Discussion: Community proposal paper

Discussion: Community proposal paper

Discussion: Community proposal paper

The topic that I chose to discuss is Diabetes focusing in the African American population. Please follow the rubric guideline and the instruction of the paper. This is a community proposal topic paper which later will present it in a power point format to educate the community on health promotion and prevention style. The chosen question is #3, primary prevention/health promotion.

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Estimated Time Teaching Will Last: 1 hour Location of Teaching: Community Setting 
Supplies, Material, Equipment Needed: PowerPoint, educational brochures, pamphlets, and writing materials Estimated Cost:
Community and Target Aggregate:
African Americans with or at risk of diabetes 
Topic: Prevention of diabetes 
Identification of Focus for Community Teaching (Topic Selection):
The identified topic for the community teaching is diabetes. Diabetes is a non-communicable disease that is characterized by the elevated levels of blood glucose. It arises from the lack of production of or inadequate insulin hormone. Diabetes exists in types that include type I, type II, and gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes arises due to the production of autoimmune antibodies that attack the islet cells of the pancreas that produce insulin. Type 2 diabetes arises due to the inadequate production of insulin by the islet cells of the pancreas. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type when compared to the other types of the disease. Gestational diabetes affects pregnant women. The disease often resolves on its own after the birth of the baby. Diabetes has a high prevalence rate. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is high among some ethnicities in American when compared to the others. For example, African Americans have the highest rate of diabetes mellitus type 2 when compared to other ethnicities. The high prevalence results in the disease affecting populations disproportionately. It also results in inequalities in the disease outcomes, as African Americans suffer from poorer outcomes of diabetes when compared to other ethnicities. As a result, it is critical that interventions that raise awareness among African Americans affected by or at risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 be embraced. 
Epidemiological Rationale for Topic (Statistics Related to Topic):
As noted above, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes among African Americans is high when compared to other ethnicities. According to the statistics by the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, non-Hispanic blacks were two times likely to die from diabetes when compared to non-Hispanic whites in 2018. The statistics also show that African American adults are 60% highly likely to be diagnosed with diabetes when compared to non-Hispanic white adults. The data also show the increased risk of poorer health outcomes among African Americans when compared to other ethnicities. For example, African Americans were 3.2 times highly likely to be diagnosed with end stage renal failure, as a complication of diabetes when compared to the non-Hispanic whites in 2017 (US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, 2021). Similarly, non-Hispanic blacks had 2.3 times increased risk of being hospitalized for lower limb amputations due to diabetes complications when compared to non-Hispanic whites. According to Gebreab et al., (2017), African Americans are highly predisposed to adverse risk factors for diabetes mellitus type 2 such as lower socioeconomic status, sedentary lifestyles, poor diets, and obesity when compared to other ethnicities. Environmental factors such as limited access to healthy foods, built environment and limited availability of physical activity resources also increase the vulnerability of the African Americans to diabetes mellitus type 2 (Liu et al., 2019). The effective management of type 2 diabetes requires that the populations at risk are aware of its prevention and health promotion activities needed for the disease. Therefore, it is proposed in this educational plan that health education will reduce the risk and rate of diabetes mellitus among African Americans by promoting healthy lifestyles and behaviors among them. 
Teaching Plan Criteria
Nursing Diagnosis:
Knowledge deficit among African Americans on the causes, effects, and prevention of type 2 diabetes
Readiness for Learning: 
One of the factors that would indicate readiness to learn among the community members is their ability to engage in physical aspects of diabetes prevention. The physical measures of readiness to learn such as the ability of the community members to engage in complex interventions to prevent and optimally manage diabetes indicate their readiness to learn. Their ability to create conducive environment for learning also indicates their readiness. An example is advocating for increased access to physical activity opportunities to enhance their health. The other factor is the health status of the learners. The community members should have the required levels of energy and optimal physical status to enable them to engage actively in the learning process. The community members must also be prepared emotionally to learn. They should have adequate social support system, motivation, frame of mind, normal developmental stage and minimal anxiety for them to benefit optimally from the educational session. Lastly, learners should demonstrate abilities to translate the educational concepts into practice (Dyson & McAllister, 2019). They should be able to utilize the concepts learned in the educational session into their lives for their optimal health. 
