Assignment: Study Guide Forum Autism Spectrum Disorder/NRNP 6665

Assignment: Study Guide Forum Autism Spectrum Disorder/NRNP 6665

Assignment: Study Guide Forum Autism Spectrum Disorder/NRNP 6665

NRNP 6665 Study Guide -Autism Spectrum Disorder

Study Guide: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a multifaceted neurodevelopmental condition that presents with repetitive behavior, specific interests, activities, and challenges in social interactions among children. The disorder in question is multifaceted, impacting various aspects of daily life and potentially resulting in language difficulties, cognitive impairments, and seizures (Hyman et al., 2019).
⦁ Childhood disintegrative disorder, also referred to as disintegrative psychosis and Heller syndrome, is a relatively uncommon condition that falls within the spectrum of ASD. This phenomenon is marked by a decline in previously acquired abilities in social, language, and motor functioning.
⦁ The etiology of this disorder remains elusive, and its manifestation typically occurs after a period of achieving developmental milestones. This condition has a profound impact on individuals and families, as noted by Hirota and King (2023).
Signs and symptoms according to the DSM-5-TR
⦁ Symptoms of ASD generally manifest around the age of two, and children diagnosed with childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD) tend to have more severe outcomes.
⦁ These children frequently undergo a decline in their cognitive and communication abilities, accompanied by episodes of anxiety and terror.
⦁ Children diagnosed with CDD experience a significant regression in their abilities across multiple functional areas. These areas include receptive language, expressive language, social skills, self-care, bladder control, motor skills, and play skills. Impaired function can also manifest in social interactions and communications, as noted by Sauer et al. (2021).
⦁ The DSM V Criteria outlines symptoms, including challenges in social interaction and communication, limited interests, repetitive behavior, and activities that hinder daily functioning.


