NRS 428 Benchmark – Community Teaching Plan: Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Bias refers to a multifaceted evaluation of one population or group and its members relative to another and can be exhibited directly or indirectly (Bucknor-Ferron & Zagaja, 2016). Implicit bias is not only detrimental because it is unjustifiable, but it can also contribute to disparities in health care. Community health nurses tend to have an unintended disconnect between their aspiration to provide equal patient care and the way their decision making is influenced by patients’ ethnicity, race, and socioeconomic status (Cuevas, O’Brien & Saha, 2017). A community health nurse can recognize bias, stereotypes, and implicit bias by talking with people in the community appropriately to enable one to learn more about an individual or a population (Bucknor-Ferron & Zagaja, 2016). By trying to understand the cultural differences, the community nurse can recognize any unconscious bias and start to overcome it.


By exhibiting empathy for patients and their circumstances in the community, nurses can address the ideas of bias, stereotypes, and unconscious bias. This can be accomplished by making an effort to understand people’s experiences in the community in order to determine which health promotion activities are culturally appropriate for them (Bucknor-Ferron & Zagaja, 2016).

Furthermore, nurses can hold training programs to educate one another about unconscious bias in order to contribute to the creation of atmosphere that encourages equal health promotion activities for all members of the community. Improved nursing knowledge is critical for improving awareness, admitting the occurrence of unconscious bias, and reducing its prevalence during health promotion initiatives.

Holding cultural competency training workshops for community health professionals is one strategy I can use to reduce cultural dissonance and bias and provide culturally competent care (Cuevas, O’Brien, & Saha, 2017). This can assist in addressing ethnic and racial gaps among healthcare providers and promoting culturally responsive care. Furthermore, I may create a checklist to help standardize the health promotion activities offered to patients of diverse demographics and to ensure cultural competence (Bucknor-Ferron & Zagaja, 2016).


Bucknor-Ferron, P., & Zagaja, L. (2016). Five strategies to combat unconscious bias. Nursing2019, 46(11), 61-62.

Cuevas, A. G., O’Brien, K., & Saha, S. (2017). What is the key to culturally competent care: Reducing bias or cultural tailoring? Psychology & health, 32(4), 493–507. doi:10.1080/08870446.2017.1284221

Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

From childhood to adulthood, hygiene is an essential component of healthy living practices. However, lapses in hygiene have been observed, particularly in hand washing practices among students, teachers, and parents, resulting in the unrestricted spread of germs. As a result, there is a need to address the issue of hand washing in order to educate people on the fundamentals of hygiene and how to protect oneself from germs (Giddens, Caputi & Rodgers, 2019). The community teaching work plan proposal is an excellent guide for sensitizing people about hygiene and developing prevention strategies to control the spread of infections. The current proposal delves into the significance of hand washing in infection prevention at Shaman Oaks High School. Different

Planning and Topic

Directions: Develop an educational series proposal for your community using one of the following four topics:

  1. Bioterrorism/Disaster
  2. Environmental Issues
  3. Primary Prevention/Health Promotion
  4. Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population

Planning Before Teaching:

Name and Credentials of Teacher:
Estimated Time Teaching Will Last: 30 to 40 minutes Location of Teaching: Urban High School (Shaman Oaks High)
Supplies, Material, Equipment Needed: Computer, Projector, PowerPoint Presentation, Screen, detailed paper handouts, pens, chalks, soap and hand sanitizers. Estimated Cost: Materials such as screen, projector and computer were provided by the school. $45 is anticipated to be the cost of consumable items.
Community and Target Aggregate:

School going children in the age range of 10 and 17 years most of whom are enrolled in the high school. Teachers in the high school and a representative or member of family for each child will also be enrolled on the program.


Primary Prevention/ Health Promotion: Importance of Hand Washing in Controlling Infections

Benchmark – Community Teaching Plan: Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Identification of Focus for Community Teaching:

School children engage in different activities and risky behaviors that predisposes them to health hazards. Hand hygiene is one of the simplest as well as the most effective method to prevent transmission of infectious agents such as diarrhea, common colds, food-borne illnesses and influenza (Dickie et al., 2018).

