NURS 6050 Week 2 Assignment: Agenda Comparison Grid And Fact Sheet Or Talking Points Brief

NURS 6050 Week 2 Assignment: Agenda Comparison Grid And Fact Sheet Or Talking Points Brief

NURS 6050 Week 2 Assignment: Agenda Comparison Grid And Fact Sheet Or Talking Points Brief

Agenda Comparison Grid Assignment Template for Part 1 and Part 2

Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid

Nurses are patient advocates whose focus is to improve patient outcomes through effective care delivery using evidence-based practice interventions. The enactment of the Affordable Care Act in 2010 led to the expansion in access to quality care for millions of Americans, especially those previously without a health insurance coverage (Corlette et al., 2023). The purpose of this paper is to complete the agenda comparison grid on Affordable Care Act, and develop a fact sheet to advocate its implementation through effective role of nurse as patient advocates. The paper explores the ACA as a presidential agenda item and its overall effects on care provision.


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Identify the Population Health concern you selected. Affordable Care Act 2010 Describe the Population Health concern you selected. The Affordable Care Act 2010 remains a landmark federal law that led to the expansion of health insurance coverage for over 25 million Americans who were previously uninsured. At the core of this legislation is the expansion of access to quality and affordable care for millions of low-income individuals and those with preexisting conditions through expanded Medicaid and Medicare programs. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA 2010) ensures that all eligible individuals enroll for benefits at the state level by expanding the health insurance marketplace. In their article, Corlette et al. (2023) assert that the ACA 2010 has been instrumental in increasing access to healthcare, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, the ACA is a critical legislation aimed at improving overall care delivery for millions of people and health populations across the United States. Administration (President Name) President Biden President Trump Explain how each of the two presidential administrations approached the issue. The Biden administration continues to implement measures aimed at protecting gains emanating from the ACA. The administration reversed healthcare policies enacted by the Trump administration which was keen on repealing and replacing the ACA. These policy changes include improving access to affordable coverage and promotion of health equity (The Commonwealth Fund, 2021). Because of the efforts to increase access to healthcare, over 16 million additional applicants have joined the marketplace for Medicaid expansion coverage. The Trump administration was keen on repealing and replacing the ACA with another model, the America Care Act from 2017 through to 2019. The Trump administration reversed some of the provisions of the ACA like mandatory penalties for those eligible but not enrolling. The administration also reduced support for advertising and exchange navigators (Thompson, 2020). It also reduced the annual enrollment period to just half the number of days required. The administration also cut subsidies to insurance companies providing coverage on the exchanges. It also discouraged legal residents from enrolling in Medicaid services. Identify the allocations of resources that the current and previous presidents dedicated to this issue. The Biden administration has allocated sufficient resources to the ACA through the signing of executive orders to reverse the decision by Trump to cut subsidies and other critical financial aspects of the ACA. Apart from the mandatory allocations based on the matching of state resources with the federal ones, President Biden increased funding for ACA navigators by close to $19 million. The implication is that Biden is building on the ACA through incremental expansion in government-subsidized coverage and the role of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) (The White House, 2023). The Trump administration reduced the allocations of ACA in different ways since it was keen on its repeal. For instance, it reduced navigator funding to $10 million annually. Trump also promoted waivers that reduced ACA enrollments and undermined its established regulatory framework. As such, President Trump was keen on reducing the overall impact of ACA for millions of Americans based on his decisions to repeal provisions that he considered not important (Thompson, 2020). Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis

Using the information you recorded in Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid, complete the following to document information about the population health/healthcare issue you selected

