Assignment: Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal: Implementation Plan

Assignment: Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal: Implementation Plan

Assignment: Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal: Implementation Plan

Implementation Plan
The implementation of evidence-based projects utilizes carefully developed methods for its success. The project stakeholders incorporate inputs from different individuals involved in the process to minimize the risk of resistance to change or minimal adoption by the users of the change. Institutional factors such as adequate support should therefore be considered for successful implementation of change. Consequently, the purpose of this paper is to explore the implementation processes that would be utilized in the proposed evidence-based practice project. The project focuses on the provision of health education and use of smoke evacuation systems to minimize surgical smoke exposure to preoperative healthcare providers and suite patients.


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Setting and Access to Potential Subjects
The setting for this project will be all the theatres within the project site. The theatres will be installed with smoke evacuation systems to prevent and minimize the exposure of patients and health care providers to surgical smoke. The potential subjects will include patients undergoing surgery and preoperative healthcare providers. Preoperative healthcare providers and patients will provide data needed for determining the effectiveness of the project. Since the project does not focus on the acquisition of identifiable data, informed consent will not be obtained from the potential subjects. However, approval will be sought from the hospital before the implementation of the project.
The estimated time needed for the implementation of the project is one year. It is anticipated that the period will be adequate to enable systematic implementation of the project, its monitoring, evaluation, and provision of feedback to the project stakeholders. The timeline will also facilitate the implementation of corrective interventions to enhance the outcomes of the project (Cullen et al., 2017). The draft of the timeline for the project is included in the appendix section of this paper.
Developing proposal, submitting proposal, obtaining approval, forming stakeholder team, developing strategies, training, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, provision of feedback
Budget and Resource List
The successful implementation of the project requires a change in the existing clinical processes. Accordingly, the institution has to adopt smoke evacuation systems in all the theatres to minimize the exposure of patients and preoperative healthcare providers to surgical smoke. The preoperative healthcare providers also have to adopt new interventions that will prevent and minimize their exposure as well as patient exposure to surgical smoke. The organization may have to develop new protocols for preventing exposure to surgical smoke among its patients and healthcare providers in its theatres (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019).
The successful implementation of the project will require human and financial resources. The human resources will include preoperative healthcare providers, trainers of trainees, and management that would oversee the implementation process. Financial resources will be needed for training preoperative healthcare providers, hiring trainers, purchasing and installing smoke evacuators, project monitoring and evaluation, data collection, and management of unforeseen events in the project implementation. The other resource needed for the successful implementation is time. Adequate time is needed to ensure the determination of project effectiveness in the organization. The budget estimate of the project is $54000. The project deliverables as well as their costs are included in the appendix section.
The project will utilize quantitative design to collect data and evaluate the effectiveness of the evidence-based practice project proposal. Quantitative design will be appropriate, as it will enable the determination of the project effectiveness using numbers rather than narrations in qualitative design. Quantitative design will also enable easy and fast collection of data using methods such as questionnaires (Jolley, 2020). The analysis of data in quantitative design is also easy, since the obtained data can be ordered and analyzed numerically. The costs incurred in collecting data for project evaluation through quantitative design will also be lower when compared to the use of qualitative methods. Therefore, the quantitative design is the most desirable over qualitative design for the project.
Methods and Instruments
Questionnaires will be used in the monitoring of the proposed project. Questionnaires will be administered to preoperative healthcare providers to obtain data about their experiences with the proposed project. Questionnaires are appropriate due to the ease of their administration to the potential subjects. They also enable the acquisition of data that can be organized easily for data analysis. The questionnaires will also facilitate objective assessment of the project effectiveness (Hopp & Rittenmeyer, 2021). A sample of a questionnaire that would be used in the project is included in the appendix section.
Process of Delivering the Intervention
The intervention will be delivered in a number of phases. The first one will be needs assessment. Needs assessment will be undertaken to determine the level of awareness among preoperative nurses towards surgical smoke, its effects and prevention. The information from needs assessment will inform the development of the required project strategies. The second step will be training. Preoperative healthcare providers will be trained about the use of smoke evacuation systems and prevention of surgical smoke exposure to patients and themselves. The third phase will be implementation where the intervention will be used in practice. Preoperative healthcare providers will be followed to ensure they utilize best practices in managing surgical smoke. Data will be collected for analysis to determine the effectiveness of the project.
A number of stakeholders will be needed for the implementation of the proposed evidence-based practice project. They will include preoperative healthcare providers, nurse managers of the surgical department, finance officer, and nurse manager of the hospital. Preoperative healthcare providers will be involved in the implementation of the project. As a result, their inputs into the strategies needed for the project are important. They should also be involved to minimize the risk of resistance from them. Nurse Managers of the surgical departments in the hospital will be involved in coordinating the implementation process. They will also provide feedback about the success, challenges, and opportunities to explore for the success of the initiative. Nurse Manager of the hospital will also oversee the implementation process. The finance manager will determine the financial implications of the project and undertake cost-benefit analysis.
Potential Barriers or Challenges and Strategies for Overcoming them
One of the barriers that may be experienced is inadequate institutional support. The management and leadership of the organization may not provide the optimum support needed for the project. Strategies such as aligning the aims of the project with that of the organization and increasing their participation in the project will be adopted to address the barrier. The other barrier that may be experienced is the lack of interest among preoperative healthcare providers. Factors such as low level of awareness may contribute to the barrier. Interventions such as open communication and active involvement of the preoperative healthcare providers will be adopted to address the barrier (Dang & Dearholt, 2018). The proposed project is highly feasible for implementation due to the absence of a similar project in the institution and its ability to address the safety and quality needs of patient care.
In summary, the proposed project will use suite patients and preoperative healthcare providers as potential subjects. The project will run for one year. It will utilize quantitative methods of data collection. Questionnaires will be used for data analysis. Anticipatory interventions will be implemented to minimize barriers to project implementation and its success.
Cullen, L., Hanrahan, K., Farrington, M., DeBerg, J., Tucker, S., & Kleiber, C. (2017). Evidence-Based Practice in Action: Comprehensive Strategies, tools, and Tips from the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Sigma Theta Tau.
Dang, D., & Dearholt, S. (2018). Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-based Practice: Model and Guidelines. Sigma Theta Tau International.
Hopp, L., & Rittenmeyer, L. (2021). Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice: A Practical Guide for Nursing. F.A. Davis.
Jolley, J. (2020). Introducing Research and Evidence-Based Practice for Nursing and Healthcare Professionals. Routledge.
Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Evidence-based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice. Wolters Kluwer.

