Assignment: Delivery Models Essay

Assignment: Delivery Models Essay

Assignment: Delivery Models Essay

Write a 1,250-1,500-word essay about delivery models in health care. Include the following in your essay:

Address the triple aim as it relates to population health management and delivery models.
Discuss current trends in health care delivery models.
Describe how quality and safety impact delivery models in health care.
Include at least three peer-reviewed/academic references in your essay, including the HealthyPeople website.


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Healthcare Delivery Models
Health systems and organizations globally exist with the aim of promoting the optimum health of their publics. The promotion of the optimum health of the public depends largely on the adoption of efficient systems of service delivery. It also requires the adoption of healthcare policies that eliminate the barriers to access and utilization of healthcare services by the diverse populations. Healthcare providers, including nurses are well situated in healthcare to engage in initiatives that enhance the safety, quality and efficiency of patient care. Healthcare providers utilize best practice interventions that aim at system transformation and sustainability in the implementation of quality improvement initiatives in healthcare. They also explore effective models of service delivery that addresses both current as well as emerging needs of the population in different markets. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore healthcare delivery models. It examines Triple Aim as it relates to population health management and delivery models, emerging trends in healthcare delivery models and impact of safety and quality on delivery models in health care.
Triple Aim as it Relates to Population Health Management and Delivery Models
The Triple Aim is a framework that the Institute for Health Improvement (IHI) developed to improve healthcare experiences for diverse populations in the US. The model aims at improving the performance of healthcare systems by focusing on three areas that include enhancing patient experiences in healthcare, improving health of populations and reducing per capita cost of healthcare in the US. Triple Aim relates to population health management and delivery models. Population health management mainly focuses on the design, coordination, delivery, and payment of services offered to a group of people with the aim of achieving specific health outcomes as well as quality and cost. Triple Aim requires that health care organizations adopt innovative solutions that would optimize the care outcomes offered to different populations (Wilkinson et al., 2017). Accordingly, innovation in healthcare would result in cost reduction, which contributes to optimization of care outcomes given to patients using limited resources. Triple Aim also guides the establishment of effective foundation for population management. It guides health care organizations and systems in the identification of relevant indicators for specific populations, the required governance structures, and services needed to scale up the health and wellbeing of the populations. It also enables health organizations to develop effective learning systems that can drive as well as sustain enhanced outcomes for diverse populations over time (Obucina et al., 2018).
Triple Aim also relates to models of healthcare delivery. Triple Aim increased the need for the adoption of new healthcare delivery systems that enhance the health of populations and reduce per capita spending on healthcare. The new systems include innovative payment models, which focus on the community and individual needs and rewarding providers for the realization of population and individual health outcomes. Health organizations have also implemented models that minimize resource inefficiencies by focusing on the provision of value-based care to clients (Kerman & Kidd, 2020). Through it, Triple Aim has significantly transformed healthcare delivery models in the US healthcare system.
Current Trends in Healthcare Delivery Models
The American health care system has experienced significant transformation in its healthcare delivery models over the past few years. The transformations have aimed at enhancing the safety, quality and efficiency of patient care in the state. One of the notable trends in healthcare delivery in the current US health care system is the use of value-based models of service delivery. Accordingly, most of the healthcare organizations in the US have shifted from paying providers based on the quantity of services offered to value-based care. Value-based care encourages the remuneration of providers based on their ability to achieve quality outcomes in care. The quality outcomes of focus include patient outcomes and experiences with care. The benefits of the adoption of value-based care systems are that it eliminates resource wastages and facilitates increased focus on patient outcomes in care (Novikov et al., 2018). Through it, health care organizations have driven quality, safety and efficiency in patient care.
The current trend in healthcare delivery models in the US are also characterized by patient-centeredness. Healthcare organizations exist to address both the actual and potential needs of their consumers. To achieve this goal, healthcare organizations have adopted care models that prioritize the need for individualized plans of care. Accordingly, institutions encourage the utilization of interventions such as shared decision-making, patient engagement in care and prioritization of the patient values, needs, and preferences (Bokhour et al., 2018). The benefits of the adoption of such models of healthcare have been found to include enhanced patient satisfaction, engagement, and empowerment in the care process.
