NURS 4220-Conceptual Framework Pillars Discussion 3
NURS 4220-Conceptual Framework Pillars Discussion 3
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critical thinking
Review south university 5 conceptual pillars and choose one (CRITICAL THINKING) to identify and discuss theoretical basis for the conceptual requirements component that you have chosen to aesthetically interpret.
3.critical thinking
**** pillar i choose was critical thinking*****
*please follow instructional rubic for accuracy
*pages,including reference page
In addition to the purpose and philosophy, the nursing faculty believes in five integral
components to nursing practice. These components are viewed as the Conceptual Framework
Pillars. The philosophy is built upon these pillars and they support the structure of the nursing
profession. Without the strength of the pillars the foundation will weaken and fail. These pillars
are used within the constructs of each nursing course at South University and shape the way the
student will learn, develop and practice.
The Conceptual Framework Pillars of South University are: Caring, Communication, Critical
Thinking, Professionalism, and Holism. Each pillar is defined separately and then
interdependently to demonstrate their interconnectedness.
encompasses the nurses’ empathy for and connection with the patient as well as the ability
to translate the values of altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justice into
compassionate, sensitive, appropriate care.
is a dynamic, complex, interactive circular process by which information is
shared between two or more individuals. Conveyed formally or informally, communication may
be verbal, nonverbal, or written in a social, personal, or therapeutic manner. Three elements
included in the communication process are the sender, the message and the receiver.
Communication is a learned process influenced by an individual’s past experiences, sociocultural
background and competency.
Critical Thinking
is highly developed thought, the outcome of which reflects assimilation of
inquiry, reasoning, analysis, research and decision making. Knowledge is generated and learning
occurs with the application of critical thinking relevant to the discipline of nursing.
is a multifaceted process involving competency, legal, ethical, political and
economic issues. Nurses utilize the fields of law and ethics in reference to standards of practices,
legal interpretations, and shared beliefs concerning health-related behaviors. Professional issues
play an ever-increasing role in the standards and delivery of health care by the contemporary nurse.
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is the unity and completeness of person. Holism recognizes that persons are entire entities
composed of complex, integrated systems. Conditions of the body, mind and spirit are influenced by
culture, religion, education, environment, standard of living, interpersonal relationships, gender and
developmental stage. Holistic nursing practice focuses on the whole being in the attempt to achieve
optimal wellness through comprehensive health promotion, disease/illness prevention and
restorative care of person, family, and community.