Learning Theory to Be Utilized: 
Cognitive theory of learning will be used. The theory asserts that internal and external factors influence the learning by an individual. The theory will be applied in a number of ways during the educational session. Firstly, the community members will be asked to reflect on their experience with diabetes or the risk factors contributing to it. They will also be assisted in exploring the ways in which they can address the risk factors that contribute to diabetes among them. Discussions will be held about diabetes to enhance the understanding of the learners. The community members will also be encouraged to explore the interconnectedness of the different concepts related to diabetes to enhance their understanding (Dyson & McAllister, 2019). 
The educational session relates to the goals of Healthy People 2020 of improving the health of all the American populations. The educational session relates to the four goals of the Health People 2020. Address inequalities in diabetes among African American populations will promote the attainment of high quality, longer lives for them free from preventable diseases, injury, and disability of premature death. It will also promote health equity by eliminating disparities and creating physical and social environments that promote health for all. It will also ensure social quality of life, healthy behaviors and health development for African Americans affected and at risk of diabetes (Medicine et al., 2020). 
How Does This HP2020 Objective Relate to Alma Ata’s Health for All Global Initiatives 
The Healthy People 2020 objectives relates to Alma Ata’s Health for All Global Initiatives. It strives to ensure that optimal mental, physical, and social wellbeing of the African Americans at risk and affected by diabetes. The objective also relates to the initiatives of Alma Ata by addressing inequalities in health facing African Americans with or predisposed to diabetes. Lastly, the objective underpins the promotion of primary healthcare for African Americans to enhance their participation in health and access to preventive services for diabetes and other health problems (Medicine et al., 2020). 
Develop Behavioral Objectives (Including Domains), Content, and Strategies/Methods: 
Behavioral Objective 
and Domain
Example – Third-grade students will name one healthy food choice in each of the five food groups by the end of the presentation. (Cognitive Domain) Content  
(be specific)
Example – The Food Pyramid has five food groups which are….
Healthy foods from each group are….
Unhealthy foods containing a lot of sugar or fat are…. Strategies/Methods
(label and describe)
Example – Interactive poster presentation of the Food  Pyramid. After an explanation of the poster and each food category, allow students to place pictures of foods on the correct spot on the pyramid. Also, have the class analyze what a child had for lunch by putting names of foods on the poster and discussing what food group still needs to be eaten throughout day.
The community members will identify the risk factors for diabetes by the end of the presentation 
1. The risk factors for diabetes mellitus type 2 include age, ethnicity, sedentary lifestyles, obesity, and increased intake of unhealthy diets 1. A poster presentation of the risk factors will be made. Participants will be asked to identify the risk factors they relate with from the poster 
The community members will name the prevention of diabetes by the end of the presentation
2. Prevention of diabetes mellitus type 2 is achieved by modifying lifestyle and behaviors2. discussion with the participants will be held focusing on the different ways of preventing diabetes 
The community members will name the existing social support services for diabetes by the end of the presentation 
3. Individuals with diabetes require social, emotional, and physical support from friends, family members and the community as a whole 3. Discussion about the different forms of support that diabetes patients need will be held. Participants will be asked to share insights on the ways in which they will support patients with diabetes 
The community members will name the complications of diabetes mellitus type 2 by the end of the presentation 
4. Diabetes mellitus is associated with complications such as diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy, and diabetic foot 4. Videos on the different complications will be presented. Discussion on the signs and symptoms of the complications will be held. Participants will be asked to relate with their experiences. 
Creativity will be applied in the teaching strategies in a number of ways. One of them will be using a combination of different teaching and learning methods. A combination of strategies such as presentations, discussions, and group learning will be used to enhance the effectiveness of the sessions. The second strategy will be increasing the participation of the participants. Strategies such as question answer methods will be used to enhance their engagement in the sessions. The other strategy will be brainstorming to ensure that the participants relate the concepts with their experiences. Lastly, multiple solutions will be developed to enhance the relevance and applicability of the educational sessions (Kimonen & Nevalainen, 2017).
