Discussion: Statistical Application In Health Care Paper

Discussion: Statistical Application In Health Care

Discussion: Statistical Application In Health Care Paper

Statistics has widely been used in various fields to achieve goals and improve performance through statistical-based decision-making. Healthcare, like other fields, has used statistics widely to help guide decision-makers to make appropriate decisions. In addition, various statistical analyses have been applied in the healthcare sector to explore the performances of various organizations (Kamble et al.,2018). Therefore, the purpose of this discussion is to explore how statistics have been applied in healthcare and discuss how significant it is to leadership, health promotion, safety, and quality. In addition, this write-up will explore the use of statistical knowledge in the emergency department and how the statistical data is obtained in the emergency room, and how the knowledge is applied in day-to-day operations and support of decision-making.


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The Application of Statistics in Healthcare

            Statistics has widely been applied in health environments to enhance quality, safety, health promotion, and leadership. Statistics play a critical role in helping healthcare professionals make informed decisions regarding treatment and management directions concerning patients (Lepage, 2019). For example, in the current world where women advance their careers as much as men, the demand of bearing children can be a challenge since it is difficult for them to wait, and as they age, their chances of giving birth also get slimmer while pregnancy and complication chances heighten. In such cases, statistical models can be used to decide the best time to get babies hence improving quality.

            Safety is also key in the care environment; hence statistics are applied to improve safety. For example, in the search for more effective medication, statistics is used in determining safety by conducting clinical trials. Through careful analysis, statistics can be used to show the extent of safety of using the medications, whether the use of the medication can be rolled out to the general population and what safety measures can be put in place to ensure that patients are safe from its usage (Grove & Cipher, 2019). Statistics is also key in health promotion. For example, the use of statistical models can be key in revealing disease trends such as prevalence and causes among the population to reveal the most at-risk population. Such a decision can then be used to formulate relevant health promotion strategies to help the identified population have better outcomes. Statistics can also be used in healthcare to promote and support leadership. Statistics can be used to analyze how a healthcare organization performs in particular areas in reference to the established benchmarks. Such analysis is important in informing the leadership on what to do to improve performance and ensure that every organization’s performance is either at par with expectations or exceeds expectations.

Acquiring Statistical Data and Applying Statistical Knowledge in Day-to-Day Operations At the Emergency Department

            The day-to-day operations in the emergency department involve the acquisition of statistical data and using statistical knowledge to make appropriate decisions. One way of obtaining statistics is by recording patient demographic data such as age, gender, academic level, address, and income, among others. In addition, statistics sources also involve patient information recorded and obtainable at the clinic, such as height, weight, blood cell count, and temperature, among others (Grove & Cipher, 2019). The emergency department plays a critical role in any healthcare facility as it is the department where patients who visit the facility and require immediate attention are admitted. Therefore, the admission records also offer valuable statistical data. For example, data can be collected regarding the total number of patients who reported to the department because of trauma or those who came to the department because of acute illness. Such statistical data can be key when making a decision, such as budgeting for healthcare equipment to buy in a calendar year for effective patient care, services, and outcomes.

The major reason for recording such important information is to offer the providers relevant ideas on how to proceed with the patient care initiative and how best to maximize the care outcomes. For example, the providers are better placed to determine the right nutritional or dietary needs indicated for the patients as informed by the statistics (Grove & Cipher, 2019). As such, the emergency department or emergency room offers a rich ground for obtaining useful or important statistical data as well as the application of the same statistical data for better patient care.

The statistical data obtained during the day-to-day operations at the emergency department can be used in decision-making. For example, the statistics on the number of people admitted at the department, times of admission, whether day and night, or the frequency during different times of the year can be used to effectively make decisions used in solving problems such as overcrowding at the emergency department (Grove & Cipher, 2019). Such data can be used in making decisions on the best triage strategies to use and the number of personnel needed at different times of the day and various months of the year, as overcrowding has been shown to be a major problem at the ED.


Statistics play a critical role in the various departments of healthcare, such as the emergency department. Therefore, statistical data is collected from various sources to help healthcare providers make informed care decisions. Some of the decisions include the type of equipment to purchase and the strategies to use during triage to solve the problem of overcrowding.


Grove, S. K., & Cipher, D. J. (2019). Statistics for nursing research-e-book: a workbook for evidence-based practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Kamble, S. S., Gunasekaran, A., Goswami, M., & Manda, J. (2018). A systematic perspective on the applications of big data analytics in healthcare management. International Journal of Healthcare Management. https://doi.org/10.1080/20479700.2018.1531606

LePage, J. (2019). The importance of population-level incarceration statistics. The Lancet Public Health, 4(7), e312-e313. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2468-2667(19)30103-3


Statistical application and the interpretation of data is important in health care. Review the statistical concepts covered in this topic. In a 750-1,000 word paper, discuss the significance of statistical application in health care. Include the following:

1. Describe the application of statistics in health care. Specifically discuss its significance to quality, safety, health promotion, and leadership.
2. Consider the emergency department you where you work and how you utilize statistical knowledge. Discuss how in the ER you obtain statistical data, how statistical knowledge is used in day-to-day operations and how you apply it or use it in decision making.
Three peer-reviewed, scholarly or professional references are required.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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