Keeping hands clean is a major approach to control the spread of these infections in school going children, staff members and parents. According to the estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 52.2 million incidences of common cold affects U.S populations below the age of 17 years and this results in 22 million school days lost every year. Besides, about 5-20 percent of Americans acquire influenza but children remain the most vulnerable to serious complications of flu (Clark, Crandall & O’Bryan, 2018).

Diarrhea as one of the common symptoms of infectious food-borne illnesses is ranked second after colds that disproportionately affect children leading to loss of approximately 25 days of school days each year. The condition also affects about 100 members of the population every year. Infections are readily spread from one person to another in school setting as people are in a close environment in addition to inadequate hand hygiene exacerbated by sharing of equipment and other supplies.

Epidemiological Rationale for Topic

The epidemiological rationale for this topic is derived from the idea that hand washing with detergents reduces the risk of diarrhea-causing infection transmission by 50 percent (Clark, Crandall, & O’Bryan, 2018). Before eating or preparing food, after sneezing or coughing, when handling animals, and after using the restroom, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that every person wash their hands with clean water and soap for about 15-20 seconds (Dickie et al., 2018). Alternatives to soap and water include alcohol-based hand sanitizers and gel, especially when neither are available.

These practices assist in eliminating infectious agents and preventing the spread of pathogens from infected individuals to healthy populations. In addition, effective hand washing decreases the risk of transmitting respiratory diseases by approximately 16 percent, thereby controlling the spread of infections such as the common cold, asthma attacks, and dust pneumonia. The use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers for hand washing has reduced the spread of germs by approximately 20%. Clark, Crandall, and O’Bryan (2018) and Dickie et al. (2018) report that proper hand washing reduces infections and school absences among children because they are less likely to contract respiratory or gastrointestinal illnesses.

The benchmark assesses the following competency:

4.2 Communicate therapeutically with patients.

The RN to BSN program at Grand Canyon University meets the requirements for clinical competencies as defined by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), using nontraditional experiences for practicing nurses. These experiences come in the form of direct and indirect care experiences in which licensed nursing students engage in learning within the context of their hospital organization, specific care discipline, and local communities.

Note:  The teaching plan proposal developed in this assignment will be used to develop your Community Teaching Plan: Community Presentation due in Topic 5. You are strongly encouraged to begin working on your presentation once you have received and submitted this proposal.

Read Also: Benchmark – Policy Brief assignment 

Compare vulnerable populations. Describe an example of one of these groups in the United States or from another country. Explain why the population is designated as “vulnerable.” Include the number of individuals belonging to this group and the specific challenges or issues involved. Discuss why these populations are unable to advocate for themselves, the ethical issues that must be considered when working with these groups, and how nursing advocacy would be beneficial.

Happy Week 3 Discussion

Vulnerable Populations in the United States

Although efforts to establish health equity and equality across all populations in the United, health disparities are quite prevalent. Reasonably, a substantial part of the United States population is vulnerable to conditions that arise from socio-economic factors.

Notably, some populations face high rates of morbidity and mortality than others due to their socio-economic status (Talal et al., 2020). For example, individuals living in rural or poor neighborhoods experience health disparities, whereby accessibility to healthcare is limited, and prevailing infrastructure does not support changes. For example, racial minorities face health disparities, whereby they have low health insurance rates, and health issues associated with their environment are under-researched.

These groups experience disparities in areas that contribute to a healthy population; for example, it is evident that education is intricately linked to health as a social determinant (Talal et al., 2020). Considering that vulnerable populations experience disparities in social determinants of health, it is imperative to view vulnerable groups as individuals who face inequity and inequalities in healthcare.

Racial minorities are an example of a vulnerable population in the United States. This group is vulnerable to various socio-economic issues, which hinder them from advocating equity in healthcare. For instance, despite racial minorities African-Americans making the largest racial minority (18.7% of the total population), they still face health disparities, whereby they have limited access to healthcare as compared to white Americans (Talal et al., 2020).

