NURSE 125 Metropolitan Community College

NURSE 125 Metropolitan Community College

NURSE 125 Metropolitan Community College

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Curriculum Committee Approved: 09/18/12, 03/16/16 Faculty Steering Approved: 10/10/12, 04/13/16 Faculty Assembly Approved: 05/11/16 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI – KANSAS CITY School of Nursing and Health Studies N125/HLSC 125 Medical Terminology 1 Credit Hour Fall Semester 2021: Session one August 23 – October 15, 2021 YOUR WEEK-BY-WEEK ASSIGNMENTS CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THIS SYLLABUS. GRADING INFORMATION IS FOUND ON PAGE 3. Course Description This course is designed to provide the student with a foundation in medical terminology and the components of health records. Course content will include how medical terms are formed; how medical terms are applied to organs, body systems and pathological conditions; how common medical abbreviations are used; and how health records are organized and compiled. This course is an “Online Asynchronous Instructional Mode” class. Competencies Communication, Teaching/Learning, Clinical/Professional Judgment Prerequisites/Co-requisites None Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, the learner will be prepared to 1. Define the four word parts of medical terms. N125/HLSC 125 Fall Semester/2021-1/TB Curriculum Committee Approved: 09/18/12, 03/16/16 Faculty Steering Approved: 10/10/12, 04/13/16 Faculty Assembly Approved: 05/11/16 2. Analyze medical terms using word parts. 3. Analyze medical terms as they relate to organs, body systems and pathological conditions. 4. Interpret the meaning of medical, pharmacological, and diagnostic abbreviations. 5. Formulate, oral/written sentences incorporating medical terminology and pharmacological, medical and diagnostic abbreviations. 6. Explain how medical terminology is integrated and organized in the medical record. 7. Discuss the components of medical record. Technology Requirements You are expected to have the computing resources necessary to complete this course through University and/or personal channels. Below is a list of some helpful computer requirements for full participation in this online class: • • • • • The latest version of Java available from: The latest version of QuickTime available from: The latest version of Adobe Reader available from: Canvas works best when used with the most recent versions of Chrome or Firefox. Other browsers (e.g. Edge, Safari, etc.) can cause issues when using Canvas. Internet Exployer is no longer supported by Canvas. Broadband Internet connection is preferred. Examples of broadband Internet connection are high-speed DSL or a Cable modem. Covid Information: • Mask Enforcement Policy: Face coverings or masks are required in all indoor spaces, except when you’re alone in a private office with the door closed, and are required in all outside spaces when physical distancing of six feet cannot be maintained, per NURSE 125 Metropolitan Community College

Kansas City order. For more information, see Health and Safety. • UMKC COVID Information and FAQs: N125/HLSC 125 Fall Semester/2021-1/TB Curriculum Committee Approved: 09/18/12, 03/16/16 Faculty Steering Approved: 10/10/12, 04/13/16 Faculty Assembly Approved: 05/11/16 • COVID Related Academic Accommodations: Any student requesting an ADA accommodation for the University mask/face covering policy should contact Scott Laurent at (816) 235-5696 or in Student Disabilities Services. Learning Experiences Attainment of course objectives will be based on the following: Facilitated interactive online discussions, audiovisuals and information technology, homework assignments, quizzes, and examinations. Medical Terminology is an intense, 1 credit hour, eight-week class. It is a full semester class condensed into 8 weeks. The class requires considerable study on the part of the student. Expect to spend several hours each week studying and learning medical terminology. Evaluation Point distribution is as follows:

