the patient population have put a strain on the healthcare system, increasing the demand for solutions. Improved nursing education teaches nurses how to use new technology and protect patient privacy. Ultimately, the use of technology to improve patient outcomes along with preventive healthcare measures are some of the best vehicles for reducing healthcare costs.

Nursing leadership: influencing and shaping health policy and nursing practice¶ The leadership discourse in the United Kingdom has to date been concerned with professional issues and as a result has focused upon developing nurses and nursing. This paper reports on the findings of a research study which examined the broader sociology-political factors impacting upon nursing leadership. The study forms an integral part of the Royal College of Nursing’s leadership program-me. The principal aim of the research was to examine critically contemporary nursing leadership within the context of health policy. An ethnographic approach was used. Informal semi-structured interviews were undertaken with a purpose sample of 24 leaders who were recognized for their effectiveness in leading nursing. Data were analyzed for themes. The main themes are presented and discussed here. The findings of the study question the political success which the internally focused nature of leadership has had for the profession. Nursing and therefore nursing leadership is shaped dramatically by the impact of politics and policy. The research discovered that in recognition of this, contemporary nursing leadership has both an internal and an external focus. That is, effective nursing leadership currently is a vehicle through which both nursing practice and health policy can be influenced and shaped. The research also identified the profile of the effective nurse leader, together with the processes through which leaders interpret and translate between the macro issues of policy and the micro issues of practice. In addition, an understanding of what nursing leadership is, has been proposed. Appropriate recommendations for the future of nursing and nursing leadership are outlined.

Nursing Trends and Challenges of Today and Tomorrow

There is no question that in 2012 we are witnessing an evolving nursing profession. Today’s nurse is not the same one who donned uniform and cap just 50 years ago. Today’s nurse isn’t the same as the one from a mere decade ago. So, it makes sense that as the profession develops there are a number of emerging trends and challenges that must be addressed.

The Institute of Medicine recently released its report on the future of nursing, and the challenges they outlined reflect issues being faced by leadership across the country.

First, our profession is struggling to identify an educational requirement for entry to practice. As more health professionals continue to educate themselves through masters, doctorates and fellowships, many nurses do not enter the work force with a bachelor’s degree. Existing nurses need to complete their undergraduate degree, while future nurses need advanced education that can be put into practice to improve patient outcomes and the population’s health.

Second, health care is challenged with how to keep up with ever-changing technology. Let’s face it, technology has gone Star Trek. Whether the Electronic Record or the operating room, technology is an integral part of patient care and the practice. Leaders must recognize that education is necessary to make technology user-friendly for all nurses. Technology ultimately improves work flow, but first nurses must be engaged during planning, implementation and optimization of systems.

Third, as the world continues to diversify, the nursing profession also must become more diverse. Nurses need to be educated in cultural differences and have access to resources that make care for patients of all cultures routine.

Finally, the nursing average age continues to increase. A large percentage of nurses are baby boomers who are approaching retirement. Managers need to leverage their contributions and keep them in the workplace. At the same time, a potential shortage of nursing staff—particularly highly qualified nurses—needs to be addressed to prevent compromising patient care.

While each of these trends and challenges can seem daunting, there has never been a more exciting time to enter nursing. Just think of everything that nurses of the future will learn and accomplish.
As a nurse in 2012 and beyond, a person has the opportunity to not only be educated in a chosen field, but also constantly learn as he or she interacts with other disciplines throughout the health care system.

There are no limits to where a career in nursing can take someone. A nurse need only choose the career track he or she would like to follow, and with the right attitude and knowledge, the opportunities are limitless. Whether it is continuing as a clinician or a transition into systems leadership, with the proper education and real-world experience, nurses are positioned to be the leaders as health care transforms.
A successful career in nursing also brings rewards such as being a member one of America’s most respected professions. And, in addition to educating patients, preventing complications and being the front line of accountability for cost mitigation, today’s nurse will witness the continued evolution of a great field. Yes, it’s a great time to be a nurse…and it will be even greater and more respected in the future.

The biggest issues nurses face today

Nurses play an integral role in the healthcare industry, providing care to patients and filling leadership roles at hospitals, health systems and other organizations.

But being a nurse is not without its challenges. It’s a demanding profession that requires a lot of dedication and commitment.

Here are five big issues facing nurses today.

1. Compensation. When it comes to nurse compensation, regional differences are to be expected based on cost of living.

Nurses living in certain regions of the U.S. make much more than nurses in other regions, according to the Association of preoperative Registered Nurses organization.

Nurses in the Pacific region make about $18,000 more than the average staff nurse, for instance. Next is the Mid-Atlantic region, where nurses make $14,800 more than average. Nurses in the East South Central region, however, make $4,300 less than average.

Beyond regional differences in pay, nurse pay gaps also persist between genders.

Male registered nurses earn, on average, upwards of $5,000 more than their female counterparts. The gender pay gap is present in all specialties except orthopedics, according to a study published in JAMA. Among nurse specialties, chronic care had the smallest gender pay gap, at $3,792, and cardiology had the highest gap, at $6,034.

2. Workplace violence. Another major challenge nurses face is violent behavior while on the job, be it from patients or coworkers.

Between 2012 and 2014, workplace violence injury rates increased for all healthcare job classifications and nearly doubled for nurse assistants and nurses, according to data from the Occupational Health Safety Network. A total of 112 U.S. facilities in 19 states reported 10,680 Occupational Safety and Health Administration-record able injuries occurring from January 1, 2012, to September 30, 2014. There were 4,674 patient handling and movement injuries; 3,972 slips, trips and falls; and 2,034 workplace violence injuries.

This year, North Carolina took a stance against workplace violence. Starting Dec. 1, people who attack hospital workers in North Carolina could be charged with a felony, thanks to a new state law. The News & Observer reported that the new law passed by “large margins” and was signed into law last month.

Other states are also cracking down on workplace violence: In Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Nurses Association union is pushing a workplace violence bill that would add enhanced plans around workplace safety.

3. Short staffing. Staffing is an issue of both professional and personal concern for nurses today. In fact, issues related to staffing levels, unit organization or inequitable assignments are one of the top reasons nurses leave a hospital job, according to Karlene Kerfoot, PhD, RN, vice president of nursing for API Healthcare.

Back in June, the Health Policy Commission unanimously approved a mandate on nurse staffing in intensive care units throughout Massachusetts. The regulations require that nurses in intensive care units in hospitals, including hospitals operated by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, be assigned only up to two patients at a given time. The regulations apply to all ICUs, including special units for burn patients, children and premature babies. NURS 3001 Week 3 Discussion – Professional Practice Models (Walden)

If staffing is inadequate, nurses contend it threatens patient health and safety, results in greater complexity of care, and impacts their health and safety by increasing fatigue and rate of injury. NURS 3001 Week 3 Discussion – Professional Practice Models (Walden)

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