The current healthcare delivery models are also characterized by digitalization of patient care. Unlike the traditional periods, health organizations in the modern world continually embrace virtual care solutions to enhance the experiences of patients with the care process. The digitalization of care has led to immense organizational benefits that include reduction in costs, promotion of public health and expanded availability of health institutions in their markets. Technological innovations such as telehealth have been adopted to optimize the care outcomes for diverse populations, including individuals affected by chronic conditions. Besides digitalization, institutions are considering the need for automating most of the processes to enhance efficiency, safety, and quality of patient care (Leidner & Tona, 2021). Through it, optimum outcomes of care would be achieved by efficient utilization of the limited resources in healthcare. The technology use also addresses the social determinants of health in healthcare such as costs and differences in socioeconomic characteristics of populations (, 2021).
How Quality and Safety Affect Delivery Models in Health Care
Quality and safety affects delivery models in health care. Safety in care entails the provision of care that prevents errors, risks, and harm to patients in the process of provision of health care. The increased focus on safety in healthcare implies that health organizations have to eliminate the use of complex systems that impede efficiency in patient care. Instead, the healthcare systems should be characterized by clear systems, data driven safety improvements, leadership capacity and skilled healthcare providers to promote enhanced care provisions to diverse populations. Safety also affects delivery models in healthcare by ensuring that organizations embrace interventions that promote continuous improvement of systems and processes (Buttigieg et al., 2020). Continuous improvement of systems and processes eliminate the potentials for errors and risks in care process, hence, safety in patient care.
Quality in healthcare entails the provision of care that meets the needs of the patients in a safe, effective, and affordable manner. It also entails the engagement and involvement of the patients in the care process to facilitate their ownership of the care process. Quality has a direct effect on healthcare delivery models. For example, the increased focus on patient outcomes in the care process translates into the need for patient-centered models of health care. The patient-centered models underpin the realization of care outcomes, including safety, efficiency, quality, patient empowerment and satisfaction with the care process (Buttigieg et al., 2020).
Quality also influences the models of health care delivery by enhancing the focus of healthcare organizations on performance indicators in patient care. The performance indicators for safety and quality in healthcare include aspects such as patient falls, medication errors, cost of care, and catheter-associated urinary tract infections amongst others. Therefore, health care organizations adopt models of healthcare delivery that ensure the optimum realization of the safety and quality indicators in patient care. Lastly, quality and safety affect the assessment methods utilized for healthcare delivery models in nursing practice. Often, institutions utilize safety and quality indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions utilized to achieve the desired outcomes of a model. For example, the rise in quality and safety issues such as catheter-associated infections and costs in care, translate into model inefficiency (Buttigieg et al., 2020). Consequently, the focus on safety and quality indicators inform the need for revision or adoption of new models of healthcare that would address the diverse needs of the patient populations.
Overall, Triple Aim is an effective framework that has transformed the healthcare system in the US. The framework has played a critical role in guiding the interventions that are adopted to increase population health, access and affordability of care. Triple Aim has also transformed the healthcare delivery models and population health management. It has contributed to the increased emergence of new models in health care that aim at ensuring efficiency in resource utilization to optimize the health outcomes of the patients. Therefore, health organizations should explore the ways in which they can utilize effective models of healthcare delivery to achieve their performance outcomes.
Bokhour, B. G., Fix, G. M., Mueller, N. M., Barker, A. M., Lavela, S. L., Hill, J. N., Solomon, J. L., & Lukas, C. V. (2018). How can healthcare organizations implement patient-centered care? Examining a large-scale cultural transformation. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 168.
Buttigieg, S. C., Eiff, W. von, Byers, V., & Tomaselli, G. (2020). Patient Safety: Delivering Cost-Contained, High Quality, Person-Centered, and Safe Healthcare. Frontiers Media SA. (2021). Browse Objectives—Healthy People 2030 |
Kerman, N., & Kidd, S. A. (2020). The Healthcare Triple Aim in the Recovery Era. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 47(4), 492–496.
Leidner, D. E., & Tona, O. (2021). The CARE Theory of Dignity Amid Personal Data Digitalization. MIS Quarterly, 45(1).
Novikov, D., Cizmic, Z., Feng, J. E., Iorio, R., & Meftah, M. (2018). The Historical Development of Value-Based Care: How We Got Here. JBJS, 100(22), e144.
Obucina, M., Harris, N., Fitzgerald, J. A., Chai, A., Radford, K., Ross, A., Carr, L., & Vecchio, N. (2018). The application of triple aim framework in the context of primary healthcare: A systematic literature review. Health Policy, 122(8), 900–907.
Wilkinson, G. W., Sager, A., Selig, S., Antonelli, R., Morton, S., Hirsch, G., Lee, C. R., Ortiz, A., Fox, D., Lupi, M. V., Acuff, C., & Wachman, M. (2017). No Equity, No Triple Aim: Strategic Proposals to Advance Health Equity in a Volatile Policy Environment. American Journal of Public Health, 107(S3), S223–S228.

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