Promoting A Healthy Self-Esteem Essay Paper

Promoting A Healthy Self-Esteem Essay Paper

Promoting A Healthy Self-Esteem Essay Paper

Let’s suppose you have just started working in a long-term care facility, as a nurse, and you have a client who has been living there for several years. He/she does not want to participate in any activities, only comes out of their room for meals, walks a bit hunched over with a cane, is not well groomed, and does not seem to have made any true friendships with the other residents. This person can be male or female and seems to be angry most of the time when interacting with others.Promoting A Healthy Self-Esteem Essay Paper

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How would you go about establishing a rapport with this person? If the client accepts you, what questions would you ask him/her in order to identify the reasons for why they do not participate in activities and what did the client tell you? Depending on their answer, do you think they suffer from low self-esteem, disturbed body image, fears of some kind, anxiety, or hopelessness? Finally, list several interventions you would find in the care plan that could help this person to gain happiness in life and why they may be helpful.Promoting A Healthy Self-Esteem Essay Paper

Importance of Self-Esteem
Self- esteem is an important part of life. Without strong self-esteem we are not at our full potential. We need strong self-esteem to have the confidence to do many tasks. The way others perceive us has an effect on our self-esteem as well as how we perceive ourselves. In order to have good self-esteem, we need others to be encouraging and communicate in a positive way. We also need to build our own self-esteem by realizing we need to be our self, not what others necessarily think we should be. Negativity from others only lowers our self-esteem and makes us less confident.

We need confidence in order to communicate well with others. As I ponder on my self-esteem, I feel I am very confident in most areas but really lacking in others. An area that my self-esteem is lacking is speaking in front of a group of people or having a conversation with someone who is not very talkative.Promoting A Healthy Self-Esteem Essay Paper

I am normally a very talkative person but when it comes to communicating in the two situations mentioned above, my confidence goes out the window, so to speak. A perfect example of my problem is an Art class I recently took.

My assignment was to do a painting by a certain artist and a presentation board on the artist. I was to get in front of my class and do a three to four minute presentation on the artist. I was very anxious from the day I received the assignment until the assignment was finished. Three or four minutes in front of a group of people seemed a life time to me because I do not have confidence when it comes to speaking in front of a group of people I know, much less a group of strangers. I felt I had done my best and my work was good. I felt like I had an A on the project but the anxiety would not go away.Promoting A Healthy Self-Esteem Essay Paper

When I entered class the day of my presentation, I was shaking like a leaf. When my name was called to do my presentation matters only got worse. I got in front of class and forgot what I wanted to say, which did not matter because I could barely speak. Thank goodness, my art instructor started raving about how well I had done on the painting and the presentation board about a minute into the presentation. He said I did so well I did not have to talk about it; otherwise I would have had problems getting through the presentation. I received an A for the project.

I was teased by classmates that I was the instructor’s pet because he kept on and on about how good my work was during the semester. I had to do this one more time in that class and tried to convince myself it was no big deal and I had obviously done a great job according to my instructor, but it was not any easier the second time around. Having the confidence to speak in front of others is an obstacle that I cannot seem to overcome. Being able to communicate well helps one to build self-esteem. I feel my problem with lack of confidence when speaking or communicating is due to lack of communicating and voicing my opinion at a younger age.Promoting A Healthy Self-Esteem Essay Paper

At the time I was growing up, youngsters were not expected to give their opinions to their peers. My grandfather felt children should not give their opinion on any subject. Also, during school age, certain school mates thought they were better than others and made fun of anything the ones who were not in their group said or did, so I did not say much hoping that would stop the negative remarks. I feel their goal was to make students who were less fortunate feel less of a person, as well as to boost their egos.

In Psychology Self Esteem is described as the Value or the level of Self Worth that one associates with him/her self. It is viewed as a resolute and enduring characteristic which often leads to the conclusion that it is a set Personality Trait. Self Esteem usually involves positive or negative recognizance of one’s belief’s, attitude, behaviour, emotions and physical appearance. Many teenagers from every culture, socio-economic background country or community suffer with Esteem issues. The main goal behind this Research is to have a new and to some extent, more professional understanding of the Causes and Effects of a Low Self Esteem on young adults.Promoting A Healthy Self-Esteem Essay Paper

Importance of Self-Esteem
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Self- esteem is an important part of life. Without strong self-esteem we are not at our full potential. We need strong self-esteem to have the confidence to do many tasks. The way others perceive us has an effect on our self-esteem as well as how we perceive ourselves. In order to have good self-esteem, we need others to be encouraging and communicate in a positive way. We also need to build our own self-esteem by realizing we need to be our self, not what others necessarily think we should be. Negativity from others only lowers our self-esteem and makes us less confident. We need confidence in order to communicate well with others. Promoting A Healthy Self-Esteem Essay Paper As I ponder on my self-esteem, I feel I am very confident in most areas but really lacking in others. An area that my self-esteem is lacking is speaking in front of a group of people or having a conversation with someone who is not very talkative. I am normally a very talkative person but when it comes to communicating in the two situations mentioned above, my confidence goes out the window, so to speak. A perfect example of my problem is an Art class I recently took. My assignment was to do a painting by a certain artist and a presentation board on the artist. I was to get in front of my class and do a three to four minute presentation on the artist. I was very anxious from the day I received the assignment until the assignment was finished. Three or four minutes in front of a group of people seemed a life time to me because I do not have confidence when it comes to speaking in front of a group of people I know, much less a group of strangers. I felt I had done my best and my work was good. I felt like I had an A on the project but the anxiety would not go away.

