TH 450 Week 2 Journal Entry Assignment

TH 450 Week 2 Journal Entry Assignment

TH 450 Week 2 Journal Entry Assignment

TH 450 Week 2 Journal Entry
Sexual harassment entails sexual activities without consent and has emerged as a serious public health issue in the United States. It is a problem that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which is against discrimination according to sex and violates human dignity. The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) can information on sexual harassment charge data from 2018 to 2021. The sexual harassment charge receipts were 7,514 in 2019, 6,587 in 2020 and 5,581 in 2021 (EEOC, 2022). Therefore, sexual harassment is a significant health problem in the US.


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Sexual harassment is a social sin that violates vital CST principles. First, sexual harassment is a social sin that violates human dignity (Wright, 2017). This principle asserts that human value is according to the sexual role they play. The pertinent harassment means that there is a diminishing of consent and turns an individual from a full person to an object (Jacobs, 2017). Second, sexual harassment violates the principle of solidarity as a Catholic social teaching (O’Boyle, 2017). Individual dignity is supported by the protection they enjoy from society. The principle of solidary brings the concept of participation which asserts that every individual has the right to contribute to society. Individuals have a right to obtain what they need and give to society for them to realize their dignity (Jacobs, 2017). Therefore, sexual harassment undermines the principle of solidarity. This is because sexual harassment intimidates the victims who are often women in the workplace. It is reported that most cases of sexual harassment occur in the workplace, and has led to women changing jobs after the harassment. Therefore, it undermines their right to participate in society.
There have been many cases of sexual harassment allegations from powerful male public figures such as Harvey Weinstein, Roy Moore, Bill Cosby and Matt Lauer. One more case of a powerful figure accused of sexual harassment is that of former US president, Donald Trump. There have been allegations of inappropriate behavior including sexual harassment. For instance, Amy Dorris, a former model accused the former president of inappropriate sexual behavior during the 197 US Open tennis tournament in 1997 (Keneally, 2020). There is also a case of E. Jean Carrol who accused the former president of sexual harassment in the 1990s (del Valle, 2023). A jury ordered the presented to pay the victim for damages. It is evident that there are a lot of cases of sexual harassment in the United States public space only that they go unreported. A lot needs to be done to ensure women are protected from sexual harassment.
There are beliefs and attitudes in the US culture that have promoted the continued perpetration of sexual harassment. Therefore, beliefs and attitudes often influence actions of sexual harassment. For instance, stigma and victim blaming lead to judgments of victims and survivors, mostly women (Sen, 2019). The reporting of such cases is costly since victims will experience retaliation preventing effective reporting. Therefore, also futility since the accused is in a position of power and therefore will experience protection. Additionally, credibility is often denied in which the victims are often viewed to be without credibility and with malicious intentions. Lastly, there is the problem of inevitability in which society has allowed men to have sexual entitlement to women (Sen, 2019). These are some of the beliefs and attitudes in the US that have led to continued cases of sexual harassment.
In the situation one discovers sexual harassment in the workplace, it would be important to first contact the individual provided in the workplace anti-harassment policy or the union steward. It is also important to contact emergency services to handle the situation. Additionally, one should keep a written record of the sexual harassment incident to act as evidence.

de Valle, L. (2023, May 10). Jury finds Donald Trump sexually abused E. Jean Carroll in Civil case | cnn politics.
EEOC. (2022). Sexual harassment in our nation’s workplaces.
Keneally, M. (2020). List of Trump’s accusers and their allegations of sexual misconduct.
O’Boyle, E. (2017). Catholic social teaching: human rights and principles.
Sen, P. (2019). What will it take? Promoting cultural change to end sexual harassment.
Wright, K. S. (2017). The principles of catholic social teaching: A guide for decision making from daily clinical encounters to national policy-making. The Linacre Quarterly, 84(1), 10–22.


Read “What Catholic Social Teaching says about Sexual Harassment” by Brianne Jacobs, America, 2017*. Then find at least one other news account of a powerful male accused of sexual harassment. So far, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Charlie Rose, Roy Moore, Morgan Freeman, Matt Lauer, and elected members of Congress and the Senate are on the list.

What in your experience are the two most important CST principles that this social sin violates?

What did you learn from the other news account you found?

What beliefs and attitudes in US culture have enabled sexual harassment for so long?

What would you do if you discovered sexual harassment in the workplace?

Learning Resources

Required Resources

Making Sense of Week 2 (Read First!)

Readings: Evans, Ch. 2 Life and Dignity and Ch. 4 Rights and Responsibilities

“Story of Human Rights” video, 9 minutes

List of Universal Declaration on Human Rights (which should be printed out)

“Consistent Ethic”

“Truth about Torture”

Gina Haspel, Trump’s appointee for heading the CIA and her history approving interrogation torture

Read “What Catholic Social Teaching says about Sexual Harassment” by Brianne Jacobs, America, 2018.

Find at least one other news account of a powerful male accused of sexual harassment. So far, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Charlie Rose, Roy Moore, Morgan Freeman, Matt Lauer, and elected members of Congress and the Senate are on the list.

Optional/Supplemental Learning Resources

Watch other YouTube videos on human rights. Search for “Universal Declaration on Human Rights.”

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