Assignment: Week 3 Drop box Case study Transcultural Approach to Nursing Care

Assignment: Week 3 Drop box Case study Transcultural Approach to Nursing Care

Assignment: Week 3 Drop box Case study Transcultural Approach to Nursing Care

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For 3000 level courses, you will be allowed a total of three (3) submissions to TII (original plus 2 additional)

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For elective courses, you will be allowed a total of three (3) submissions to TII (original plus 2 additional)

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Assignment Instructions:

You have been assigned a specific population of patients that requires special attention during nursing care delivery. In a 2-3-page APA formatted paper, not including references or title page, please answer the questions outlined below. Please remember to include an introduction and conclusion. In your introduction you should introduce your reader to the specific population. You may need to find sources outside the assigned readings to familiarize yourself with this population. If you know someone who falls into this population and you want to gather information from them as well, that is ok. You can reference your conversation as a “personal communication” (please review your APA resources for proper citation instructions).

In what ways will you have to modify your communication approach with this patient? Remember communication is not limited to verbal conversation between the two of you. Think about all aspects of communication we discussed in Unit 2.

How will you approach this patient in a way that ensures you are respecting their “space”?

What specific nursing tasks will you need to take a different approach with? How will you modify your approach? What resources will you need?

Patient education is a large part of nursing care whether its education delivered while the patient is under your care or discharge education that prepares the patient for care after they leave your facility. How will your educational materials and/or educational approaches need to be modified from standard instruction templates?

Additional Assignment Instructions:

Below is a summary of the eight (8) components to include within the assignment.

Introduction: Provide an introduction including the presentation of the population, background information, and demographics.

Communication Approach: Provide an explanation of at least 1 communication approach utilizing course content.

Space Approach: Provide an explanation of at least 1 space approach utilizing course content.

Nursing Approach: Provide an explanation of at least 1 nursing approach utilizing course content.

Patient Education Modification: Provide an explanation of at least 3 patient education modifications.

Conclusion: Provide a comprehensive summary of the case findings and a clear final statement.

References: A minimum of 3 scholarly references are required.

APA: The paper is submitted in proper APA format and within the 2-3-page limit.



Case Study: Transcultural Approach to Nursing Care 01.2021

Case Study: Transcultural Approach to Nursing Care 01.2021
Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
10 pts


Detailed introduction that clearly identifies the population, background, and demographics. A well-developed purpose statement is provided.

8 pts


Affective introduction that identifies the population, background, and demographics. A purpose statement is provided.

6 pts


Developing introduction. The population, background, and demographics is unclear. The purpose statement is underdeveloped. OR The introduction is missing at least one component (population, background, or demographics).

0 pts


No introduction provided. OR No assignment submitted.
10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommunication, Space, and Nursing Approach

30 pts


Detailed discussion of 3-4 examples of communication, space, and nursing approach utilizing the course content is provided.

26 pts


Effective discussion of at least 2 examples communication, space, and nursing approach utilizing the course content is provided.

22 pts


Developing discussion of communication, space, and nursing approach utilizing the course content with no examples provided. OR The discussion is missing at least one component (communication, space, or nursing approach). OR The discussion does not utilize course content.

0 pts


No discussion of communication, space, or nursing approach provided. OR No assignment submitted.

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePatient Education on Modification

20 pts


Detailed discussion of 3 patient education modifications provided.

17 pts


Effective discussion of 2 patient education modifications provided.

14 pts


Effective discussion of 2 patient education modifications provided.

0 pts


No discussion of at least one patient education modification provided. OR No assignment submitted.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion
10 pts


Detailed discussion that summarizes the case findings with a well-developed final statement. No new topics introduced in the conclusion.

8 pts


Effective discussion that summarizes the case findings with an acceptable final statement. No new topics introduced in the conclusion.

6 pts


Developing discussion that summarizes the case findings with an underdeveloped final statement. No new topics introduced in the conclusion. OR The discussion does not summarize all case findings. OR New topics introduced in the conclusion.

0 pts


No discussion that summarizes the case findings with a final statement is provided. OR No assignment submitted.
10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences
10 pts


3 scholarly references provided.

8 pts


2 scholarly references provided.

6 pts


3 non-scholarly references provided. OR 2 non-scholarly references provided. OR 1 scholarly reference provided.

0 pts


No references provided. OR No assignment submitted.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Mechanics, and Organization
10 pts


Excellent grammar, mechanics, and organization with 0 errors in the following: spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, and punctuation; logical sequence of content; and use of complete sentences.

8 pts


Effective grammar, mechanics, and organization with 2-3 errors in the following: spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, and punctuation; logical sequence of content; and use of complete sentences.

6 pts


Developing grammar, mechanics, and organization with more than 3 errors in the following: spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, and punctuation; logical sequence of content; and use of complete sentences.

0 pts


Very poor grammar, mechanics, and organization is present where paper is difficult to understand. OR No Assignment submitted.
10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format for Page Setup, In-Text Citations, and References

10 pts


Excellent presentation clearly adheres to APA formatting. APA format represents scholarly work with no errors: Presentation consistently presents APA style. • Citations and the sources on the reference page match. • There is consistent presence of correctly formatted APA in-text citations. • Correct APA formatting on the reference page.

8 pts


Effective presentation adheres to APA formatting listed in the excellent column with 1 to 2 errors.

6 pts


Developing presentation adheres to APA formatting listed in the excellent column with 3 to 5 errors.

0 pts


The presentation adheres to APA formatting with greater than 5 errors. OR Does not adhere to APA formatting.

10 pts

Total Points: 100


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