DNP 835-Week 2 Eastern Orthodox Religious Tradition Discussion

DNP 835-Week 2 Eastern Orthodox Religious Tradition Discussion

DNP 835-Week 2 Eastern Orthodox Religious Tradition Discussion

ORDER NOW FOR AN ORIGINAL PAPER!!! DNP 835-Week 2 Eastern Orthodox Religious Tradition Discussion .

Visit a worship service of a religious group with which you are unacquainted. Describe the religious group, the worship experience, the leaders, general impressions and what you’ve learned about the group. Share which religious tradition you will be visiting in the week 2 module.

If you are very unfamiliar with the tradition, make sure you contact the group to ask permission for attending the service. Also, while I encourage you to document your visit with pictures, please DO NOT take pictures or film any service while it is in progress. This is considered offensive to most religions. DO ask permission to take a picture of the outside of the structure or the inside of the structure while service is not in session. DO ask permission to take pictures of the religious leaders or members if pertinent to your paper.

Also attempt to do a little outside research about the group either prior to or following the service you attend. This research can be done online, and you should seek out “official” sources for that religion. How did the worship service correspond to what you read about the group?

This paper should be 3-4 pages, double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins. If you use and quote or paraphrase outside sources they should be cited.


REL 104 BSN Paper Rubric

REL 104 BSN Paper Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeKey Components
30.0 ptsExceeds expectations: Paper demonstrates exemplary effort in examination and reflection of the key components of the given questions. Ideas are fully and coherently developed and appropriately elaborated. 18.0 ptsMeets expectations: Paper demonstrates satisfactory effort in examination and reflection of the components of the given questions. While the student seems to understand the subject matter and accomplishes the assignment adequately, connections are unclear. 10.0 ptsDoes not meet expectations: Paper demonstrates little effort in examination and reflection of the key components of the given questions.
30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch
30.0 ptsExceeds expectations: Student evidences nuanced use of outside research, including resources beyond the class text. Outside information is incorporated into the student’s paper. 18.0 ptsMeets expectations: Student uses research but does not adequately incorporate sources into the paper. 10.0 ptsDoes not meet expectations: Student does not evidence any use of outside sources in the paper.
30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics
30.0 ptsExceeds expectations: There are very few mechanical problems and the paper represents superior effort. 18.0 ptsMeets expectations: Style represents some grammatical, spelling and/or mechanical errors. 0.0 ptsDoes not meet expectations: Paper is unacceptable because it has numerous stylistic or organizational problems, is submitted in an incomplete form or is plagiarized.
30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTimeliness
10.0 ptsPaper is submitted on time. 0.0 ptsPaper is late

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