DNP 815-Essay: Experience in the RN BSN program.
DNP 815-Essay: Experience in the RN BSN program.
ORDER NOW FOR AN ORIGINAL PAPER!!! DNP 815-Essay: Experience in the RN BSN program..
You have been reflecting on changes you have undergone since beginning this program in each of your Journal entries in this course. Now you will synthesize those reflections, plus any other insights into a paper articulating your RN to BSN educational journey. You will use your module Journal entries as well as examples from other RN BSN courses to construct the Synthesis paper.
Synthesis Paper in a reflective activity comprised of your experience in the RN BSN program.
You will address your experiences before the RN BSN program, you as a lifelong learner, you in the continuum of novice to expert in the professional nursing role, an account of your role transition to a professional nurse, and an evaluation of the program.
The Synthesis Paper will reflect your understanding and use of APA format and scholarly writing.
The following rubric will be used to grade the Synthesis Paper. The paper has 6 sections:
Before RN-BSN Program
Lifelong Learning
Novice to Expert
Synthesis of Role Transition to Professional Nursing
The paper must have title page, reference page, plus no more than 4 pages that address the 6 sections of the paper outlined in the grading rubric. So with the title page, 4 pages for the body of the paper, and the reference page, the Synthesis Paper must not be more than 6 total pages using 12-point Times Roman font.
The first 2 grading criteria noted in the rubric below apply to all sections of the paper. APA format, scholarly writing, grammar and spelling are graded in each section. Use Spell Check and Grammar Check!
In-text citations are required to support each section when you discuss the RN BSN courses or the program. Points will be deducted if this information is not detailed and referenced in the document and on the reference page. References need to be evidence-based if you choose to reference literature instead of information in RN BSN courses.
Title page, Reference page, APA format 6th Edition, and Scholarly writing.
(10 Points)
Each section must be 3-4 well constructed, grammatically correct sentences supported with in-text citation (current literature) as required. Includes title and reference page. All sections included.
(10 Points)
Grammar and Spelling (5 Points)
ORDER NOW FOR AN ORIGINAL PAPER!!! DNP 815-Essay: Experience in the RN BSN program..
Error-free grammar and spelling
(5 Points)
(5 points)
Addresses all these questions:
When did you start the RN BSN program? Did you take 1 course at a time, or 2 or more at a time? Did you take classes each start date? If not, why?
(5 Points)
Essay: Experience in the RN BSN program.
Before RN-BSN Program (5 Points)
Narrative includes at least two specific examples of change in behaviors, attitudes, and/or practices as a result of RN-BSN program
(5 Points)
Before RN-BSN Program
Reference (5 Points)
Includes at least one specific reference to RN- BSN courses or one reference to specific evidence-based research article(s)
(5 Points)
Lifelong Learning
(10 Points)
Narrative includes in depth discussion and highlights new learning about self and describes attitudes, characteristics, and actions as a lifelong learner
(10 Points)
Lifelong Learning Examples (5 Points)
Includes at least two specific examples of change in behaviors, attitudes, and/or practices as a result of RN-BSN program
(5 Points)
Lifelong Learning Reference (5 Points)
Includes at least one specific reference to RN- BSN courses or one reference to specific evidence-based research article(s)
(5 Points)
Novice to Expert
(10 Points)
Narrative includes detailed description of steps taken toward becoming an expert/professional, including interest and actions toward a specific focus area of nursing
(10 Points)
Novice to Expert- Examples( 5 Points)
Includes at least two specific examples of change in behaviors, attitudes, and practices as a result of RN-BSN program
(5 Points)
Novice to Expert- References (5 Points)
Includes at least one specific reference to RN- BSN courses or one reference to specific evidence-based research article(s)
( 5 Points)
Synthesis of Role Transition
(10 points)
Narrative synthesizes changes in personal nursing philosophy and image of the role of nursing
(10 Points)
Synthesis of Role Transition
Examples (5 points)
Includes at least two specific examples of change in behaviors, attitudes, and/or practices as a result of RN-BSN program
(5 Points)
Synthesis of Role Transition
References ( 5 Points)
Includes at least one specific reference to RN- BSN courses and one reference to specific evidence-based research article(s). Must include a reference addressing Nursing Theory