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Differential diagnoses
⦁ Differential diagnosis includes other learning disabilities or developmental disorders, with the exception of certain diseases such as HIV infection, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, seizures, hypothyroidism, brain tumors, organophosphate exposure, infantile schizophrenia, tuberous sclerosis, amino acidurias, and Creutz-Jacob disease/new variant (Sauer et al., 2021).
⦁ The prevalence of ASD is on the rise, yet its exact cause remains elusive. This condition has a prevalence rate of 1 in 68, whereas disintegrative disorder in children is uncommon, accounting for a mere 1.7 cases per 100,000 individuals. The estimated prevalence of this condition is 1 to 2 in 100,000, which is significantly lower compared to autistic disorder (Hirota & King, 2023).
Development and course
⦁ ASD is a multifaceted disorder that presents with varying onset and gradual progression. Various diseases, particularly late-onset ones, such as subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, tuberous sclerosis, leukodystrophy, and lipid storage diseases, have been linked to it (Genovese & Butler, 2020).
⦁ The etiology of ASD remains uncertain. However, various populations have been proposed for distinct subtypes.
⦁ For instance, CDD can manifest in children who have reached typical developmental milestones and tend to emerge suddenly, typically around the age of four.
⦁ There is a school of thought that views it as a form of childhood dementia, with some researchers proposing amyloid deposition in the brain as a potential cause. However, it is essential to note that this hypothesis has yet to be substantiated (van ‘t Hof et al., 2020).
⦁ The prognosis of CDD is generally unfavorable, with outcomes being worse in comparison to other subtypes of ASD.
⦁ Typically, there is a decline in skills, with only 20% of children regaining the ability to speak.
⦁ Many adults depend on the assistance of full-time carers or reside in institutional settings.
⦁ Typically, there is a decline in most skills around the age of ten, with only minimal improvement observed in certain instances.
⦁ Children diagnosed with CDD experience long-term challenges in their behavioral and intellectual abilities, which have a significant impact on their independence and adaptive skills and necessitate ongoing carer assistance (Hirota & King, 2023).
Considerations related to culture, gender, age
⦁ Individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of characteristics, encompassing diverse physical attributes, cultural backgrounds, and national origins (Genovese & Butler, 2020).
⦁ Research suggests that there is a higher likelihood of men being affected by ASD compared to females.
⦁ According to a study by van ‘t Hof et al. (2020), there is a higher likelihood of older women and men giving birth to children with autism compared to younger individuals.
Drug Class Examples Side effects
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) Prozac and Zoloft experiencing diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, jitteriness, and anxiety (Genovese & Butler, 2020).
Tricyclics Amoxapine and Imipramine constipation, difficulty urinating, dry mouth, and decreased eyesight (Genovese & Butler, 2020).
antipsychotic medications Aripiprazole and risperidone dry mouth, weight gain, and constipation (Genovese & Butler, 2020).
Stimulants amphetamines excitement, sobbing fits, nervousness, and soreness in the bladder
Nonpharmacological treatments
⦁ In addition to family counseling and therapy in language, speaking, social skill development, employment, and integration of senses, the program is structured and behavior-based. Medications, behavior therapy, and environmental therapy comprise the treatment (Sauer et al., 2021).
⦁ Behaviour therapy entails the utilization of a reinforcement system to retrain patients in self-care, language, and social skills.
⦁ Sensory enrichment is a component of environmental therapy used to alleviate ASD and childhood disintegrative disorder symptoms.
Diagnostics and labs
⦁ A neurological or physical condition is often not the underlying cause of childhood disintegrative disorder in children. Comprehensive neurological and medical examinations are performed to rule out reversible causes. These examinations include blood counts, urine and electrolyte/glucose tests, tests for liver and thyroid function, HIV testing, urine screening for aminoaciduria, MRI or CT scan, and electroencephalograms (EEG) (Cheroni et al., 2020).
⦁ According to Cheroni et al. (2020), the DSM V Criteria include symptoms such as trouble with social contact and communication, limited interests, repetitive behavior, and activities that have a detrimental influence on day-to-day functioning.
⦁ Childhood seizures are more common in children with epilepsy, and teenage years are when seizure diathesis is most common. Because they may alter seizure thresholds, neuroleptics and SSRIs should be taken with caution. Despite having an average life expectancy, people with autism spectrum disorders die at a rate twice as high as the general population because of problems from epilepsy (Cheroni et al., 2020).
Legal and ethical considerations
⦁ Before beginning an ASD diagnostic or treatment plan, doctors must get the patient’s informed permission (Sauer et al., 2021).
⦁ If the patient is unable to provide valid consent, informed consent must be obtained from the patient’s legal representative.
Pertinent patient education considerations
⦁ Families and parents who have children diagnosed with ASD encounter a multitude of obstacles, such as financial hardships, social isolation, and disrupted interpersonal connections.
⦁ Effective solutions involve enhancing protective factors such as behavioral management, psycho-education, communication skills, creating alliances, connecting with people who have the same condition, taking care of oneself, and advocating for oneself.
⦁ Healthcare providers ought to develop parent-to-parent relationships and be knowledgeable about the most frequent challenges parents face (Sauer et al., 2021).
Cheroni, C., Caporale, N., & Testa, G. (2020). Autism spectrum disorder at the crossroad between genes and environment: contributions, convergences, and interactions in ASD developmental pathophysiology. Molecular Autism, 11(1).
Genovese, A., & Butler, M. G. (2020). Clinical Assessment, Genetics, and Treatment Approaches in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(13), 4726.
Hirota, T., & King, B. H. (2023). Autism spectrum Disorder. JAMA, 329(2), 157.
Hyman, S. L., Levy, S. E., & Myers, S. M. (2019). Identification, Evaluation, and Management of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Pediatrics, 145(1).
Sauer, A. K., Stanton, J. E., Hans, S., & Grabrucker, A. M. (2021). Autism Spectrum Disorders: Etiology and Pathology. Autism Spectrum Disorders, 1–16.
van ’t Hof, M., Tisseur, C., van Berckelear-Onnes, I., van Nieuwenhuyzen, A., Daniels, A. M., Deen, M., Hoek, H. W., & Ester, W. A. (2020). Age at autism spectrum disorder diagnosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis from 2012 to 2019. Autism, 25(4), 862–873.


Study Guide Forum

Abnormal brain development or damage at an early age can lead to neurodevelopmental disorders. Within this group of disorders, some are resolvable with appropriate and timely interventions, either pharmacological or nonpharmacological, while other disorders are chronic and need to be managed throughout the lifespan.

For this Assignment, you will develop a study guide for an assigned disorder and share it with your colleagues. In sum, these study guides will be a powerful tool in preparing for your certification exam.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.


Learning Resources

Required Readings

Hilt, R. J., & Nussbaum, A. M. (2016). DSM-5 pocket guide for child and adolescent mental health

Links to an external site.. American Psychiatric Association Publishing.

Chapter 12, “Developmental Milestones”Links to an external site.

Thapar, A., Pine, D. S., Leckman, J. F., Scott, S., Snowling, M. J., & Taylor, E. A. (2015). Rutter’s child and adolescent psychiatry (6th ed.). Wiley Blackwell.

Chapter 51, “Autism Spectrum Disorder”

Chapter 55, “ADHD and Hyperkinetic Disorder”

Utah State University. (n.d.). Creating study guides

Links to an external site.. to an external site.

Walden University. (2020). Success strategies: Self-paced interactive tutorials

Links to an external site.. to an external site.

Zakhari, R. (2020). The psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner certification review manual. Springer.

Chapter 13, “Child/Adolescent Neurodevelopmental Disorders”

Required Media

Dillon, K. (2019, March 23). DSM-5 neurodevelopmental disorders

Links to an external site.. [Video]. YouTube. to an external site.The National Center for Learning Disabilities. (2013, February 20). What is ADHD?

Links to an external site. [Video]. YouTube. to an external site.

Osmosis. (2017, October 17). Autism – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

Links to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.

