NUR 635-Week 1 Discussion: Wisdom

NUR 635-Week 1 Discussion: Wisdom

NUR 635-Week 1 Discussion: Wisdom

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these terms are great predictors of a person’s well-being because the way we think, how much we know, how educated we are all defines our well-being and any decisions we make in life. “Success consists of making well-reasoned, reflective judgments to solve problems, and to make decisions effectively” (Facione, 2016). Good people are not always smart and smart people are not always good. When you’re too smart or know too much, that can be a good thing or bad thing. Unfortunately, smart people take advantage of being smart in a negative way. “Lacking skills can either make or break a persons career” (Erstad, 2018). Not only could lacking skills make or break a persons career, it can also make it easier for people to get taken advantage of if they do not know any better. I define “good” as someone who always does the right thing and make the right choices no matter what, even when no one is looking. I define smart as someone who knows something thoroughly from front to back pertaining to any subject; someone who knows their stuff. I believe that you can use your intelligence to become good by understanding and knowing what is right and what is good and what is wrong and putting right in right and wrong in wrong and the good with the good.


Erstad, W. (2018). 6 Critical Thinking Skills You Need to Master Now.

Facione, P. A., & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Think critically (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson.

( Sheffield (Instructor) Yesterday

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Chloe, thank you for your post for this week.

In looking at your definition of wisdom, “Wisdom- to be very familiar in many things of life,”, can you express exactly what that entails and why you wrote what you did? I am interested in understanding.

Chapter 1 shows a model of Bloom’s taxonomy – they are the steps to mastery of any learning endeavor and the basic components of critical reasoning. They have recently been simplified and reordered as follows: • Remember • Understand • Apply • Analyze • Evaluate • Create

How do you think Bloom’s steps will apply to you as you pursue your career in the healthcare professions? How do you see yourself creating (the top of Blooms) in your current or nursing profession? Explain.

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( Burgess ( Yesterday

” Reply & Week 1 Discussion: Wisdom


“Critical thinking is the process of reasoned judgement” (Facione & Gittens, 2016). I believe that critical thinking and intelligence go hand-and-hand when predicting an individual’s well-being. When it comes to well-being, critical thinking can be used in situations that will prevent an individual from harm. According to Schub (2018), “critical thinking is a complex intellectual method that can be generally described as a course of purposeful, insightful judgment that involves the growth and efficient utilization of multiple aspects of understanding to interpret and evaluate a situation and arrive at an end”. An individual can maintain their well-being by using both critical thinking and intelligence, which will help them to thoroughly evaluate the situation they are in and come up with ways to overcome it.

Wisdom can also play a major role in the well-being of an individual because wisdom is obtained based upon individual experiences. Each individual experience is different and the lessons that are learned behind these experiences can be used in future instances. In my opinion, wisdom contributes to critical thinking because an individual can take prior experiences, evaluate them, and use this knowledge to help create a more favorable outcome in the future experience.

I believe that people in the world today who are good were taught to do good. Although I believe that an individual that does good was taught to do good as a child, I also believe that an individual can learn to do good as an adult based upon their intelligence. Someone who is good genuinely tries to do no harm to others and practices honesty. These individuals tend to make decisions that are sound and makes the most sense in the moment, and they tend to receive positive life outcomes from their decisions. Although I believe that being smart and being intelligent differ slightly, in regard to critical thinking, I believe that an individual who possess either characteristic, whether smart or intelligent, has greater well-being than an individual who does not possess these qualities at all.

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Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Thinking Critically. 3rd. Ed. Pearson: Boston, MA.

Schub, E. R. B. (2018). Critical Thinking: Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills. CINAHL Nursing Guide.

( Sheffield (Instructor) Yesterday


Jasmine, thank you for your post for this week.

Great definition of critical thinking but remember, the question prompt is asking for your definition. Coming up with your own definition will make it much easier for you to carry the definition with you even after this course.

One of the guidelines for being a good person depend on many other factors, in both the secular and

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religious worlds. However, goodness also requires a bit of self-reflection of oneself. In other words, introspection. Do you think critical thinking is intuitive? Explain.

( Varnes ( Yesterday


Hi Professor and Class, Week 1 Discussion: Wisdom

According to Fradera (2019), intelligence is critical in helping individuals make sound decisions regarding finances and health. However, Fradera observes that this is not the case in every situation as people who are deemed intelligent make erroneous decisions (2019). According to Butler et al. (2017), intelligence is the ability of the brain to process abstract content, though much is required to make sound judgments. I understand the following terms as follows:

Critical thinking is understood as an assessment of facts to make informed decisions.

Wisdom relates to knowing when, how, and why to do things by employing intelligence.

Intelligence involves the application of knowledge to solve issues in life.

Well-being is understood as the state of existence, where an individual’s welfare is described as healthy or prosperous.

On whether good people are smart, my opinion is that good is subjective. What I perceive as good could be viewed differently by another person, hence the need for explanation. Nevertheless, good people can be smart if they apply critical thinking to make decisions. Good people can be perceived as smart or otherwise by the way they arrive at life decisions.

My take on whether smart people are good is that those we perceive to be smart are not always good. According to Fradera (2019), smart people tend to force their decisions down peoples’ throats since they deem themselves knowledgeable than others. Fradera also notes that smart people can lead to great losses when they err in decision making, especially when they hold places of leadership (2019).

“Good” and “Smart” are terms that are used to describe certain characters in individuals. According to Cohut (2018), when something or someone is described as “Good,” they possess likable attributes. On the other hand, individuals are described as “Smart” when they exhibit the ability to process information and utilize it in decision making.

I agree that we can use our intelligence to become “good.” To achieve this, we utilize the knowledge that we have gained over a lifetime and the experiences of our critical thinking to make sound judgments; the objective is to improve the well-being of others. This way, we use our intelligence to become “good.”


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Fradera, A. (2019). Critical thinking skills are more important than IQ for making good decisions in life. Retrieved from

Butler, H. B., Pentoney, C., & Bong, M. P. (2017). Predicting Real-World Outcomes: Critical Thinking Ability is a Better Predictor of Life Decisions than Intelligence. Retrieved from

Cohut, M. (2018). Being nice, or being smart: What leads to success? Retrieved from

( Sheffield (Instructor) Yesterday

Edited by Sonja Sheffield ( on Jul 7 at 4:44pm Week 1 Discussion: Wisdom

ORDER NOW FOR AN ORIGINAL PAPER!!! NUR 635-Week 1 Discussion: Wisdom .

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