Online class participation: Discussion Board (14 points per class x 7 weeks) Learn Smart chapter assignments (5 points per chapter) Weekly quizzes x 5 (20 points each) Exam #1 (Chapters 1-7) Exam #2 (Chapters 8-13) Final Exam (All chapters) Total Points Possible Grade Assignment Grade assignment is based on the following percentage scale: 93-100 = A 90- 92 = A87- 89 = B+ 83- 86 = B 80- 82 = B77- 79 = C+ 73- 76 = C 70- 72 = C- 67-69 = D+ 60-66 = D < 59 = F N125/HLSC 125 Fall Semester/2021-1/TB 98 points 65 points 100 points 60 points 60 points 120 points 503 points Curriculum Committee Approved: 09/18/12, 03/16/16 Faculty Steering Approved: 10/10/12, 04/13/16 Faculty Assembly Approved: 05/11/16 For pre-licensure BSN and AT students: Students must obtain a final grade of 80% or higher in order to progress in the nursing program. Students must also earn an 80% or higher on the combined average of the course examinations in order to progress in the nursing program. If the student’s examination scores do not equal an average of 80% or higher, the highest grade the student can receive in the course is a “C+”. Determination of a “C ““D” or “F” grade will be determined by course faculty based on other course assignments and overall performance in the course. Internet Specifics Regarding the Course 1. This internet course consists of 8 weekly learning units. Each week there will be a reading/learning assignment, online textbook assignment and online classroom discussion board assignment. Assignments are due within the specified timeframes and NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Assignments will be posted each Saturday for the next week. 2.

Online classroom assignments will be posted weekly on Canvas under the Discussion Board. You are expected to respond to the classroom discussions as specified in each assignment. Replies to other students should show some scholarly thought. For example, replies such as,“ I liked your post” will not be counted. To be counted as a reply you should add “why” you liked their post. Your online response will count as your class participation/homework points. Assignments are due to be posted as specified in each assignment. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Discussion Board assignments may have one or more parts. Read each assignment carefully to make sure you have completed all parts of the assignment. 3. There will be a total of 5 weekly quizzes. Due dates are posted. NURSE 125 Metropolitan Community College

There will be no weekly quiz on the weeks there is an Exam. All assignments are due by Friday at midnight. NO LATE QUIZZES WILL BE GIVEN. 4. There will be two exams plus the Final, Dates for the exams are posted from the first day of class and it is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to take the online exams during the dates specified. You must plan your time accordingly. NO LATE EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN. 5. The final exam will be given online the last week of class. Dates for the final are posted from the first day of class and it is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to take the online final during the dates specified.

NO LATE EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN. 6. Student conduct standards will be strictly enforced under the policy set forth by the University of Missouri 200.010 Standard of Conduct N125/HLSC 125 Fall Semester/2021-1/TB Curriculum Committee Approved: 09/18/12, 03/16/16 Faculty Steering Approved: 10/10/12, 04/13/16 Faculty Assembly Approved: 05/11/16 7. Cheating on a quiz or exam will result in an automatic “F” for that quiz. Cheating on the final exam, will result in an automatic “F” for the course. 8. To access the course, you must use your UMKC email account username and password to log onto the school Canvas site. If you have not activated your UMKC email account, visit to do so. Once your account is active and you are enrolled, the course will be available to you at the start of the semester. The course will automatically show up in the “My Courses” section of Canvas upon login.

If you are having problems or have any questions, please contact the computer helpline at 816-235-2000. 9. Auto Access is now being used for this class. You should have access to the ebook and online material from the first day of class. (See Auto Access under Book Information). Go to the Learn Smart (LS) assignments to log on the first time with your Auto Access. Click on LS Chapter 1 assignment and the online text should appear. To complete your LS assignments click on the “Practice” tab in the lower left hand corner once you open the LS tab. When you open this tab your LS assignment will be available to you. Procedure for Addressing Student Concerns: STUDENT CONCERNS – ALL PROGRAMS ISSUE DATE: 01/21/2001 REVISION DATES: 10/15/06; 2/11/09; 7/10/09 During the semester, if a student has concerns about this course, the student should follow the steps listed below:

1. Contact the instructor directly to set up a meeting. This meeting should be in person or by telephone. 2. If the issues are not resolved satisfactorily for the student, the student should then consult with the course coordinator if the course is a team-taught course. 3. If the issues are not resolved satisfactorily for the student, then the student should first make an appointment with the program director, then the assistant dean for student affairs and finally the dean for the School of Nursing. 4. If the student’s concerns are still not resolved upon meeting with all these individuals, the student should refer to UMKC’s Student Grievance Process.