Planned Evaluation of Objectives (Outcome Evaluation): Describe what you will measure for each objective and how.
Understanding of the community members about the risk factors for diabetes mellitus type 2. Pre and post-interventional survey will be administered to determine their level of understanding. 
Understanding of the community members about the prevention of diabetes. Pre and post-interventional survey will be administered to determine their level of awareness about the prevention methods. 
Understanding of the community members about the social support systems that they can explore for their optimal health and prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Survey eliciting their responses on social support systems will be administered. 
Understanding of the community members about the complications of diabetes. Pre and post-educational survey will be administered to determine their level of understanding. 
Planned Evaluation of Goal:  
The overall effectiveness of the teaching plan will be evaluated at its end. Pre-interventional survey will be administered before the start of the session to determine the baseline knowledge and skills of the participants about diabetes. Post-interventional survey will be administered at the end of the session to determine changes in the level of understanding of the participants. 
Planned Evaluation of Lesson and Teacher (Process Evaluation):
Feedback will be obtained from the participants for process evaluation. Feedback will focus on areas such as strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improving the educational session. 
Barriers: What are potential barriers that may arise during teaching and how will those be handled?
One of the barriers that may be experienced is difference in the levels of understanding among the participants. The difference may arise due to the effect of demographic factors such as age and level of education. The barrier will be addressed by using a mix of different methods of learning to address the diverse needs of the participants. The other barrier is lack of interest from the participants. The participants may demonstrate a lack of interest due to low level of knowledge on the topic. The barrier will be addressed by increasing their active participation in the learning process (Dyson & McAllister, 2019). 
Therapeutic Communication
4.2 Communicate therapeutically with patients.
I will begin my presentation with a hook statement. A hook statement will elicit their interest in the educational session. The activity that I will use to ensure active listening among the audience is being audible and maintaining eye contact. I will also ask random questions to ensure that the audience remains attentive. I will apply active listening in tailoring my presentation by utilizing different approaches to learning such as visual presentations, discussions, and video presentation of the relevant concepts. I will conclude my presentation by summarizing the concepts learned in the presentation. I will also end with questions for the audience. Non-verbal techniques that I will use include maintaining eye contact, facial expressions, changing my voice depending on the concept being stressed, and using gestures (Jeffries, 2020). 
Dyson, S., & McAllister, M. (2019). Routledge International Handbook of Nurse Education. Routledge.
Gebreab, S. Y., Hickson, D. A., Sims, M., Wyatt, S. B., Davis, S. K., Correa, A., & Diez-Roux, A. V. (2017). Neighborhood social and physical environments and type 2 diabetes mellitus in African Americans: The Jackson Heart Study. Health & Place, 43, 128–137. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2016.12.001
Jeffries, P. (2020). Simulation in Nursing Education: From Conceptualization to Evaluation. Wolters Kluwer Health.
Kimonen, E., & Nevalainen, R. (2017). Reforming Teaching and Teacher Education: Bright Prospects for Active Schools. Springer.
Liu, M., Frej, C., Langefeld, C. D., Divers, J., Bowden, D. W., Carr, J. J., Gebre, A. K., Xu, J., Larsson, B., Dahlbäck, B., Freedman, B. I., & Parks, J. S. (2019). Plasma apoM and S1P levels are inversely associated with mortality in African Americans with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Lipid Research, 60(8), 1425–1431. https://doi.org/10.1194/jlr.P089409
Medicine, N. A. of S., Engineering, and, Division, H. and M., Practice, B. on P. H. and P. H., & People 2030, C. on I. the S. of L. H. I. for H. (2020). Leading Health Indicators 2030: Advancing Health, Equity, and Well-Being. National Academies Press.
US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health. (2021). Diabetes and African Americans—The Office of Minority Health. https://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/omh/browse.aspx?lvl=4&lvlid=18
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