Behavior Therapy and Cognitive behavior Therapy 3

Behavior Therapy and Cognitive behavior Therapy 3

Behavior Therapy and Cognitive behavior Therapy 3

In this discussion we examine the principles and techniques of both behavior therapy and cognitive behavior therapy.

Use the following scenario to develop your responses to the next two questions: Assume that you work in a day care center and take care of four 6-year-olds. One of the boys, Ethan, frequently disrupts the classroom. He disobeys your orders, bullies and pushes the other children in your care, and throws tantrums when he does not get what he wants.

Using operant conditioning principles, how might you structure a behavioral approach to working with Ethan in a way that directly addresses his problematic behaviors? What techniques would you use? Be specific and explain your rationale thoroughly.
As a result of your intervention, as mentioned in question 1, what specific behavioral changes might you expect in Ethan as a result of employing these techniques? Again, be specific and detailed in your response.
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Using the rational-emotive behavior approach to therapy, apply the A-B-C method mentioned in the course lecture notes to either a real life situation that you have experienced or create a scenario to illustrate how the realization of beliefs influence the consequences of behavior. Be sure to clearly label each component (A)ctivating event, (B)elief, and (C)onsequence in your example to show how they relate and the progression of the behaviors. Then take the ABC model full circle and include the (D)isputing and the (E)ffect of the disputing process. Clearly explain in detail how each step in the ABCDE process is playing out in your scenario.

This discussion may actually be beneficial to those of you with children!

How do you deal with a child that is physically acting out, whether he/she is around other kids or not?
Should you use negative consequences? Should you ignore? Should you reward when they aren’t acting out?

If you do reward, when should you do this and what should you use? Do you have children and do you use a behavioral plan with them?

Also, you are to apply the A-B-C sequence to a real or made up situation and then add the D and E!
Let’s see what kind of situation you can come up with!!

Let’s have a great discussion.

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