NRS-429VN Assignment: Family Health Assessment Part 1GCU

NRS-429VN Assignment: Family Health Assessment Part 1GCU

NRS-429VN Assignment: Family Health Assessment Part 1GCU

This family health Assessment paper should have a separate interview with assessment appendix, of 1-2 pages, then the essay paper of about 3-4 pages, with 4-5 citations and written in APA 7th edition. 2 point space. Please do not use the same interviewee name on the sample paper, use a different family name for my paper.


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Family Health Assessment
The promotion of family health is imperative in nursing and healthcare practice. The promotion of family health requires the provision of care that prioritizes the actual needs of the family members. Nurses and other healthcare providers work with families in assessing, planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating strategies used to achieve their care needs. They also work with the family members in exploring interventions that will promote their health and minimize their exposure to health problems. In doing this, nurses utilize their knowledge and skills on the different health patterns that influence the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, and their communities. Therefore, this paper examines an interview that was conducted with a family to determine their functional health patterns. It also explores the use of family health systems theory to ensure that the needs of the family members are met for their optimal health and wellbeing.
Description of Family Structure
This interview was conducted with a family within my community. The husband of the family was the informant during the interview. The family is an extended family. It has the grandparents, parents, and three children. The ethnic background of the family is African Americans. The family members are Christians. The family rated themselves as a middle class family. The husband of the family works as a driver in a local construction industry while the wife is a nurse. The grandparents are retired nurses. The children are in the junior high school. The family resides in a moderately health environment, as evidenced by the adequate environmental hygiene and access to necessities such as health food and water.
Overall Health Behaviors of the Family
The assessment showed that the family’s health status is moderate, as seen from the various findings of the functional assessment interview. The husband of the family reported that the family practices healthy values. The values included minimizing their engagement in risky and unhealthy behaviors such as smoking and taking alcohol. He also reported that the traditional norms, values and beliefs such as eating healthy diets influence their lifestyle and behavioral decisions. The husband reported that the family members are active users of preventive healthcare services. They utilize services such as screening for hypertension, diabetes, and prostate cancer. The husband reported some health challenges being experienced in the family. They included his father being a diabetic and mother suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.
The assessment of nutrition pattern showed that the family had an adequate access to healthy diets. However, they found if expensive to afford healthy diets on a regular basis, which predisposes them to eating unhealthy junk diets in times of financial hardships. The family therefore strives to eat a three-meal balanced diet in a day. The husband also reported that some of his family members experience nutritional related challenges. Accordingly, he noted that his son is currently obese. He is predisposed to health problems such as diabetes and hypertension. The assessment of the sleep/rest pattern showed that the family members sleep an average of 7 hours a night. He reported sleeping problems such as insomnia among his grandparents, which have affected their quality of life. The family reported that they engage minimally in leisure activities due to their busy schedules.
The assessment of the elimination pattern showed that one of the family members suffers from urinary incontinence. The grandfather was recently diagnosed with urinary incontinence and is due for urologist review. The assessment of the activity exercise pattern showed that the family minimally engages in active physical activities. As a result, they are predisposed to obesity and cardiovascular health problems such as hypertension. The assessment of the cognitive pattern showed that the grandmother currently suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. The family understands her health needs and ensures they are met. The husband reported that his grandfather has low vision problem and currently uses corrective lenses. He denied any health issues in the sensory perception pattern.
The assessment of role relationship pattern showed that the family plays an active role in community activities such as assisting the needy. The family also has defined roles such as the husband being the head of the family while wife ensures the needs of the members such as food are met. The husband denied any sexual-related problems in the family. He noted that the family members support the use of contraceptives and screening services for reproductive health problems. The assessment of the coping pattern showed that the family has effective coping strategies for stress. They rely on each other’s support to manager adversities. They also utilize support from friends, relatives and the church to overcome their stressors.
Functional Health Pattern Strengths
One of the functional health pattern strengths that were identified from the interview is the high level of awareness among the family about health promotion and prevention. The husband reported that the family actively utilizes screening services for health problems such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, and hypertension. Screening for health problems enables early identification and management. It also prevents the progression of non-communicable diseases such as cancer and hypertension (Alrushud et al., 2017). The active utilization of screening services by the family promotes their optimum health and wellbeing. The other functional health pattern strength that was identified in the family is their use of effective coping with adversities. The husband reported that the family relies on each other and the community members in coping with stressful experiences. Effective coping is important, as it eliminates adverse events due to maladaptive responses such as depression among family members (Silva et al., 2017).
Problems or Barriers
One of the areas where health problems were identified was the minimal engagement of the family members in active physical activities and leisure. Minimal engagement in active physical activity is a critical predictor of lifestyle and behavioral problems such as obesity and hypertension. Inadequate leisure activities also predispose the family members to poor coping with stress (Magnavita, 2018). The second health problem identified from the interview is poor dietary habits. The husband reported occasional intake of unhealthy diets in the family due to the high cost of healthy diets. As a result, they are predisposed to poor health outcomes such as obesity, malnutrition and overweight (Cherfan et al., 2020). The last health problem identified is high rate of dependence in the family. The other family members are not working apart from the husband and wife. A high rate of dependence has resulted in financial constraints and minimal engagement of the family in healthy habits such as physical activity.
Application of Family Systems Theory
The family systems theory can be applied to solicit changes in family members that can initiate positive changes to the overall family functions. One of the ways is by encouraging them to work together in addressing the health-related needs. Since families are interconnected entities, they can work together in ensuring that the diverse needs of the members can be met. The other way in which the theory can be applied is through health education (Jakimowicz et al., 2021). The family members can be educated on ways of achieving their optimum health and resources that they need.