Medication Review

Irritability in autism Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder


amphetamine IR, XR, and ER



clonidine hydrocholoride ER

Dexmethylphenidate IR and XR

guanfacine hydrocholride ER



methylphenidate hydrocholoride IR and ER, transdermal

To Prepare

Your Instructor will assign you to a specific neurodevelopmental disorder from the DSM-5-TR.

Research your assigned disorder using the Walden Library. Then, develop an organizational scheme for the important information about the disorder.

The Assignment

Create a study guide for your assigned disorder. Your study guide should be in the form of an outline with references, and you should incorporate visual elements such as concept maps, charts, diagrams, images, color coding, mnemonics, and/or flashcards. Be creative! It should not be in the format of an APA paper. Your guide should be informed by the DSM-5-TR but also supported by at least three other scholarly resources.

Areas of importance you should address, but are not limited to, are:

Signs and symptoms according to the DSM-5-TR

Differential diagnoses


Development and course


Considerations related to culture, gender, age

Pharmacological treatments, including any side effects

Nonpharmacological treatments

Diagnostics and labs


Legal and ethical considerations

Pertinent patient education considerations

By Day 7 of Week 8

You will need to submit your Assignment to two places: the Week 8 Study Guide discussion forum as an attachment and the Week 8 Assignment submission link. Although no responses are required in the discussion forum, collegial discussion is welcome. You are encouraged to utilize your peers’ submitted guides on their assigned neurodevelopmental disorders for study.

Access the Study Guide Forum (or click the Next button).

submission information

Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area.

To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as WK8Assgn+last name+first initial.

Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.

Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review.




Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Create a study guide, in outline form with references, for your assigned disorder. Incorporate visual elements such as concept maps, charts, diagrams, images, color coding, mnemonics, and/or flashcards.
30 to >26.0 ptsExcellent

The response is in a well-organized and detailed outline form. Informative and well-designed visual elements are incorporated….Followed directions correctly by uploading assignment to Gradebook and submitted to the discussion forum area.

26 to >23.0 ptsGood

The response is in an organized and detailed outline form. Appropriate visual elements are incorporated….Partially followed directions by uploading assignment to Gradebook but did not submit to the discussion forum area.

23 to >20.0 ptsFair

The response is in outline form, with some inaccuracies or details missing. Visual elements are somewhat vague or inaccurate….Partially followed directions by submitting to the discussion forum area but did not upload assignment to Gradebook.

20 to >0 ptsPoor

The response is unorganized, not in outline form, or is missing. Visual elements are inaccurate or missing….Did not follow directions as did not submit to discussion forum area and did not upload assignment to gradebook per late policy.

30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Content areas of importance you should address, but are not limited to, are:• Signs and symptoms according to the DSM-5-TR• Differential diagnoses• Incidence• Development and course• Prognosis• Considerations related to culture, gender, age• Pharmacological treatments, including any side effects• Nonpharmacological treatments• Diagnostics and labs• Comorbidities• Legal and ethical considerations• Pertinent patient education considerations
50 to >44.0 ptsExcellent

The response throughly addresses all required content areas.

44 to >39.0 ptsGood

The response adequately addresses all required content areas. Minor details may be missing.

39 to >34.0 ptsFair

The response addresses all required content areas, with some inaccuracies or vagueness. No more than one or two content areas are missing.

34 to >0 ptsPoor

The response vaguely or inaccurately addresses the required content areas. Or, three or more content areas are missing.

50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Support your guide with references to the DSM-5-TR and at least three evidence-based, peer-reviewed journal articles or evidenced-based guidelines. Be sure they are current (no more than 5 years old).
10 to >8.0 ptsExcellent

The response is supported by the DSM-5 and at least three current, evidence-based resources from the literature.

8 to >7.0 ptsGood

The response provides at least three current, evidence-based resources from the literature that appropriately support the assessment and diagnosis of the patient in the assigned case study.

7 to >6.0 ptsFair

Three evidence-based resources are provided to support assessment and diagnosis of the patient in the assigned case study, but they may only provide vague or weak justification.

6 to >0 ptsPoor

Two or fewer resources are provided to support assessment and diagnosis decisions. The resources may not be current or evidence based.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Written Expression and Formatting – English Writing Standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation
5 to >4.0 ptsExcellent

Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors

4 to >3.5 ptsGood

Contains one or two grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors

3.5 to >3.0 ptsFair

Contains several (three or four) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors

3 to >0 ptsPoor

Contains many (five or more) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding

5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Written Expression and Formatting – The guide follows correct APA format for parenthetical/narrative in-text citations and reference list.
5 to >4.0 ptsExcellent

Uses correct APA format with no errors

4 to >3.5 ptsGood

Contains one or two APA format errors

3.5 to >3.0 ptsFair

Contains several (three or four) APA format errors

3 to >0 ptsPoor

Contains many (five or more) APA format errors

5 pts
Total Points: 100

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