PHI-413V Christian Concept of the imago Dei and Worldview Discussion

PHI-413V Christian Concept of the imago Dei and Worldview Discussion

PHI-413V Christian Concept of the imago Dei and Worldview Discussion

PHI-413 Topic 2 DQ 2: Value of Human Sample

The value of a human person is immeasurable. Every individual has a unique set of talents, abilities, and qualities that contribute to the well-being of society as a whole. Moreover, each person possesses an innate dignity and worth that must be respected at all times. People must always remember that every life is precious and has the potential to make a positive impact in the world (Ramsayer & Fleming, 2020). All life is valuable, and each person has an intrinsic worth that comes from being created in the image of God. We are all worthy of respect and love, no matter what we have done or who we are. Every life matters, and every person has the potential to bring good into the world.


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As a healthcare professional, I am pro-life. I believe that every human life is valuable and deserves to be protected, from the moment of conception until natural death. I also support embryonic stem cell research, as I believe that it has the potential to cure diseases and save lives. However, I do not support creating “designer babies” or using abortion as a form of birth control. Every life is valuable, no matter how it was conceived or what its prognosis may be (Braber, 2020). Further, abortion is unethical; there are a few reasons why abortion as a form of birth control is unethical. First, it denies an unborn child the right to life (Baird & Millar, 2020). Second, it can be emotionally and psychologically damaging for the woman who has the abortion. Third, it can also be physically dangerous for the woman who has the abortion. Finally, it can lead to increased rates of crime and poverty.


Baird, B., & Millar, E. (2020, May). Abortion at the edges: politics, practices, performances. In Women’s Studies International Forum (Vol. 80, p. 102372). Pergamon.

Braber, I. (2020). CRISPR/Cas9 technology: Ending Disease, Designer Babies, Eternal Youth, and ‘Crimes Against the Species’. In Biolaw and International Criminal Law (pp. 89-110). Brill Nijhoff.

Ramsayer, B., & Fleming, V. (2020). Conscience and conscientious objection: The midwife’s role in abortion services. Nursing Ethics, 27(8), 1645-1654.


Topic 2 DQ 1
Assessment Description
What is the Christian concept of the imago Dei? How might it be important to health care, and why is it relevant?

Topic 2 DQ 2
Assessment Description
According to your worldview, what value does a human person have? How does your position affect your stance on controversial bioethical issues, such as abortion, designer babies, and stem cell research?

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