Overall, family functional assessment is important in nursing. It facilitates the identification of health needs in families and ways of addressing them. Family systems theory can be applied to enhance the realization of the diverse needs of the families. Therefore, nurses should develop competencies on addressing the actual and potential needs of the families they serve in their practice.

Alrushud, A. S., Rushton, A. B., Kanavaki, A. M., & Greig, C. A. (2017). Effect of physical activity and dietary restriction interventions on weight loss and the musculoskeletal function of overweight and obese older adults with knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and mixed method data synthesis. BMJ Open, 7(6), e014537.
Cherfan, M., Vallée, A., Kab, S., Salameh, P., Goldberg, M., Zins, M., & Blacher, J. (2020). Unhealthy behaviors and risk of uncontrolled hypertension among treated individuals-The CONSTANCES population-based study. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1925.
Jakimowicz, S., Perry, L., & Lewis, J. (2021). Bowen Family Systems Theory: Mapping a framework to support critical care nurses’ well-being and care quality. Nursing Philosophy, 22(2), e12320.
Magnavita, N. (2018). Obstacles and Future Prospects: Considerations on Health Promotion Activities for Older Workers in Europe. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(6), 1096.
Silva, N. D., Dillon, F. R., Verdejo, T. R., Sanchez, M., & De La Rosa, M. (2017). Acculturative Stress, Psychological Distress, and Religious Coping Among Latina Young Adult Immigrants. The Counseling Psychologist, 45(2), 213–236.

Values/Health Perception
What are some of the norms, values, and beliefs that your family practices in relation to healthcare?
What is the perception and attitude of your family towards the utilization of preventive services?
How do the family members perceive their current health and wellbeing? What are some of the health-related challenges that they experience?
What types of food varieties do your family members consume on a daily basis?
How do your family members ensure that the nutritional needs of each other are met?
What nutritional related challenges do your family members currently experience?
What are some of the sleep-related problems that your family members experience?
What type of leisure activities do your family members engage in their free time?
How many hours do your family members sleep on a daily basis?
What are some of the bladder-related problems that your family has experienced over the past few months?
What are some of the problems that your family has experienced in relation to passage of stool in the past few months?
What are some of the experiences of your family members with changes in bowel and bladder activities?
Activity Exercise
What are some of the physical activity exercises that your family members engage in a daily basis?
What is the perception of your family members towards exercise?
What are some of the problems that have limited the ability of your family members to engage in physical activities?
What are some of the mental health problems such as changes in memory that your family members have experienced in the past?
How do your family members manage any source of discomfort to its members?
How has the experience of the family members with any of the following problems? Memory loss, confusion, depression, and anxiety disorders?
What are some of the vision and hearing problems that your family currently suffers from?
What is your family’s experience with vision, hearing, and taste problems?
How often do your family members complain of heat or cold intolerance?
How can you describe the level of self-identify and confidence among your family members?
How can you describe the appropriateness of the behaviors of your family members?
In what ways do you think culture and media have affected your self-identity in your community?
Role Relationship
What specific roles do your family members play in the society?
What specific roles does each of your family members play in the family?
How does your family handle its problems?
What is the perception of your family towards the use of contraceptives?
What is the perception of your family towards the use of reproductive health screening services such as Pap smear and prostate cancer screening?
How do culture and media affect the perception of your family towards sexual-related topics?
How do your family members manage stress?
What are some of the sources of social support that your family utilizes in times of stress?
What are some of the most stressing experiences that your family experienced in the past and how did it overcome it?

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