NRS 433V Assignment: Qualitative Studies

NRS 433V Assignment: Qualitative Studies

NRS 433V Assignment: Qualitative Studies

Bradley, S., Kamwendo, F., Chipeta, E., Chimwaza, W., de Pinho, H., & McAuliffe, E. (2015). Too few staff, too many patients: a qualitative study of the impact on obstetric care providers and on quality of care in Malawi. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 15(1), 65.

Background of Study

This article is about the shortage of staff in Malawi which has had a significant and negative impact on maternal outcomes. The shortage of staff has also led to a decrease in the ability of health systems to maintain readiness in hospitals. The human resources for health in Malawi is severe. The most impact issue in nursing facilities is shortage of skilled nursing staff, there is no timely provision and quality obstetric care and this has affected the maternal and neonatal outcomes. Shortage of nursing is a major problem in Malawi. In addition to that, it is a major problem that has led to poor outcomes for laboring women . In addition to that, the lack of sufficient skilled staff plays a crucial role in the phases of delays. One of the delays is in receiving timely and appropriate care in reaching a health facility. This delay is caused by having few skilled staff and equipment shortages. Therefore, this is an indication that this problem is not only due to a few skilled staff but also equipment shortages.


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This qualitative study is significant as it supports the truth of what hospitals are facing and how it impacts patients. For this case, this study provides clearly the problem of having too few skilled staff in hospitals and how this has affected the quality of care provided . The main objective of this research is to wide apart the evidence on the base of the effectiveness of the use of mid-level health staff in emergency obstetric and neonatal care and to identify the factors that would optimize the retention of these cadres and support their performance. In addition to that, it reveals the difficult circumstances in which the maternity staff operate in and the problem faced by maternity patients. The objective is to understand the situation faced by health workers and how this impacts the quality of care for Malawi’s women. The research question of this study is; what is the impact of a few staff on patient care ?


How does this article support the nurse practice issue you chose?

This article will help in answering my PICOT question which is “How has staff shortage in nursing levels impacted nurse to patient ratios, patient safety, and quality of care in the last two years?” since it will provide more information on the impact of few staff on the quality of care. The interventions and comparisons groups I identified and those in this study compare as they are both about the patient quality care and the percentage of the ratio of the patient affected.

Method of Study

The method used in this study is the interview. The second article has used literature research review of case studies. They both are different as the second article has majorly used secondary information from past studies done while the second article has used first-hand information.

The method identified in this study is the interview. The benefit of this study is that it is useful in collecting detailed information on personal feelings, perceptions, and opinions. The limitation is that it can be time-consuming to set up, interview, transcribe, analyze, feedback and report.

Results of Study

After conducting severals interviews, it was evident that concerns on staff shortages and workload are the key factors for over 40% of staff who stated their intent to leave their current post and about two-thirds of the remaining health workers who were interviewed. The main themes of this study were; too few staff, lack of clinical doctors, too many patients, inadequate obstetric skills, professionalism, and performance undermine, and physical and psychological consequences for staff. NRS-433V Qualitative Studies Assignment

This study will help educate about the problem and create new strategies for the problem faced.

Ethical Considerations

The first ethical consideration is informed consent. A patient’s right to autonomy is protected. The second is beneficence which means that the research should be beneficial and not harm. The researcher has considered these ethical considerations as the research is beneficial as it provides the state of Malawi hospitals due to the shortage of nursing. What about the right of humans to protected research information, and the principle of justice? How were they protected from retaliation?

Article 2

Cox, P., Willis, W. K., & Coustasse, A. (2014). The American epidemic: The US nursing shortage and turnover problem.

Background of Study

The problem being researched in this study is the shortage of nurses in the U.S and turnover problem. It discusses the expected need for Registered Nurses (RN’s) which will rise from 2,737,400 to 3,449,300. This is an increase of 26%. Therefore, this is an indication that there is a need for nurses as there is a decreasing rate of Registered Nurses in the U.S.

The significance of this research is that it evaluates the problems and assesses how the nursing shortage affects the quality of care. The main porpoise of this research was to find the root problems of nursing turnover and, to assess what factors are driving the nursing shortage issue facing the U.S. In addition to that, the objective is to determine the root problems of nursing turnover and, to assess what factors are driving the nursing shortage issue facing the U.S. Lastly, the research question of this study is; what are the bases of where the main nursing problem, mentioned before, was born and what factors drive the nursing shortage issue facing the U.S.?

How does this article support the nurse practice issue you chose?

The nurse practice issue that I chose is staff shortage in nursing. This article will answer my PICOT question which is “How has staff shortage in nursing levels impacted nurse to patient ratios, patient safety, and quality of care in the last two years?” since it will provide in-depth knowledge about what leads to the nursing shortage. The interventions and comparisons groups I identified and those in this study compare as they both state about the quality of care towards patients and the ratios of quality of care.

Method of Study

The method used in this article is a literature research review of case studies . The first article used is an interview. The difference between the two is that an interview is a face to face method of data collection as compared to the review of case studies.

The benefit of case studies is that it allows a lot of detail to be collected. It provides a lot of richer and greater depth information. Its limitation is that some case studies may not be scientific.

Results of Study

The finding of this study is that there is a positive correlation between nursing shortage and turnover of nurses in health care organizations. Some of the factors that have led to turnover hence overall nursing shortage problem facing the U.S. include; aging nurses, patient demographics, salaries, and lack of experience among others.

The implication of this study is that from the past case studies used, it is evident that nursing shortage has been a major problem for a long time and hence there is a need to understanding this growing problem and come up with a solution to it.

Ethical Considerations

The first ethical consideration is beneficence which gives a professional mandate to do effective and significant research. The second consideration is respect for anonymity and confidentiality. The researcher has taken these ethical considerations into account as the research undertaken serves and discusses the problem faced – please elaborate on how this was done . Additionally, the researcher used a review of the case study and not through an interview.



Bradley, S., Kamwendo, F., Chipeta, E., Chimwaza, W., de Pinho, H., & McAuliffe, E. (2015). Too few staff, too many patients: a qualitative study of the impact on obstetric care providers and on quality of care in Malawi. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 15(1), 65.

Cox, P., Willis, W. K., & Coustasse, A. (2014). The American epidemic: The US nursing shortage and turnover problem – please complete the publication information here and format according to APA 6th edition too. NRS-433V Qualitative Studies Assignment

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