This process is found on the UMKC website at If the student’s concerns are related to grades and those are not resolved upon completion of N125/HLSC 125 Fall Semester/2021-1/TB Curriculum Committee Approved: 09/18/12, 03/16/16 Faculty Steering Approved: 10/10/12, 04/13/16 Faculty Assembly Approved: 05/11/16 the course, the student may pursue a Grade Appeal. This process is found on the UMKC website at All students should expect a response to either phone mail or e-mail messages within 2 working days of leaving the initial message. NURSE 125 Metropolitan Community College

UMKC Resources & Policy Statements Important UMKC Resources and Policies are applicable to every course and every student at UMKC. These are located in the Canvas site for this course under the “UMKC POLICIES” tab. As a UMKC student, you are expected to review and abide by these policies. If you have any questions, please contact your instructor for clarification. This course follows the “faculty not allowing recording” option of the Academic Inquiry, Course Discussion and Privacy policy. Required text: Jones, S.L. & Cavanagh, A. (2019). Acquiring Medical Language. New York, McGraw Hill Education. (Second Edition) (Auto Access) American Psychological Association (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

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Washington, DC, American Psychological Association. (Seventh Edition) ISBN: 978-1-4338-3217-8 (This book is NOT Auto Access – it must be purchased) AUTO ACCESS This course is a part of the Auto Access program designed to reduce the cost of course materials for students. You will be able to access the digital content for this course through Canvas on the first day of class automatically. N125/HLSC 125 Fall Semester/2021-1/TB Curriculum Committee Approved: 09/18/12, 03/16/16 Faculty Steering Approved: 10/10/12, 04/13/16 Faculty Assembly Approved: 05/11/16 Your student account will be charged for the cost of the digital course materials. We have helped save students over $10 million during the past five years by providing digital content through this program. Through this program, the lowest cost content has been sourced compared to competitive market rates. If you choose to opt out of the digital content, please check with the bookstore for the deadline date to receive a refund. You will receive a welcome email from UMKC Bookstore, so please watch your inbox. The email will include course(s), content cost, opt out deadline and process. If you have any questions please contact UMKC Bookstore via phone at 816-235-2665 or email at The APA Publication Manual is NOT Auto Access. You must purchase this book at the Health Sciences Bookstore on Hospital Hill. It is also available on Amazon. Your Role & Expectations in Online Learning In an online program, a significant part of the learning experience is dependent on student engagement in learning through online discussions.

Just as there are certain expectations for decorum in a face-to-face class, there are expectations for decorum in an online class. You may have heard of netiquette, a term used to describe online decorum. Here is a general statement about our expectations regarding class netiquette. Your instructor and fellow students wish to foster a safe on-line learning environment. All opinions and experiences, no matter how different or controversial they may be perceived, must be respected in the tolerant spirit of academic discourse.

You are encouraged to comment, question, or critique an idea but you are not to attack an individual. Our differences, some of which are outlined in the University’s nondiscrimination statement, will add richness to this learning experience. Please consider that sarcasm and humor can be misconstrued in online interactions and generate unintended disruptions. Working as a community of learners, we can build a polite and respectful course ambience. In addition, there is an expectation that you will be building professional competencies in the program. NURSE 125 Metropolitan Community College

Therefore, netiquette in the program goes beyond some of the simple guidelines for netiquette to guidelines that encourage you to demonstrate your growth and development in critical thinking, communication skill, leadership/management, professional valuing/caring, and teaching/learning. Examples of these are described below. N125/HLSC 125 Fall Semester/2021-1/TB Curriculum Committee Approved: 09/18/12, 03/16/16 Faculty Steering Approved: 10/10/12, 04/13/16 Faculty Assembly Approved: 05/11/16 General Netiquette Guidelines Core Rules of Netiquette at DO NOT USE ALL-CAPS OR BOLD FOR YOUR ENTIRE POST! IT MAKES IT SEEM AS THOUGH YOU ARE SHOUTING AT YOUR AUDIENCE! “Netiquette” suggests that to do so is being rude. Only use CAPS and bold for emphasis.

