Assignment: Explain the role of a doctorate nurse practitioner

Assignment: Explain the role of a doctorate nurse practitioner

Assignment: Explain the role of a doctorate nurse practitioner

Post a brief explanation of the role of the nurse with a practice doctorate. Be specific. Explain the expectations associated with obtaining this degree, including how these expectations might be different for a nurse who holds a different degree. Then, explain how these considerations relate to your motivation to pursue a DNP, including a brief description of how your role as a DNP-prepared nurse will meet a potential organization’s need to address a gap in practice or implement a practice change. Discuss any experiences you have had in addressing a gap in practice or a practice change within an organization. Be specific.


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A Doctorate Nurse Practitioner’s Role

Nurse with a practice doctorate (DNP) plays advanced nursing roles in their respective healthcare settings. First, the DNP graduates perform a leadership role in clinical practice. The program equips these nurses with the knowledge, skills, and competence needed to lead others towards achieving the change desired in healthcare organizations, including implementing the evidence-based intervention. According to Lehane et al. (2019), incorporating evidence-based practices into clinical practices improves the quality of patient care and health outcomes. Therefore, nurses with doctorate degrees apply their professional skills and knowledge to improve health care quality in the clinical setting.

Upon obtaining a doctorate in nursing, the graduates expect to be assigned advanced nursing responsibilities in their respective clinical settings. First, nurses expect to be involved in evaluating existing patient care models and developing innovative models that consider individual unique features to address patients’ healthcare needs effectively. Utilizing a person-centered model during care delivery results in superior health outcomes (Ahmad et al., 2020). An individual patient is provided with quality healthcare services since his or her healthcare needs, preferences, values, and interests were considered during the delivery of healthcare services. Additionally, doctorate nursing graduates expect to be involved in assessing the cost-effectiveness of patient care approaches. By performing this role, DNP nurses ensure that patients are provided with high-quality care at a relatively low cost, reducing healthcare disparity. According to Lopez et al. (2021), healthcare disparity disproportionately affects the minorities in the US due to their low socioeconomic status compared to whites. Minorities in the United States lack medical insurance due to their low-income status. Lastly, DNP nurses expect to formulate health policies at multiple levels. DNP nurse graduates use their competencies to analyze challenges facing healthcare systems. They propose healthcare policies that should be implemented to address those challenges, significantly impacting healthcare systems’ quality, effectiveness, and efficiency. Therefore, DNP nurse graduates influence patient care quality, accessibility, and efficiency via their inputs in health policy formulation and implementation, clinical practice, and evaluation and implementation of innovative care models and evidence-based practices.

            The expectations for a nurse with a doctorate differ from those with other degrees such as master’s degrees. Nurses with master’s degrees are only allowed to assess, diagnose, and manage clinical manifestations independently or under a physician’s supervision, depending on their scope of practice. The differences between the roles of DNP nurses and those of nurses with other degrees motivate me to pursue a doctorate in nursing. By becoming a DNP graduate, I will perform advanced nursing roles, including advocating for changes required in the healthcare system to improve patient care quality, safety, and efficiency.

My role as a DNP-prepared nurse will align with the potential organization’s requirements to resolve a gap in clinical practice or implement the desired change. I will lead other interdisciplinary team members in addressing the clinical gap or implementing change, improving the quality of patient care and health outcomes. I was involved in addressing a gap in practice in my current workplace. The inpatient unit reported a relatively high rate of healthcare-acquired infections (HAIs), resulting in adverse healthcare outcomes, including longer stay, high readmission rate, and high cost of care. I advocated for hand hygiene practice among interdisciplinary team members involved in delivering healthcare services in the unit. The rate of HAIs in the inpatient unit reduced dramatically within six months following the implementation of hand hygiene practice.             


Ahmad, S., Singh, J., Kamal, M. A., & Shaikh, Z. M. (2020). An overview of person-centered care design with reference to healthcare outcomes in Saudi Arabia. Am J Civ Eng Archit, 8(3), 91-96? DOI: 10.12691/ajcea-8-3-2.

Edwards, N. E., Coddington, J., Erler, C., & Kirkpatrick, J. (2018). The Impact of Doctor of Nursing Practice Nurses on Healthcare and Leadership. Medical Research Archives, 6(4).

Lehane, E., Leahy-Warren, P., O’Riordan, C., Savage, E., Drennan, J., O’Tuathaigh, C., … & Hegarty, J. (2019). Evidence-based practice education for healthcare professions: an expert view. BMJ evidence-based medicine, 24(3), 103-108.

Lopez, L., Hart, L. H., & Katz, M. H. (2021). Racial and ethnic health disparities related to COVID-19. Jama, 325(8), 719-720. Doi:10.1001/jama.2020.26443

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