This group cannot advocate due to underrepresentation in political positions and the systematic racial caste. Studies indicate that many African-Americans are uninsured or rely on public health systems. Advocacy of racial minorities faces an ethical dilemma. Some people argue that although all human beings should be treated with dignity, the healthcare system requires funds for smooth day-to-day operations (Talal et al., 2020). Thus, the healthcare system cannot guarantee foregone billing to achieve ethical obligations.


Talal, A. H., Sofikitou, E., U, J., Zeremski, M., Tobin, J. N., & Markatou, M. (2020). A framework for patient-centered telemedicine: Appplication and Lessons learned from vulnerable populations. Journal of Biomedical informatics, 112, 103622.

Benchmark – Community Teaching Plan: Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal


Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Planning and Topic

Directions: Develop an educational series proposal for your community using one of the following four topics:

  1. Bioterrorism/Disaster
  2. Environmental Issues
  3. Primary Prevention/Health Promotion
  4. Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population

Identification of Focus for Community Teaching (Topic Selection):

Epidemiological Rationale for Topic (Statistics Related to Topic):

Teaching Plan Criteria

Your teaching plan will be graded based on its effectiveness and relevance to the population selected. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Nursing Diagnosis:

Readiness for Learning: Identify the factors that would indicate the readiness to learn for the target aggregate. Include emotional and experiential readiness to learn.

Goal: Healthy Peole 2020 (HP2020) objective(s) utilized as the goal for the teaching. Include the appropriate objective number and rationale for using the selected HP2020 objective (use at least one objective from one of the 24 focus areas). If an HP2020 objective does not support your teaching, explain how your teaching applies to one of the two overarching HP2020 goals.

How Does This HP2020 Objective Relate to Alma Ata’s Health for All Global Initiatives

Develop Behavioral Objectives (Including Domains), Content, and Strategies/Methods:

Behavioral Objective
and Domain
Example – Third-grade students will name one healthy food choice in each of the five food groups by the end of the presentation. (Cognitive Domain)
(be specific)Example – The Food Pyramid has five food groups which are….Healthy foods from each group are….

Unhealthy foods containing a lot of sugar or fat are….

(label and describe)

Example – Interactive poster presentation of the Food  Pyramid. After an explanation of the poster and each food category, allow students to place pictures of foods on the correct spot on the pyramid. Also, have the class analyze what a child had for lunch by putting names of foods on the poster and discussing what food group still needs to be eaten throughout day.





1. 1.




2. 2.




3. 3.




4. 4.


Creativity: How was creativity applied in the teaching methods/strategies?

Planned Evaluation of Objectives (Outcome Evaluation): Describe what you will measure for each objective and how.

Planned Evaluation of Goal:  Describe how and when you could evaluate the overall effectiveness of your teaching plan.

Planned Evaluation of Lesson and Teacher (Process Evaluation):

Barriers: What are potential barriers that may arise during teaching and how will those be handled?

Therapeutic Communication

4.2 Communicate therapeutically with patients.

How will you begin your presentation and capture the interest of your audience? Describe the type of activity will you use with your audience to exhibit active listening? Describe how you applied active listening in tailoring your presentation to your audience? How will you conclude your presentation? What nonverbal communication techniques will you employ?

In community healthcare settings, a range of difficulties exists that obstruct the delivery of culturally appropriate treatment. Implicit and stereotypes bias are among them. Healthcare practitioners, on the other hand, typically consider themselves to be prejudiced against their patients. However, because healthcare workers are human, mistakes do occur. Implicit prejudice and stereotypes inadvertently interfere with the action, decisions unconsciously, and understanding (Bucknor-Ferron, 2016). These problems can result in uneven care in community health care. It is critical to recognize these difficulties before attempting to fix them.

In the community healthcare context, there are a variety of techniques for identifying stereotypes and unconscious bias. First, community nurses must examine themselves to recognize their ideas and values, contributing to unconscious prejudice. Second, nurses can detect preconceptions and unconscious prejudice by discussing cultural differences with their patients. One of the reasons for unconscious prejudice is this. They will be able to overcome it after recognizing the contributing elements. Thirdly, including sensitivity training and the prevalence of implicit bias in community healthcare facilities into the official curricula for community nurses will improve bias detection in healthcare (Bucknor-Ferron, 2016).