• • • • • • • • • It is easy for messages to be misinterpreted since there are no physical gestures or voice inflections that accompany the text. o Make sure everyone realizes when you are trying to be funny. o Emoticons can facilitate the reader understanding your feelings but do use them sparingly. When responding to someone’s comments, explain to whom and what you are commenting on. o Do not include their whole posting. o Try to use only the appropriate quotes or a summary. Be careful posting anything that is personal to you or others. If your posting is for a specific person or group, make sure you address it to them. Realize, however, that others will probably read it.

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Remember to read what has previously been posted by others to avoid repeating comments. Make sure you are posting under the appropriate heading or thread. Be brief when posting. Since reading other’s comments or articles can be very time consuming, try to be straight to the point. Sign every message the way you like to be addressed, i.e., your name is Cynthia but you go by Cindy. Avoid attachments when possible. They slow down reading of entries, and therefore, may not be read at all. Critical Thinking CHANGED TO Clinical/Professional Judgment • • • Opinions must be supported by the literature or stated clearly as opinions based in personal experience. Cite your references. o Practice using APA style for references cited or quoted in text. Use the readings in conjunction with your experience for your postings whenever possible, regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the readings. • • N125/HLSC 125 Fall Semester/2021-1/TB Curriculum Committee Approved: 09/18/12, 03/16/16 Faculty Steering Approved: 10/10/12, 04/13/16 Faculty Assembly Approved: 05/11/16 Communication Skill • • • • • • • • The content of every message is to be free of typographical errors and demonstrate proper language skills. o Sentences are required to start with capital letters. o Sentences have both a noun and verb, and punctuation at the end. Choose a descriptive subject for your postings. This will help other students to successfully identify your topic and to find the posting later when necessary. Pay close attention to what your classmates write in their online comments. Ask clarifying questions, when appropriate. These questions are meant to probe and shed new light, not to minimize or devalue comments. Provide enough of the content you are responding to in your posting so that others will not have to go back and figure out what you’re talking about — because typically they won’t. o If your message isn’t delivered, you haven’t communicated. NURSE 125 Metropolitan Community College

Think through and re-read your comments before you post them. You might find it helpful to read your posting out loud before you submit it: the “tone” is a very important part of electronic communication. When you read your message out loud does it sound the way you would speak to another student in the classroom? Disagree with ideas, but do not make personal attacks.

Be open to be challenged or confronted on your ideas or prejudices. Course discussion boards are not to be used to whine, complain, or criticize, unless there is a discussion board specifically created for this, i.e., Rants & Raves & Remedies • Leadership/Management • • Be willing to change. Post questions that your classmates may also need the answers to the discussion board, rather than using a private e-mail. Only questions that do not pass the “Rules for the Acid Test” should be privately e-mailed. o Rules for the Acid Test ▪ The contents are highly personal in nature.

▪ The only possible person that can answer the question is the instructor. ▪ The instructor’s answer is not the business of anyone else in the class. Professional Valuing/Caring N125/HLSC 125 Fall Semester/2021-1/TB Curriculum Committee Approved: 09/18/12, 03/16/16 Faculty Steering Approved: 10/10/12, 04/13/16 Faculty Assembly Approved: 05/11/16 • • • • Be nice. Please refrain from inappropriate language and personal attacks. Make a personal commitment to learning about, understanding, and supporting your peers. Acknowledge the impact of sexism, racism, ethnocentrism, classism,  NURSE 125 Metropolitan Community College

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