Assignment: Community Teaching Plan and Proposal: Immunizations

Assignment: Community Teaching Plan and Proposal: Immunizations

Assignment: Community Teaching Plan and Proposal: Immunizations

Community Teaching Plan and Proposal: Immunizations

The Teaching Proposal

Executive Summary

            Various countries worldwide have been focusing on disease prevention. This measure has lowered morbidity and mortality associated with preventable diseases (Kruk et al., 2018). Therefore, educating multiple community members about disease prevention through immunization will lower the morbidity and mortality rates further. This paper will include the purpose, objectives, and target audience of the community teaching plan proposal.


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This plan focuses on utilizing effective communication to ensure that all children are vaccinated against various diseases depending on their age.


            This community teaching aims at achieving six significant objectives, including

  1. To prevent morbidity and mortality among children who are not immunized against particular diseases due to fear about the safety of the vaccine,
  2. To maintain the public-health safety guidelines provided by the immunization laws of the state,
  • To research, thus boosting the understanding about childhood immunization and the safety of vaccine among various parties responsible for the immunization, including the policymakers, parents, and providers,
  1. To design and share messages that inform the targeted audiences about the present and future benefits of immunization,
  2. To dispel common myths associated with the safety of vaccine using messages based on scientific facts, and
  3. To embrace and respect cultural differences in designing and disseminating vaccine safety messages.

Selected Target Audiences

            The proposed message will be communicated to four groups of audiences.

Current and future health-care providers

Healthcare providers are the primary administers of vaccinations in the US. Specifically, the exercise is carried out by nurses, pediatricians, physicians’ assistants, family physicians, and general practitioners. Furthermore, 50% of vaccinations are administered to children through public clinics. However, lack of knowledge about the vaccine’s safety is a significant barrier to immunization (Anderson, 2014). Therefore, developing a message that addresses vaccine safety will influence current and future care providers to support immunization.


Policymakers also play a significant role in enhancing vaccination in the US. Local and state government officials propose policies that supported immunization programs in the country. Nonetheless, these officials are expected to respond to vaccine safety and mistrust for their policies to be enacted into state and federal laws. Thus, their continued support is vital in the immunization of children. For example, hearings were held in March 97 to weaken the state’s immunization law. It was relatively difficult for the supporters to address the arguments raised by the critics regarding immunizations due to a lack of facts. Therefore, presenting scientific facts about the vaccine’s value and safety will enable the supporters to defend their positions.

Current and future parents and guardians

Children are immunized at different ages to prevent them from various diseases that might affect them in their lifetimes. Thus, parents and grandparents are expected to support and consent for the immunization of their children. However, some parents are against their children being immunized due to philosophical or religious reasons (McKee & Bohannon, 2016). Others doubt the safety of various vaccines. Thus, designing a message that will inform parents and grandparents about vaccines’ safety will increase the immunization rate.

Health and Medicine Media

Media platforms, including local newspapers and parent magazines, publish positive messages about vaccines. However, local and national media need to discuss vaccine safety. Addressing issues associated with vaccine safety will trigger most parents and guardians to support their children’s immunization. Therefore, a message will be designed to inform media houses about the safety of various vaccines.


The Teaching Plan

The following plan will be utilized to educate the target audiences about immunization and its current and future benefits. The table below indicates the proposed teaching plan.

Target Audience Teaching Duration Teaching Location Teaching Resources
Current and future health-care providers 6 hours Hospital premises Digital learning resources, including video, audio, text, animations and images.
Policymakers 3 hours Parliament hall Digital learning resources, including video, audio, text, animations and images.
Parents and guardians 6 hours Community social hall Digital learning resources, including video, audio, text, animations and images.
Media personalities 3 hours Community social hall Digital learning resources, including video, audio, text, animations and images.


Anderson, E. L. (2014). Recommended solutions to the barriers to immunization in children and adults. Missouri medicine111(4), 344.

Kruk, M. E., Gage, A. D., Joseph, N. T., Danaei, G., García-Saisó, S., & Salomon, J. A. (2018). Mortality due to low-quality health systems in the universal health coverage era: a systematic analysis of amenable deaths in 137 countries. The Lancet392(10160), 2203-2212.

McKee, C., & Bohannon, K. (2016). Exploring the reasons behind parental refusal of vaccines. The journal of pediatric pharmacology and therapeutics21(2), 104-109.

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