Nurses must address the issues listed above to ensure that health promotion initiatives are culturally appropriate. First, the nurses must talk about the problem or have conversations about it. This aid nurses in accepting that a problem exists and accepting ownership and responsibility for making a difference (Bucknor-Ferron, 2016). Nurses can also combat unconscious prejudice and stereotypes by practicing positive behaviors like empathy.

This enables nurses to understand better the patient’s condition, beliefs, and values to provide unbiased healthcare services. Furthermore, establishing training sessions might aid in the promotion of bias literacy (Persaud, 2019). This method enables healthcare practitioners to detect the problem, develop their cultural competency abilities, and better understand their role in addressing it. As a result of the techniques mentioned above, nurses will be able to provide culturally appropriate care.



Bucknor-Ferron, P., & Zagaja, L. (2016). Five strategies to combat unconscious bias. Nursing2020, 46(11), 61-62.

Persaud, S. (2019). Addressing unconscious bias: A nurse leader’s role. Nursing administration quarterly, 43(2), 130-137.

Recognizing Bias, Stereotypes, and Implicit Bias in a Community.

Professions, must wary of any negative evaluation they make on a certain group of people, race, religion, and ethnic (FitzGerald & Hurst 2017). Biases are evident in vulnerable populations. Cases such as low self-esteem, avoiding eye contact during patient-nurse interaction, malnourishment, laxity, and low turn out to health facilities, indicates bias stereotypes and implicit bias in a community.  Stress is also being an indicator of consequences are in diseases such as high blood pressure, obesity, cancer, and death and damaging behaviours such as poor sleep, smoking, and substance abuse.

A nurse needs to overcome this and be the advocate for their patients. He or she is the voice to the patient who cannot speak for themselves and the health of their loved ones. The advocacy skill can be the positive influence that allows patients to feel empowered and in control of their health.

Personal awareness is an inward compass directing us on how to perceive others in our daily interactions. It helps recognize acceptable and unacceptable attitudes and behaviour and stay on the ground (Young & Guo 2020). Enhanced knowledge is central to raising awareness and promotes a good atmosphere for patient healthcare workers. They also understand their rights and foster equality in health care delivery. Acknowledgment of pre-existing problems brings acceptability and accountability to make the change.


From the findings, the healthcare professional must be liberal because of the variety of patients they meet. There is a need for a change of attitude and general assumption of particular ethnicities, especially in service delivery. It ensures equity and quality care in people from different backgrounds.


FitzGerald, C., & Hurst, S. (2017). Implicit bias in healthcare professionals: a systematic review. BMC medical ethics, 18(1), 19.

Young, S., & Guo, K. L. (2020). Cultural diversity training: The necessity of cultural competence for health care providers and in nursing practice. The health care manager, 39(2), 100-108.

It is understandable when one finds it hard to admit they might be biased toward some patients, but it happens. The best approach to fixing implicit bias is to recognize it and then constantly reassess how one feels and whether their approach is working. Acknowledging your own biases means acknowledging that you may have feelings about a specific population or a person/group in that population that needs to be dealt with so that you can provide the best possible care.

People may assume specific characteristics, behaviors, or beliefs about a patient based on regional inflections, job status, or language barriers, all of which can lead you to disagree with those assumptions. I agree that nurses must never allow personal judgment about the patient’s actions to sway how the patient is treated. To detect prejudice, nurses should be aware of their assumptions (Medina-Martínez et al., 2021). For example, a patient’s race, accent, dress style, or general look might cause them to make an initial judgment. I agree that acknowledging cultural differences might assist you in identifying and reversing any prejudice you may be harboring.


Medina-Martínez, J., Saus-Ortega, C., Sánchez-Lorente, M. M., Sosa-Palanca, E. M., García-Martínez, P., & Mármol-López, M. I. (2021). Health inequities in LGBT people and nursing interventions to reduce them: a systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), 11801.