Administration Which administrative agency (like HHS, CDC, FDA, and OHSA) would most likely be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue you selected? Why is this agency the most helpful? The agency that would be likely responsible for addressing the healthcare issue is the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Under the Health and Human Services Department, CMS is a critical federal agency that reimburses facilities that participate in offering healthcare through the ACA including Medicaid and Medicare provisions. Through its model of value-based care, CMS allocates resources for healthcare providers for offering quality care (The Commonwealth Fund, 2021). The compensation of care is not based on the quantity, but quality of care offered to patients in diverse clinical settings. How do you think your selected healthcare issue might get on the presidential agenda? How does it stay there? The selected healthcare issue is critical for millions of Americans, especially those without healthcare coverage. As a core part of any presidential election, the issue of the Affordable Care Act gets to the agenda because Americans need to access care; irrespective of their background (HHS, 2023). That care needs to be affordable and of high quality. As such, through increased scrutiny and forming a critical part of campaigns, the issue stays on the agenda for the president to develop intervention mechanisms. Who would you choose to be the entrepreneur/ champion/sponsor (this can be a celebrity, a legislator, an agency director, or others) of the healthcare issue you selected? An example is Michael J. Fox a champion for Parkinson’s disease. Championing and sponsoring this issue is critical for overall care delivery to close to 40 million enrolled in the ACA. Such individuals should be influential and sway the public perspective on the ACA. As such, the person that I would choose to champion the issue is my elected representative in Congress and the entire Congressional delegation from my state. As elected representatives, they have a mandate to ensure quality and affordable care for millions of people in the state and across the U.S. through a bipartisan approach to legislation that guarantees Americans affordable quality care for different health conditions. The elected representative also votes on such bills aimed at either supporting or repealing the act and is accountable to the people based on any decision that he makes.
Part 3: Fact Sheet
Healthcare, especially access to affordable and quality care, is important for millions of Americans. The United States remains the only developed nation and a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) that does not have a universal health plan for its people. As such, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is important as it guarantees millions of Americans access to quality and affordable care based on lower premiums and an expanded marketplace for medical and health insurance coverage (Quadagno et al., 2019). The provisions of the act like catering to individuals with preexisting conditions, expanding Medicaid services and Medicare means that Americans with varying healthcare needs, from chronic conditions to primary care can access health services. As such, expansion of the ACA as demonstrated through the Biden administration is critical to attaining access to better care for millions who would otherwise access care through emergency departments (EDs) (Corlette, 2023). The ACA ensures that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services compensates providers for different services based on quality care and not quantity as espoused by the value-based model. As such, this issue is essential and should be included as an agenda for legislation by all elected representatives.
Agenda setting is a critical part of healthcare delivery and nurses are at the core of ensuring that care provided meets patient and health population needs. As such, the nurse plays a critical role in setting the agenda on healthcare issues, including the ACA because of being a patient advocate and a critical part of the healthcare delivery team. As the most frequent contact between the healthcare system and patients as well as health populations, nurses ensure that patient issues and concerns are addressed to increase accessibility to quality care. Nurses advocate for improved care delivery through sufficient resource allocations for providers and organizations making them an important part of overall care delivery.
Presidential agenda setting on healthcare issues is essential as it allows the government to allocate resources and develop relevant policies on healthcare for the benefit of millions of Americans. The ACA is a critical healthcare issue because of the benefits that it provides to Americans, especially access to quality and affordable care. As such, championing the issue is important so that it remains at the center of the presidential agenda. Imperatively, nurses play a fundamental role in ensuring that healthcare issues like ACA have adequate advocacy for the benefit of patients.

Corlette, S. & Alker, J. (2023). A midterm assessment of President Biden’s promise to build on the ACA. Health Affairs.
Health and Human Services Department (HHS) (2023 March 23). Biden-Harris Administration celebrates the Affordable Care
Act’s 13th anniversary and highlights record-breaking coverage.
The White House (2023 January 25). Statement from President Joe Biden on record ACA enrollment numbers.
The Commonwealth Fund (2021 May 17). The Affordable Care Act in the Biden era: Identifying Federal Priorities for
Administrative Action.
Thompson, F. J. (2020 October 9). Six ways Trump has sabotaged Affordable Care Act.
Quadagno, J., & Lanford, D. (2019). The Obama health care legacy: The origins, implementation, and effort to repeal the
Affordable Care Act of 2010. Looking Back on President Barack Obama’s Legacy: Hope and Change, pp.69-92. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-01545-9_4
Williams, R. A., & Williams, R. A. (2020). Healthcare reform law (Obamacare): Update on “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” and
the persistence of polarization on repeal and replace. Blacks In Medicine: Clinical, Demographic, And Socioeconomic Correlations, pp.91-95. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-41960-8_5


Use this Agenda Comparison Grid to document information about the population health/healthcare issue you selected and the presidential agendas.

My population health/healthcare issue I selected is Affordable Care Act passed by Barrack Obama.

By completing this grid, you will develop a more in depth understanding of your selected issue and how you might position it politically based on the presidential agendas.

Agenda Comparison Grid based on the Presidents Biden and Trump.

Look at their agendas related to the population health concern you selected.

Identify and provide a brief description of the population health concern you selected.

Explain how each of the presidential administrations approached the issue.

Identify the allocation of resources that the presidents dedicated to this issue.

Also due is” Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis

Complete the Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis portion of the template

Which administrative agency (like HHS, CDC, FDA, OHSA) would most likely be responsible for helping you address the health care issue you selected and why is this agency the most helpful for the issue?

How do you think your selected health care issue might get on the presidential agenda? How does it stay there?

An entrepreneur/champion/sponsor helps to move the issue forward. Who would you choose to be the entrepreneur/champion/sponsor (this can be a celebrity, a legislator, an agency director, or others) of the health care issue you selected and why would this person be a good entrepreneur/ champion/sponsor? An example is Michael J. Fox is champion for Parkinson’s disease.

Finally complete: Part 3: Fact Sheet

Develop a 1-page fact sheet that you could use to communicate with a policymaker/legislator or a member of their staff for this health care issue.

Summarize why this health care issue is important and should be included in the agenda for legislation.

Justify the role of the nurse in agenda setting for health care issues.

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