NURS 4040 Assessment 4: Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators

NURS 4040 Assessment 4: Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators

NURS 4040 Assessment 4: Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators

As you begin to prepare this assessment you are encouraged to complete the Conabedian Quality Assessment Framework activity. Quality health care delivery requires systematic action. Completion of this will help you succeed with the assessment as you consider how the triad of structure (such as the hospital, clinic, provider qualifications/organizational characteristics) and process (such as the delivery/coordination/education/protocols/practice style or standard of care) may be modified to achieve quality outcomes.


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The American Nursing Association (ANA) established the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI®) in 1998 to track and report on quality indicators heavily influenced by nursing action.
NDNQI® was established as a standardized approach to evaluating nursing performance in relation to patient outcomes. It provides a database and quality measurement program to track clinical performance and to compare nursing quality measures against other hospital data at the national, regional, and state levels. Nursing-sensitive quality indicators help establish evidence-based practice guidelines in the inpatient and outpatient settings to enhance quality care outcomes and initiate quality improvement educational programs, outreach, and protocol development.
The quality indicators the NDNQI® monitors are organized into three categories: structure, process, and outcome. Theorist Avedis Donabedian first identified these categories. Donabedian’s theory of quality health care focused on the links between quality outcomes and the structures and processes of care (Grove et al., 2018).
Nurses must be knowledgeable about the indicators their workplaces monitor. Some nurses deliver direct patient care that leads to a monitored outcome. Other nurses may be involved in data collection and analysis. In addition, monitoring organizations, including managed care entities, exist to gather data from individual organizations to analyze overall industry quality. All of these roles are important to advance quality and safety outcomes.
The focus of Assessment 4 is on how informatics support monitoring of nursing-sensitive quality indicator data. You will develop an 8–10 minute audio (or video) training module to orient new nurses in a workplace to a single nursing-sensitive quality indicator critical to the organization. Your recording will address how data are collected and disseminated across the organization along with the nurses’ role in supporting accurate reporting and high quality results.
Grove, S. K., Gray, J. R., Jay, G. W., Jay, H. M., & Burns, N. (2018). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based practice (7th ed.). Elsevier.
This assessment requires you to prepare an 8–10 minute audio training tutorial (with optional video) for new nurses on the importance of nursing-sensitive quality indicators. To successfully prepare for your assessment, you will need to complete the following preparatory activities:
• Select a single nursing-sensitive quality indicator that you see as important to a selected type of health care system. Choose from the following list:
o Staffing measures.
o Nursing hours per patient day.
o RN education/certification.
o Skill mix.
o Nurse turnover.
o Nursing care hours in emergency departments, perioperative units, and perinatal units.
o Skill mix in emergency departments, perioperative units, and perinatal units.
o Quality measures.
o Patient falls.
o Patient falls with injury.
o Pressure ulcer prevalence.
o Health care-associated infections.
o Catheter-associated urinary tract infection.
o Central line catheter associated blood stream infection.
o Ventilator-associated pneumonia.
o Ventilator- associated events.
o Psychiatric physical/sexual assault rate.
o Restraint prevalence.
o Pediatric peripheral intravenous infiltration rate.
o Pediatric pain assessment, intervention, reassessment (air) cycle.
o Falls in ambulatory settings.
o Pressure ulcer incidence rates from electronic health records.
o Hospital readmission rates.
o RN satisfaction survey options.
o Job satisfaction scales.
o Job satisfaction scales – short form.
o Practice environment scale.
• Conduct independent research on the most current information about the selected nursing-sensitive quality indicator.
• Interview a professional colleague or contact who is familiar with quality monitoring and how technology can help to collect and report quality indicator data. You do not need to submit the transcript of your conversation, but do integrate what you learned from the interview into the audio tutorial. Consider these questions for your interview:
o What is your experience with collecting data and entering it into a database?
o What challenges have you experienced?
o How does your organization share with the nursing staff and other members of the health care system the quality improvement monitoring results?
o What role do bedside nurses and other frontline staff have in entering the data? For example, do staff members enter the information into an electronic medical record for extraction? Or do they enter it into another system? How effective is this process?
• Watch the Informatics and Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators Video Exemplar.
Recording Your Presentation
To prepare to record the audio for your presentation, complete the following:
• Set up and test your microphone or headset using the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer. You only need to use the headset if your audio is not clear and high quality when captured by the microphone.
• Practice using the equipment to ensure the audio quality is sufficient.
• Review the for Kaltura to record your presentation.
• View Creating a Presentation: A Guide to Writing and Speaking. This video addresses the primary areas involved in creating effective audiovisual presentations. You can return to this resource throughout the process of creating your presentation to view the tutorial appropriate for you at each stage.
• You may use other tools to record your tutorial. You will, however, need to consult Using Kaltura for instructions on how to upload your audio-recorded tutorial into the courseroom, or you must provide a working link your instructor can easily access.
• You may also choose to create a video of your tutorial, but this is not required.
• If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact to request accommodations.
For this assessment, imagine you are a member of a Quality Improvement Council at any type of health care system, whether acute, ambulatory, home health, managed care, et cetera. Your Council has identified that newly hired nurses would benefit from comprehensive training on the importance of nursing-sensitive quality indicators. The Council would like the training to address how this information is collected and disseminated across the organization. It would also like the training to describe the role nurses have in accurate reporting and high-quality results.
The Council indicates a recording is preferable to a written fact sheet due to the popularity of audio blogs. In this way, new hires can listen to the tutorial on their own time using their phone or other device.
As a result of this need, you offer to create an audio tutorial orienting new hires to these topics. You know that you will need a script to guide your audio recording. You also plan to incorporate into your script the insights you learned from conducting an interview with an authority on quality monitoring and the use of technology to collect and report quality indicator data.
You determine that you will cover the following topics in your audio tutorial script:
Introduction: Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicator
• What is the National Database of Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators?
• What are nursing-sensitive quality indicators?
• Which particular quality indicator did you select to address in your tutorial?
• Why is this quality indicator important to monitor?
o Be sure to address the impact of this indicator on the quality of care and patient safety.
• Why do new nurses need to be familiar with this particular quality indicator when providing patient care?
Collection and Distribution of Quality Indicator Data
• According to your interview and other resources, how does your organization collect data on this quality indicator?
• How does the organization disseminate aggregate data?
• What role do nurses play in supporting accurate reporting and high-quality results?
o As an example, consider the importance of accurately entering data regarding nursing interventions.
After completing your script, practice delivering your tutorial several times before recording it.
Additional Requirements
• Audio communication: Deliver a professional, effective audio tutorial on a selected quality indicator that engages new nurses and motivates them to accurately report quality data in a timely fashion.
• Length: 8–10 minute audio recording. Use Kaltura to upload your recording to the courseroom, or provide a working link your instructor can access.
• Script: A separate document with the script or speaker’s notes is required. Important: Submissions that do not include the script or speaker’s notes will be returned as a non-performance.
• References: Cite a minimum of three scholarly and/or authoritative sources.
• APA: Submit, along with the recording, a separate reference page that follows APA style and formatting guidelines. For an APA refresher, consult the Evidence and APA page on Campus.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
• Competency 1: Describe nurses’ and the interdisciplinary team’s role in informatics with a focus on electronic health information and patient care technology to support decision making.
o Describe the interdisciplinary team’s role in collecting and reporting quality indicator data to enhance patient safety, patient care outcomes, and organizational performance reports.
• Competency 3: Evaluate the impact of patient care technologies on desired outcomes.
o Explain how a health care organization uses nursing-sensitive quality indicators to enhance patient safety, patient care outcomes, and organizational performance reports.
• Competency 4: Recommend the use of a technology to enhance quality and safety standards for patients.
o Justify how a nursing-sensitive quality indicator establishes evidence-based practice guidelines for nurses to follow when using patient care technologies to enhance patient safety, satisfaction, and outcomes.
• Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication to facilitate use of health information and patient care technologies.
o Deliver a professional, effective audio tutorial on a selected quality indicator that engages new nurses and motivates them to accurately report quality data in a timely fashion.
o Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.


Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators

            Nurses significantly contribute to quality patient care and positive health outcome in clinical settings. To monitor nurses’ impact on the quality of healthcare and patient outcomes, the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) was established in 1998 by the American Nursing Association (ANA). NDNQI became a standard measure for assessing nursing performance based on patient outcomes. National organizations such as the Joint Commission (JC) use the quality measurement program to monitor healthcare organizations’ clinical performance. Additionally, the established measures compare nursing quality indicators to other healthcare organizations’ data or established state, regional, or national benchmark standards. Additionally, the Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicator guide national organizations in establishing evidence-based practice guidelines, improving the quality of care and health outcomes in the inpatient and outpatient units. This paper presents the selected Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicator, namely nurses’ job satisfaction and strategies for collecting and distributing quality indicator data.

Introduction: Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicator

The National Database of Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators

            The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) is a national nursing database that the ANA established to provide quarterly and annual reports concerning the processes, structure, and outcome indicators, facilitating the evaluation of nursing care at the unit level. Additionally, NDNQI compares medical facilities’ quality data attributed to nursing actions to other healthcare organizations and state, regional, and national quality standards. Therefore, NDNQI significantly improves the quality of patient care in inpatient and outpatient units.

Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators

            Nursing-sensitive quality indicators (NSQI) were introduced as a standard measure for assessing the effectiveness of healthcare services provided to patients in clinical settings. According to Alharbi et al. (2021), nursing-sensitive quality indicators are numerical measures that provide national organizations with a basis for quantifying the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of nursing care and organization performance. Additionally, Afaneh et al. (2021) defined NSQI as the collection of data for assessing the impact of nursing outcomes on a health care system or quality of patient care. NSQI also provides patients with standardized nursing care (Afaneh et al., 2021). Thus, NSQI evaluates the effectiveness of nursing care provided to patients in a specific area. NSQI is categorized into process, structural, and outcome indicators.

Quality Indicator Selected for the Tutorial

      The quality indicator selected for this tutorial is nurses’ job satisfaction. This indicator reflects the extent to which nurses are satisfied with their job.

Why is it Important to Monitor Nurses’ Job Satisfaction?

            Nurses’ job satisfaction was preferred due to its direct impact on the quality of care and patient. According to Farman et al. (2017), the nature of healthcare services nurses provides to their patients significantly depend on nurses’ job satisfaction. The quality of care is influenced by various aspects of nurses’ job satisfaction, including working environment, stress level, recognition and compensation, nurse-patient ratio, and nurses’ working hours. Therefore, policymakers and healthcare organizations’ administrators should focus on improving various areas influencing nurses’ job satisfaction. For instance, healthcare organizations should ensure appropriate nurse staffing, resulting in the recommended nurse-staffing ratio and working hours, preventing nurses from fatigue, burnout, and work-related stress. According to Dall’Ora et al. (2020), fatigue and work-related distress among nurses significantly contribute to poor-quality care and patient safety issues, including hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), medication errors, and patient falls. On the contrary, an appropriate nurse-staffing ratio and favorable working hours result in high-quality and safe patient care. Hence, healthcare organizations.

Significance of Familiarizing Nurses with a particular Quality Indicator when Providing Patient Care

            Nurse quality indicators significantly influence nurses’ performance, impacting the quality of care and patient safety. Nurses ensure that the quality of care provided to the patients aligns with the organization’s quality standards and established state, regional, and national quality and performance benchmarks. Failure to comply with these guidelines might result in disciplinary actions, including one’s license being revoked. Therefore, nurses should be familiarized with a particular quality indicator to prevent quality and patient safety issues that might arise from non-compliance. For instance, nurses should be familiarized with catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) to prevent adverse outcomes associated with CAUTIs, including prolonged stay and high cost of care. The high rate of CAUTIs in the US imposes a substantial financial burden on individuals and the United States healthcare system due to costly treatment for CAUTIs (Hollenbeak & Schilling, 2018). Additionally, Hollenbeak and Schilling (2018) reported that approximately $1,000 is spent on treating CAUTI. Therefore, familiarizing nurses with CAUTIs would prevent huge expenses incurred in treating CAUTIs in healthcare organizations.

Collection and Distribution of Nurses’ Job Satisfaction Data

How would the Organization Collect Data on Nurses’ Job Satisfaction?

