NUR 53-Discussion: Role and functions of personnel

NUR 53-Identify a vulnerable population Assignment

NUR 53-Identify a vulnerable population Assignment

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Chapter 10 of Justice Administration: Police, Courts, and Corrections Management focuses on the role and functions of personnel who work within corrections institutions and in probation and parole agencies. Wardens have a very important and difficult role in the prison system. The prison warden must take all the director’s general principles and policies and put them into effect throughout the prison. They are also responsible for all day-to-day operations in the institution. I personally would never want to become a warden because the demand and responsibility are extremely high. Wardens have the responsibility for the lives and safety of others and it can become a lot sometimes. I found it interesting the differences between men and women wardens. Female wardens over male wardens agreed that rehabilitation programs had an important place in their organization. Generally, data support the findings that female wardens seem more likely to reduce amenities that can potentially promote violence in prison and are more interested than male wardens in the health conditions of inmates (Peak, 2012).


Peak, K. J. (2012). Justice administration: Police, courts, and corrections management (Seventh ed.). NY, NY: Pearson.

Chapter 10 of Justice Administration: Police, Courts, and Corrections discusses the criminal justice employees who work in correctional institutions and probation and parole agencies with an emphasis on administrators. One particular section that I found important was the section Preparing New Wardens for Success. A warden is someone who is responsible for the facility, ensuring that regulations are obeyed and guarantee that staff and inmates are safe. This can be a hard task to accomplish, especially for people who are new to the position. People can better prepare for the challenges this position proposes if they had job experience or skills in business administration/fiscal management, personnel and labor relations, legislative issues, and media and public relations.

Those who were in National Institute of Corrections Executive Training Program for New Wardens stated the best advice they received on assuming the role were keep the job in perspective, have faith in yourself, maintain balance in your life, be fair and consistent with inmates and staff, remember that your every statement is subject to scrutiny, and do not beat yourself up over small things because you will have enough big stuff to worry about. (Peak & Giacomazzi, 2012) Discussion: Role and functions of personnel

Peak, K. J., & Giacomazzi, A. L. (2012). Justice administration: Police, courts, and corrections management (7th ed.). NY, NY: Pearson.

This chapter details the roles and functions of those who work in the correctional system. The correctional employees are responsible for health, safety and treatment of inmates. The most difficult job in corrections is that of the warden. They must ensure policies are followed and ensure the seamless operation of the institution. Almost 86% of wardens are male. It was interesting that the south employs over 21,000 female corrections officers which accounts for half of the correctional population in the United States.

It was surprising to see the goals of imprisonment were ranked different between male and female wardens. Males preferred incapacitation, deterrence, rehabilitation and retribution while females preferred incapacitation, rehabilitation, deterrence and retribution. The females rated rehabilitation as a higher goal. To that end, data supports that female wardens seem more likely to reduce amenities that can promote violence and are more interested in health concerns for inmates. The National Institute of Corrections established a training program for new wardens. It is a troubling statement from the text. Training of new employees is essential to success in any organization. The job of warden in corrections is too important to leave to chance.

Prison management is an important aspect of the correction system. Quality management techniques will usually lead to a quality of prison life for inmates. Security is an essential task in leading a prison, riots are inevitable when there is poor security management.

The job of a correction officer can be challenging. The have direct and prolonged interaction with inmates daily. They are there to enforce the rules of the prison, inmate may try to befriend and take advantage of the correction officer. Evidence has shown the higher an education a correction officer has, the lower their job satisfaction. Corruption can take place in the correction system. A correction officer may commit an act of nonfeasance, where they look the other when crimes are committed inside the prison.

The ‘jail first” policy in sheriff departments caught my attention. I have heard about this policy but I never gave it much thought other than that is the new guys role. This policy leads to culture that under values the job of corrections. It should be re-examined and a career path in corrections should be established. (Peak, 2012)

Peak, K. J. (2012). Justice Administration: Police, Courts, and Corrections Management (Seventh ed.). NY, NY: Pearson

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