Timeline for Project Implementation
November 2021 December 2021 January 2022 February 2022-August 2022 September 2022 October 2022
Developing proposal
Submitting proposal and obtaining approval
Forming stakeholder team and developing strategies
Training and implementation, monitoring
Provision of stakeholder feedback
Item Cost ($)
Purchase of smoke evacuation systems 20000
Training 10000
Project stationeries 2000
Hiring trainers 2000
Data collection, analysis, and presentation for project evaluation 5000
Extraneous 15000
Total 54000
Hello, we would like to obtain information about your experience with the project that aimed at preventing patient and provider exposure to surgical smoke. Kindly provide information as requested in this form. Thank you!
What is your gender? Male { } Female { }
How long have you worked as a preoperative healthcare provider?
0-3 years { } 3-5 years { } More than 5 years { }
Have you experienced negative effects of surgical smoke before? Yes { } No { } I don’t know { }
What has been your experience with the project?
Strongly satisfied { } Satisfied { } Neutral { } Dissatisfied { } Very dissatisfied { }

What aspects of the project are the most appealing to you?
What aspects of the project are least appealing to you?
What do you thinking should be done to improve the project effectiveness?


My project or PICOT is:
In the surgical suite patients and preoperative health care providers are exposed to surgical smoke (P) would providing education and utilizing smoke evacuation systems on all surgical cases (I) compared to not utilizing a smoke evacuation system in surgical cases (C) lead to lower exposure of surgical smoke contaminants (O) over the course of 1 year (T)?

In 1,250-1,500 words, discuss the implementation plan for your evidence-based practice project proposal. When required, create the appropriate form, table, image, or graph to fully illustrate that aspect of the intervention plan and include them in an appendix of your paper. You will use the implementation plan, including the associated documents in your appendices, in the Topic 8 assignment, during which you will synthesize the various aspects of your project into a final paper detailing your evidence-based practice project proposal.

Include the following:

Describe the setting and access to potential subjects. If there is a need for a consent or approval form, then one must be created. Include a draft of the form as an appendix at the end of your paper.
Create a timeline. Make sure the timeline is general enough that it can be implemented at any date. Based on the timeline you created, describe the amount of time needed to complete this project. Include a draft of the timeline as an appendix at the end of your paper.
Develop a budget and resource list. Consider the clinical tools or process changes that would need to take place. Based on the budget and resource list you developed: (a) describe the resources (human, fiscal, and other) or changes needed in the implementation of the solution; (b) outline the costs for personnel, consumable supplies, equipment (if not provided by the institute), computer-related costs (librarian consultation, database access, etc.), and other costs (travel, presentation development). Include a draft of the budget and resource list as an appendix at the end of your paper.
Explain whether you would select a qualitative or quantitative design to collect data and evaluate the effectiveness of your evidence-based practice project proposal. Provide rationale to support your selection.
Describe the methods and instruments (questionnaire, scale, or test) to be used for monitoring the implementation of the proposed solution. Include the method or instrument as an appendix at the end of your paper.
Explain the process for delivering the intervention and indicate if any training will be needed.
Discuss the stakeholders that are needed to implement the plan.
Consider all of the aspects of your implementation plan and discuss potential barriers or challenges to the plan. Propose strategies for overcoming these.
Establish the feasibility of the implementation plan.
Refer to the \”Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal – Assignment Overview\” document for an overview of the evidence-based practice project proposal assignments.

You are required to cite a minimum of five peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Complete the \”APA Writing Checklist\” to ensure that your paper adheres to APA style and formatting criteria and general guidelines for academic writing. Include the completed checklist as an appendix at the end of your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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