I agree with you that some people may be bias without knowing. Other may use stereotypical remarks and gesture to provoke others. Biased remarks and behaviors attract mixed reactions (Johnson, 2019). Unfortunately, some people may be offended when they are downgraded due to their race, social status, and gender. Inherent bias is a subconscious human trait. Therefore, other people may have limited control over inherent bias.

Other people may acquire the character from their immediate environment (Dos Santos, 2020). However, most healthcare organizations create bias-free workplace. Stakeholders understand the effect of discrimination and favoritism. Language barriers and social status may trigger profiling that may in turn cause bias. Physical experience may cause racial stereotyping and prejudice that may interfere the relationship between patients and caregivers. Educating nurses on embracing diversity will be a positive step towards preparing a relatable healthcare provider.


Dos Santos, L. M. (2020). I teach nursing as a male nursing educator: The East Asian perspective, context, and social cognitive career experiences. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(12), 4327.

Johnson, S. L. (2019). Workplace bullying, biased behaviours and performance review in the nursing profession: A qualitative study. Journal of clinical nursing, 28(9-10), 1528-1537.

It can be hard to admit you might be biased toward some of your patients, but it happens, and the best approach to fixing implicit bias is to recognize it and then constantly reassess how you feel and how your approach is working. Inherent bias is a subconscious human trait and frequently interferes with best nursing practices (Quinn-Sczesuil, 2018). Recognizing an inherent bias means that you understand you might have certain feelings about a specific population, a person’s or groups appearance, or mannerisms that need to be addressed and dealt with to provide the best possible care.

Implicit bias exists in health care settings and impacts quality and equity of care. Language barriers, job status, or regional inflections can cause people to assume a patient has certain traits, behaviors, or beliefs that you might not agree with. We often notice that feeling when trying to explain treatments to a patient, when responding to their needs, or when dealing with an extended and involved family. We all know these patients or family members, they have googled their symptoms and know exactly what it is wrong with them and what we as nurses should be doing for them.

You might find there are certain accents, specific items of clothing, or ways of speaking that cause you to tag someone with undeserved qualities. A patient’s race, accent, clothing style, or appearance can spark an instant judgment in you. Do you hold back certain levels of compassion for patients who are more short-tempered? Do you assume low standards in a disheveled, unkempt patient? Does someone’s race affect how you see them?

An implicit bias is not only harmful because it is undeserved, but it can also lead to disparities in care. Even if you are unaware of how you are feeling, your body language, focused attention, and the level of care you provide can be impacted directly by the way you are feeling. Each patient deserves a nurses’ full care, so understanding what might trigger you to act differently will make you a better nurse.

It is crucial to relinquish our personal opinions or preconceived notions about “certain” patients like drug users/seekers because it may prove to be the difference between a misdiagnosis or an epic save. As health care professionals, we see patients at their worst. These individuals are giving up a hidden past that may be unknown to their spouse or dearest friend. They may be sharing their darkest secret in hopes of us diagnosing and treating their complaint.


So, we must be diligent and set aside our pride and opinions to provide care that is based solely on the case at hand and not by public opinion. Listen to the patient; do not just hear him or her. Gather the patient’s backstory or social history, which can be helpful in formulating potential differential diagnoses. Nurses must never allow personal judgment about the patient’s actions sway how the patient is treated. Health care professionals are not the judge and the jury, instead, we are the detectives that collect the evidence and build the case (Wagner, 2015).

Talking with patients is a good way to learn more about them. Understanding cultural differences can also help you become aware of any unconscious bias and begin to overcome it. We all have a bias, but talking about implicit bias opens the conversation, removes the taboo, and paves the way for better patient care and outcomes. When nurses are able to address this topic in an open and nonjudgmental manner, everyone benefits.


Quinn-Szcesuil, J. (2018). Recognizing implicit bias in health care settings. Minority Nurse. Retrieved July 05, 2022 from

Wagner, A. (2015). Implicit bias can be deadly. Minority Nurse. Retrieved July 05, 2022 from

Benchmark – Community Teaching Plan: Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

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