Healthcare organizations use various instruments in collecting nurses’ job satisfaction data. First, the hospital uses structured interviews to collect nurses’ job satisfaction data. The hospital also uses the Anxiety-Stress Questionnaire to evaluate job-related stress among nurses. Michigan Organizational Assessment Questionnaire is also used to evaluate nurses’ resigning intention. Furthermore, the hospital uses the Index of Work Satisfaction to evaluate job satisfaction among nurses. According to Ahmad et al. (2017), the Index of Work Satisfaction is the most common tool for assessing nurses’ job satisfaction due to its superior results. Most interviewed nurses reported preferring the Index of Work Satisfaction over other tools in assessing nurses’ job satisfaction. This tool is highly reliable and valid, aligning the measure with nurses’ qualities being evaluated. Nurses added that job satisfaction evaluation should be a continuous process due to changes in job aspects that influence nurses’ job satisfaction. Healthcare organizations’ management should aim at maintaining high nurses’ job satisfaction. Thus, measures for improving working conditions and other factors influencing nurses’ job satisfaction should be adopted if nurses’ job satisfaction is relatively low. Improving nurses’ job satisfaction will result in high quality and safe patient care, leading to positive health outcomes.

Disseminating Aggregate Data in the Organization

            The healthcare organization uses an information system to share nurses’ job satisfaction data across various units. Administrators and unit managers analyze the shared data to understand the level of job satisfaction among nurses in the healthcare organization. This information is essential since nurses’ job satisfaction determines their performance, influencing the quality of care and patient safety. Hence, the management of various units should focus on improving working conditions if job dissatisfaction is reported in their respective units. Enhancing nurses’ job satisfaction then improves the quality and safety of patient care, resulting in positive health outcomes and patient experience. Patients tend to seek healthcare services from the unit in the future or give referrals once they are satisfied with the healthcare services provided to them.

Nurses’ Contribution to Reporting High-Quality Results

            The selected quality indicator, nurses’ job satisfaction, directly impacts the nurses. Thus, the accuracy of reported data significantly depends on the information provided by nurses concerning their workplace environment and its impact on their job satisfaction. For instance, nurses correctly document data regarding nursing interventions utilized in a particular unit in the organization and how they impact their job satisfaction. The management then relies on this data in reporting nurses’ job satisfaction levels, leading to high-quality results.


            Nurses significantly impact the quality and safety of patient care in healthcare organizations. Thus, nurses should consider quality indicators in their respective clinical settings to positively impact the quality and safety of patient care. However, their job satisfaction significantly influences nurses’ performance and capacity to provide high-quality and safe patient care. Healthcare organizations utilize various tools, including the Anxiety-Stress Questionnaire, Michigan Organizational Assessment Questionnaire, and Index of Work Satisfaction, to evaluate job satisfaction among nurses working in various units. Management of various unit then implement strategies for improving nurses’ job satisfaction based on evaluation results, which leads to high-quality and safe patient care.


Afaneh, T., Abu-Moghli, F., & Ahmad, M. (2021). Nursing-sensitive indicators: A concept analysis. Nursing Management, 28(3).

Ahmad, N., Oranye, N. O., & Danilov, A. (2017). Rasch analysis of Stamps’ Index of Work Satisfaction in nursing population. Nursing open, 4(1), 32-40.

Alharbi, J., Jackson, D., & Usher, K. (2020). Compassion fatigue in critical care nurses and its impact on nurse-sensitive indicators in Saudi Arabian hospitals. Australian Critical Care, 33(6), 553-559.

Dall’Ora, C., Ball, J., Reinius, M., & Griffiths, P. (2020). Burnout in nursing: a theoretical review. Human resources for health, 18(1), 1-17.

Farman, A., Kousar, R., Hussain, M., Waqas, A., & Gillani, S. A. (2017). Impact of job satisfaction on the quality of care among nurses in the public hospital of Lahore, Pakistan. Saudi J Med Pharm Sci, 3(6A), 511-9.

Hollenbeak, C. S., & Schilling, A. L. (2018). The attributable cost of catheter-associated urinary tract infections in the United States: A systematic review. American journal of infection control, 46(7), 751-757.

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