The lack of using proper speech also plays a part in my lack of confidence when talking to groups who I feel expects me to speak properly. I have heard many comments on how people in this area of Kentucky talk. Some say they love to hear us talk. The comments are not necessarily meant to be negative, more so teasing, but they are stuck in my mind when communicating with others who speak in a proper manner. I feel the lack of being encouraged and communicated to positively when speaking plays a role in my low self-esteem when communicating with others.Promoting A Healthy Self-Esteem Essay Paper

Narcissism in the younger generations is at an all-time high. This means that the younger generation is less caring, less civil minded, and more likely to cheat (Twenge, 2014, p. 98,100). They may even be more likely to commit mass shootings (p. 99). Narcissism can be defined as excessively high self-esteem (Twenge, 2014, p. 92). What has caused high rates of narcissism in Generation Me? There is a multitude of factors, but most prominent are the deterioration of community values, childhood self-esteem boosting, and our society’s fear of low self-esteem. The first step in solving this issue is helping raise awareness that it is an issue. Most often narcissism is seen as normal or even humorous. It is something that we don’t take seriously and we tend to avoid narcissistic people rather than trying to prevent them from becoming narcissistic. Everyone knows what narcissism is and what generally causes it, but it is rarely seen as a serious issue. However, we could not survive if everyone in this country was a narcissist. Organizations and companies would fall apart as people did things to make themselves happy rather than to serve others. Promoting A Healthy Self-Esteem Essay Paper People would die because being a quality caregiver means putting someone else’s needs before your own. People who are dependent on others to survive would not make it.

Amy Sanborn Professor Matthew Mills BU 110 25 October 2016 The Importance of Self-Esteem It is often said that if an individual wishes to succeed in life they must have confidence. That in order to handle difficult situations it is confidence that will see them through. But what if that’s wrong? What if there was a lesser known, subtly more powerful force that would allow an individual to succeed and be resilient to those difficult situations? Often confused with confidence, it is self-esteem that is a powerful mechanism affecting mental well-being, resiliency, and physical health. However, before understanding how self-esteem effects humans it is important to differentiate it from its oft confused cousin: confidence. In order to understand the importance of self-esteem it is necessary to establish a basis. Both definitions that are hereby given were extracted from the Psychology Dictionary in order to maintain consistency. Therefore to begin, self-confidence is the varying levels of trust we place in our skills, reasoning, and capacity. For example: David has high self-confidence in his ability to complete the task at hand though he’s never experienced the task before. The example illustrates that David doesn’t need confidence in himself nor in his self-image, but in tangible assets of skill, capacity, and reasoning.Promoting A Healthy Self-Esteem Essay Paper

This paper is about the impact of self-esteem on daily life. The more negative thoughts and feelings you have about yourself, the lower your self-esteem. People with low self-esteem often have little confidence in their abilities and question their self-worth. A common scenario, which exemplifies a lack of self-esteem, features college students who say, “It won’t do any good to study. I won’t make a good grade anyway.” These students think they are doomed to failure because of poor performance in the past or their current fears of failure. Consequently, their lack of self-confidence results in passivity with little or no effort to establish goals. Even when they do make worthwhile accomplishments, these students perceive that
Children growing into adulthood need to feel they are trusted to make decisions on their own. Individuality plays a major role in this growth area in self-esteem. A good question to ask your self in this area is, how do you feel when you are not trusted? Do you feel you have a high or low self-esteem when faced with distrust? Children do not feel a high sense of self-esteem either when not trusted. Working with children in sports events gives you a sense of how children develop their self-esteems. Children play sports in most cases harder then adults do.Promoting A Healthy Self-Esteem Essay Paper  Every event of the games they perform helps them build or damage self-esteem. The best way to make a positive out of this method is to make them feel good on accomplishments and greater on errors. Children need assistance when they do make errors. If all they see is that they failed and blame is left on them then they are failures inside. If they see they failed and words of encouragement are left in their head, they will try harder when faced with same mistake. The best way to develop self-esteem in children is to be an active role in their life for the rest of their lives
Bullying is being mean to someone else over and over again in different ways, such as teasing them, physically hurting them, or spreading rumors about them. Being bullied can often leave the victim wondering what causes the bully to be so mean. Having power, wanting popularity, and having family issues are three causes of bullying.
One cause for bullying is having power. One reason why a bully likes having more power is because they have low self-esteem. Since the bully has low self-esteem they will tend to act out more to get some sort of recognition in proving to themselves and others that they can do something. When a bully has low self-esteem they feel that they are not good enough and so they to try to help themselves out by putting other people down so they are not on the bottom of the totem pole anymore. If the bully has low self-esteem they might not be able to regulate their emotions. For example, many bullies struggle with self-esteem due to the fact that they are being bullied as well. They may have an older classmate, sibling, or parent that make them feel inferior and less equal. Instead of confronting their bully, they create their own victim to release the anger and frustration they get from others. When people get frustrated and angry, they can usually stop themselves from doing things that will hurt others. When kids don’t have the ability to regulate their emotions, small annoyances can provoke them and cause them to severely overreact. For example, a child may be innocently walking down the hall and accidentally bump into a bully. Even though the child apologizes, the bully may lose his temper and slam the victim into the wall. Promoting A Healthy Self-Esteem Essay Paper

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