NR 503 Week 7 Discussion: Global And Environmental Health Paper

NR 503 Week 7 Discussion: Global And Environmental Health Paper

NR 503 Week 7 Discussion: Global And Environmental Health Paper

Activity Learning Outcomes
1. Inspect the relationship between the environment and global health (CO7).
2. Appraise global health problems considering WHO SDG’s as well as related epidemiological data (CO7).
Assignment Requirements
1. Locate a lay press article from a national newspaper, for example, from The New York Times, The Washington Post, or other national publication. The article should be no more than three (3) years old.
Locate an article on one of the following topics:
A. Sex trafficking
B. Environmental global health issue: For example, but not limited to: Safe water, sanitation, disasters, or oral health.


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2. Read over your chosen article and respond to the following:
o Provide a summary of your article. Include the name of the newspaper and author, as well as date of publication.
o Include data that supports the significance of the topic. For example, related deaths, health care costs, demographic information.
o During NR503, we have discussed the determinants of health, at-risk groups, social justice theory, outcomes, inter-professional collaboration, advocacy, and other concepts related to epidemiology and population health. How do the concepts addressed in NR503 relate to your article\’s topic? Provide definitions and examples in your writing.
o Integrate information from the World Health Organization and the SDG\’s.
3. A scholarly tone should be maintained throughout all posts. For reply posts, this includes the name of the person to whom you are responding as well as closure with your name.
4. A link to the article should be included as well as a reference list using current APA.
Resources: (If links do not work, please search using related terms/names below).
U.S. Office on Trafficking in Persons: Links to an external site.
Partners for Vulnerable Youth: Founded by National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners: Links to an external site.
WHO and SDG: Links to an external site.
Kaiser Global Health Policy: Links to an external site.
CDC and Global Health: Links to an external site.
List of Newspapers in the US:


NR 503 Week 7: Global And Environmental Health Discussion Sample

Healthcare providers play vital roles in assessing global health problems. One way to assess them is through WHO sustainable development goals. This essay discusses a publication in the New York Times and how the topic and content relate to the SDG’s and NR 503 content.

In the article” How Climate Change May Affect Your Health” by Jane E. Brody on 1st February 2021 in the New York Times, she elaborates on how climate change affects health. This is from wildfires, warmer climates, oceans, floods, and hurricanes. These effects have led to death and suffering from hurricanes such as hurricane Ian and heat waves in different parts of the world. There are increased cases of respiratory allergies, which worsen with the season due to increased allergens. Finally, climate change has endangered food security, where food and water sources are at higher risk of contamination from microbes and flooding, which occur often.

It is inevitable to focus on the number of deaths and poor health outcomes that occur. 18,000 cases of cognitive impairment and dementia linked to air pollution have been reported (Iaccarino et al., 2021). The hurricanes have caused thousands of deaths, displaced people, and destroyed property. Linares et al. (2020) note that everyone is affected by climate change and the most affected populations are children, older adults, pregnant women, and individuals with chronic illnesses.

The health determinants, such as water and food security, are jeopardized. WHO estimates 250,000 deaths will be caused by climate change between 2030 and 2050 (Linares et al., 2020). Availability of safe water for drinking is scarce due to changes in rain patterns which lead to long seasons of drought. In addition, when the rains come, flooding occurs, thereby polluting the water sources. This exposes the people to water-borne diseases such as cholera and is also a breeding site for diseases such as malaria.

Climate due to air pollution includes acid rain and could affect population health through effects such as lung cancer. These climate change effects require interprofessional collaboration interventions to change them. Healthcare providers should participate in advocating for policies that promote global health, such as aid and relief to affected communities, prevention of deforestation, and ensuring nations adhere to the required air quality standards.


Iaccarino, L., La Joie, R., Lesman-Segev, O. H., Lee, E., Hanna, L., Allen, I. E., Hillner, B. E., Siegel, B. A., Whitmer, R. A., Carrillo, M. C., Gatsonis, C., & Rabinovici, G. D. (2021). Association between ambient air pollution and amyloid positron emission tomography positivity in older adults with cognitive impairment. JAMA Neurology, 78(2), 197-207.

Hauptman, M., Balmes, J. R., & Miller, M. D. (2020). The hazards of wildfire smoke exposure for children. Current Problems In Pediatric And Adolescent Health Care, 50(2), 100756.

Linares, C., Díaz, J., Negev, M., Martínez, G. S., Debono, R., & Paz, S. (2020). Impacts of climate change on the public health of the Mediterranean Basin population-current situation, projections, preparedness and adaptation. Environmental Research, 182, 109107.

Brody, J. E., (2021). How Climate Change May Affect Your Health. The New York Times.

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