NURS 5051-Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge Orders Example
NURS 5051-Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge Orders Example
ORDER NOW FOR AN ORIGINAL PAPER!!!NURS 5051-Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge Orders Example .
Observe the simulated “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher” video
Blue Group CLC: Home Visit with Sallie Mae Fisher
After observing the simulated video, Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher, physical assessments, environmental conditions, subjective and objective data all support that S.M. lacks the ability to manage self-care. Considering S.M.’s chronic illnesses, multiple rehospitalizations, age, social status, nutritional status, and inadequate family support, by definition this client struggles with Ineffective Health Maintenance (Ackley & Ladwig, Pp. 412-415).
Care Plan
Under the umbrella of Ineffective Health Maintenance, one could argue that several care plans are needed to address problematic areas affecting S.M.’s overall health. Prioritization of care for patients is based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (David, 2014). According to this model, priority of care is given to physical needs (air, food, water, etc.), safety (secure environment, financial resources, etc.), belongingness (intimacy, socialization, family ties), esteem (achievement, respect), and self-actualization (morality, creativity). Disregarded discharge orders, instructions, and medication reconciliation raise further questions, requiring prompt attention.
Physiological needs (includes air, food, water, sex, sleep, other factors towards homeostasis
Summarizes problems from home visit with S.M. with evidence to substantiate findings (subjective / objective data). Denies oxygen order…discharge order meds overlap. “.I don’t have any appetite…sick to my stomach the last few days…it’s all I can do to open a can of soup”, Identifies and discusses medical and/or nursing interventions to meet client needs. Support interventions with rationale and evidence based research (In-Text Citations). Please add references to last page.
Safety needs (includes safety of environment, employment, resources, health, property, etc)
Summarizes problem from home visit with S.M. with evidence to substantiate findings (subjective / objective data). …Tripping hazards, confusion..“my mind just seems so cloudy. Identifies and discusses medical and/or nursing interventions to meet client needs. Support interventions with rationale and evidence based research (In-Text Citations). Please add references to last page.
Belongingness (love, friendship, intimacy, family, etc)
Summarizes problem from home visit with S.M. with evidence to substantiate findings (subjective / objective data). “…since Woody died, I don’t even care”…”my daughter’s so busy….”Identifies and discusses medical and/or nursing interventions to meet client needs. Support interventions with rationale and evidence based research (In-Text Citations). Please add references to last page.
Esteem and Self-Actualization (self-esteem, achievement, respect, morality, problem solving)
Summarizes problem from home visit with S.M. with evidence to substantiate findings (subjective / objective data). Identifies and discusses medical and/or nursing interventions to meet client needs. Support interventions with rationale and evidence based research (In-Text Citations). Please add references to last page.
Review thesis and interventions….As an aging, chronically ill patient, S.M. may benefit from the above timely interventions, frequent evaluations by health professionals, and repeated patient teaching, charts, or literature. It may be that as medication dosing amounts and times are adjusted, S.M. may present with better health promoting behaviors, health seeking behaviors, and health perceptions regarding available resources, all promoting better health outcomes for Sallie Mae.
ORDER NOW FOR AN ORIGINAL PAPER!!!NURS 5051-Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge Orders Example .
Ackley, B., & Ladwig, G. (2014). Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. (10th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.
David, L. (2014). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Learning Theories. Retrieved from
Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses (2013). (13th ed.). Philadelphia, PA
Grand Canyon University (2013). Home Visit with Sallie Mae. Retrieved from
Grand Canyon University (2013). Sallie Mae Fishers Health History and Discharge Orders.
Retrieved from
NRS410V.R.SallieMaeFishersHealthHistoryandDischargeOrders_Student_02-11-13 (1)
Kaiser Permanente (n.d.). Drug Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
Pagana K.D. & Pagana, T.J. (2013), Mosby’s Diagnostic & Laboratory Test Reference. (11th ed.)
St. Lousis, MO.