DNP 801-Complementary and Alternative Strategies Assignment 4

DNP 801-Complementary and Alternative Strategies Assignment 4

DNP 801-Complementary and Alternative Strategies Assignment 4

ORDER NOW FOR AN ORIGINAL PAPER!!! DNP 801-Complementary and Alternative Strategies Assignment 4 .  

This presentation case study is covering the content in Unit 3 of Edelman, Kudzama, & Mandle (2018). Include the following:
Screening [Immunizations are to be addressed explicitly-ie. up to date- and define, or not up to date- management]
Health Education
Nutrition Counseling for Health Promotion
Stress Management
Complementary and Alternative Strategies.
Incorporate the application of a mobile app either by practitioner or population (ie, use of CDC Immunization App to reference Catch Up Schedule, or Fitbit© App and mobile technology for fitness tracking).
Presentation criteria:
Work within your group to develop the project
9-10 slides with speaker notes
10 minute Voice Over PPT presentation to be uploaded by one member of the group.
Required Textbook and Readings
Edelman, C. L., & Kudzma, E. C.. (2018). Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span, 9th edition. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, Mosby. ISBN: 978-0-323-416733

Mrs. Little is a 72 year old Hispanic female who presents to the clinic for an annual exam. She reports she has done well since her last visit. States she only checks her blood sugar twice a week, when she remembers. Has not been following her diabetic diet for the last few months. She denies any other issues.

Allergies: Strawberries, NKDA

Current medications: Metformin 1000mg bid, Amaryl 2 mg daily, Lisinopril 10mg daily

PMH: Diabetes, Hypertension

PSH: Hysterectomy, Rt Wrist surgery after MVA

Social: Tobacco: quit 2002, Denies alcohol or illegal drug use. Retired since 2015, worked as a bank teller.

Immunizations: Flu shot 9/2019

Family: Father: died at 92 of natural causes, Mother: died at 80 of stroke



HEENT: Denies any headache, nasal congestion, ear pain. Does report blurry vision at times

Cardiovascular: Denies chest pain

Respiratory: Denies any SOB, DOE, orthnopenia

GI: Denies any abdominal pain.

GU: Denies any painful urination, urgency, hesitancy

Musculoskeletal: Reports some knee pain with bending, walking long distances. Denies any swelling or redness

Neurological: Denies

Psychiatric: Denies suidicial ideations, depression. Does report difficulty falling asleep

Endocrine: Reports she has gained 15 pounds over the last year.

Hematologic/ Lymphatic: Denies any bruising


Vital signs: Ht: 62, Wt: 198, BP 166/82, HR 84, Resp: 16, SaO2: 96%

Constitutional: Well developed, overweight female

HEENT: Oropharynx pink, moist, no lesions or exudate. Tonsils 1+ bilaterally. Teeth with dental cavities noted. Tongue smooth, pink, no lesions, protrudes in midline. Neck supple. No cervical lymphadenopathy or tenderness noted. Thyroid midline, small and firm without palpable masses

Cardiovascular: RRR, No murmurs or rubs noted. No peripheral edema noted

Respiratory: Clear bilaterally all fields.

GI: Abdomen round, soft, with bowel sounds noted in all four quadrants. No organo-megaly noted.

GU: Deferred

Musceloskeletal: Heberden and Bouchard nodes noted to bil hands.

Integrementary: Skin warm and dry, No rashes noted

Neuro: Follows commands without difficulty

ORDER NOW FOR AN ORIGINAL PAPER!!! DNP 801-Complementary and Alternative Strategies Assignment 4 .  

Working with your group, utilize the above case study a, develop a Voice Over PowerPoint presentation for your patient covering the covering problems identified and the content in Unit 3 of Edelman, Kudzama, & Mandle (2018). Include the following:

· Screening [Immunizations are to be addressed explicitly-ie. up to date- and define, or not up to date- management]

· Health Education

· Nutrition Counseling for Health Promotion

· Exercise

· Stress Management

· Complementary and Alternative Strategies.

· Incorporate the application of a mobile app either by practitioner or population (ie, use of CDC Immunization App to reference Catch Up Schedule, or Fitbit© App and mobile technology for fitness tracking).

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